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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    Just for the Fun of it

    Jackson might qualify as the biggest RACIST SCUM on the planet. Do us all a favor Reverend ... go drown yourself.
  2. sjvcon


    What a joke.
  3. See that ... alls well that ends well. CWT members can play nice. Too bad many "hunters" don't have your attitudes and ethics.
  4. sjvcon

    Binos, Good,Ok,dont bother

    I was in the market for Swaro's and my AC crapped out. Had about $900 to spend. Looked through Kaibab's figuring to put the rest on credit. Didn't feel right. Got Minox 25x58EDs for around $700. Great decision. Love 'em.
  5. I'm just wondering who said they shot a recurve with a WB? Wasn't me. Saw a guy spoil one with a TM Hunter once...I use a felt shelf. Truth is I thought about a drop away on my new rig. Reputable tuner on AT said if I never had issues with a WB before, why switch.?Good rest. Fool proof. What's not to like? Fact is that if one item has 51 mechanical parts and another has 50, which has the statistically greater chance to failvgiven equal maintenance?
  6. I just bought a bow from a guy regarded as one of the best "tuners" on Archery Talk. Spent a lot of money on it. When I asked him about rests, he asked what I shoot now and I told him a Whisker Biscuit. His response was "Great rest. Absolutely no downside to sticking with that, especially if you mostly use the bow to hunt with." Basically, the conversation that followed was that there is NO downside. Not enough speed loss to worry about. Not enough tuning issue to worry about ... even with a helical on the fletching, as that is the way the WB's are tested anyway. He is not the only one who has told me this. Yes ... I shoot a compound with LOTS of mechanical parts (I also shoot a recurve with none). But this is one less part to fail, and I never have to worry about an arrow dropping off the rest if my spot and stalk turns into a run full bore, stop quick and shoot.
  7. sjvcon


    McCain SUCKS!!!!!! PERIOD!!!!!
  8. sjvcon

    Leica LRF 800 rangefinder for sale

    Where are you located?
  9. Had a Mausersmith build a Custom on a JC Higgins Model 50, which uses a FN Mauser Action. Want to put a 20 MOA Base on it, and have asked the folks at Farrell if their FN Base works for this application. In case it does not, I know I can get an undrilled base. Any suggestions for who can accurately drill one of these for installation? I don't trust myself to try it.
  10. sjvcon

    Nikon Rangefinder

    Yeah ... no high hopes for that. We spent about an hour combing the area we hunted, but we could not find the exact trails we hiked in or out on. But maybe someone will stumble on it, or maybe someone found it along the road where we parked. Never know.
  11. sjvcon

    Nikon Rangefinder

    UP in 23 behind Workman's Creek I lost Monarch Rangefinder today. Our starting point was this location.
  12. sjvcon

    Florida Bus Beating

    You have more patience than I do. Good that he's losing his job.
  13. sjvcon

    Part of Obama Care?

    Ha ... good luck asking me those questions ... I've got a version of what DesertBull said that is a little more CRASS.
  14. sjvcon

    Florida Bus Beating

    To Liberals, whites deserve whatever crime is heaped on them by minorities. Case a few years back where a young white man and his white girlfriend were kidnapped by 5 blacks. Man was sodomized, raped, shot and set on fire. Girl was made to watch. Later, she was gang raped, scrubbed with bleach, had bleach poured down her throat, was bound, gagged and thrown in a dumpster where she slowly suffocated to death. Charges were filed, and sentences meted, but there is still a fight to reduce sentences. AND ... surprise ... there was no finding that RACE had anything to do with the crime. Where are Sharpton, Jackson and the Demander and Thief crying out for the Civil Rights violations here? Where is the media outrage? This country is run by lunatics. The news is reported by lunatics. If I were this kid, in about 5 or so years (spent training) I'd look up the punks who did this one by one and exact my pound of flesh. And if I were this kid's dad, I would look up the other kids dad's (if they have one) and teach them the folly of raising a Thug Kid. Not very Christian of me...I know. Can't really apologize for who I am ... the Good Lord saw fit to make me this way. Have to think it was for a reason.
  15. sjvcon

    Florida Bus Beating

    Sharpton, Jackson and Obama....the Three Stoogies. If the bus driver interviened they probably would have gone after him for violating those hoodlums civil rights.
  16. sjvcon

    The Crooks

    Yeah ... yet another example of the Holder/Obama Justice Department screwing private industry. Amazon just got X'd off my list. I am trying to shop more at Sam's than Costco now, knowing they are tied to the Dems.
  17. Listening to Mike Galleger this morning ... the Congress and the Executive Branch should ALL (or mostly all) be brought up on charges. Congress and their sraff had NOT been exempted from Obamacare via an amendment to the original Bill. Now Obama has exempted them (ILLEGALLY) to prevent HARDSHIP. Really tempted to add some cursewords in this post to describe these LOSERS. Unbelievable ... and the Libs complain about the "1%" ... how about the "535+2"?????
  18. sjvcon

    Should I buy a bow press?

    Make sure the one that TOBY has will work on a Split Limb for the Nuclear Ice. You probably need to push from the tips on that bow.
  19. sjvcon

    Should I buy a bow press?

    If you are mechanically inclined, get on www.archerytalk.com and go to the DIY section. There are some great threads on there about building your own press ... either inline or x-press. Most of the guys spend about $150 max on their creations, and they seem to work on just about everything. There are also some GREAT string builders on that site. 60X are supposed to be first rate strings. John's Custom Strings ... goes by the name Breathn. There are other guys on there too.
  20. sjvcon

    A Question about The Strip????

    Yeah ... that is a BIG BOY. I'd probably drop my rifle AND my jaw if I saw that guy close enough for a shot!!!!!!
  21. sjvcon

    Ruger Super Redhawk .44

    If that were a .454 I'd be all over it. Have the .44 Redhawk. Great price for the SRH.
  22. sjvcon

    Got a new Hoyt but..

    Seems to be a real consensus of experiences. Its a pity really. So easy to do customer service better.
  23. sjvcon

    vortex pst 6-24x50

    With a Lapua.....man I guess so. Nothing left but a red smear!!!!
  24. sjvcon

    A Question about The Strip????

    Yeah ... I don't remember what the guy called him ... but said there were hundreds of pictures of him on scout cameras at night. That buck looks smaller than I remembered, but if he's shrunk in the last couple of years that would make sense. I had heard that sometimes as bucks got past their prime years they could lose some of the mass and character ... guess that must be true.
  25. sjvcon

    A Question about The Strip????

    That was very true. Seems I recall one taken that year that scored 250 something ... was gonna hunt the same area the same day and decided last minute to switch gears. Just my luck. Also ran into a guide on that hunt that showed me trailcam photos of a buck that he claimed was pushing upper 200's ... close to 300. If I hadn't seen the photos I'da called BS, but the thing was enormous. He said the buck was known in the area and was a nighttime only frequenter of waterholes....guess thats how he got that big.