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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. I have a 10x14 Kodiak too. Great tent. Sets up in about 10 minutes.
  2. sjvcon

    Laser Rangefinder

    I currently have a Nikon 800 yard model. Was thinking to upgrade and get something with newer tech. Can't justify cost for Leica/Swaro class device. Is the Vortex 1000 yarder a significant enough upgrade for me to pass the Nikon down to my boy? Anyone have one? Thoughts?
  3. sjvcon

    Looking for Youth Bow

    I was gonna say ... my 12 year old still likes shooting his nuclear ice as much as anything else, and he's not small. At 9...the Razor is a bit long unless shes a giant.
  4. sjvcon

    375 H&H Mag Reduced SOLD

    Hey ... call me before you post and let me know what you have.
  5. I bought one from my church. Huge one. They bought it and used it 3x for their Mexico Mission and decided to go a different way. Retail was like $1800 plus some of the extras they had purchased. They were putting it out at a "garage sale" and I asked how much ... $500. In the back of my truck it went. Thing was like new ... I almost felt guilty ... ALMOST.
  6. sjvcon

    375 H&H Mag Reduced SOLD

    Holy crap ... that is CHEAP!!!!!
  7. sjvcon

    Wanting to get into bow hunting

    Depending on what part of town you are in, there are some great shops out there that can steer you right.
  8. sjvcon

    Super Tough Bow Case

    SPF. Thanks.
  9. sjvcon

    Super Tough Bow Case

    Got this at Cabelas for about $80. Top splits open and bow drops in and clamps down. Both sides of top hold arrows. Small compartment for "stuff". $45 takes it.
  10. sjvcon

    kowa vs vortex

    I am not sure about any of KOWA's lower end stuff, but a buddy of mine has some of their BIG EYES, and they are definitely at or near the top of the heap according to him.
  11. sjvcon

    37a and 37b jr. javelina tag

    37B isn't too bad. Some of my buddies hunt there just about every year and almost always tag out.
  12. sjvcon

    Lost bull 4b?

    The right ... and in fact the LEGAL thing to do ... is to notify AZGFD. Fact is, you can't even find a skull out in the woods and keep it if there is any hair/hide on it without notifying AZGFD so they can investigate. You will get it if THEY say so ... or not if they don't. But if a guy who's a site member finds a downed animal and posts that he's found one, asking if anyone has lost one ... what's to get mad about??? That's all I'm asking. Me ... I'd notify AZGFD and give them coordinates to the kill. Whether yotebuster's buddy did that or not I can't say. But I'd sure hate to put on a site that I found one and have somebody jump my butt. Sounds like you worked it all out, and that is good ... but I hope you learned something from the experience ... namely that not everybody out there is an A Hole. Some of us hunters are actually out to help a brother out ... y'know??? I hope you find your Bull ... the guy/gal who cut the head off and walked has a lot of problems ... both legally and ethically ... he/she may or may not be ignorant of the law ... but they can't be that ignorant of right and wrong.
  13. sjvcon

    Lost bull 4b?

    Why get pissed when someone offers help?
  14. Take the .280 to the next level if you are reloading your own (or even not, as Nosler loads them) and go with the .280AI.
  15. sjvcon

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Consider your MC revoked Nut ... that's jut plain WRONG!!!!
  16. sjvcon

    WTB a youth deer rifle

    .22-250 is a great gun for Coues. Little small for Mulies unless the shot is right ... though someone is going to say I'm nuts and it's just fine. .243 is good, but you can get a gun with wider range by going to a .260 or 7-08 with not much more kick. You could always put a brake on it too.
  17. The Wicked Witch of the West ... Dianne Feinstein ... is back on her Broom. Yeah ... the trouble with them going after guns this time is the guy used Biden's Weapon of Choice for his Wife ... though I guess not the Double Barrel.
  18. sjvcon


    Great Kaibab Buck. They still grow big up there. Absolute stud this one!!!!
  19. Low cost custom is Remmy or Savage action. I'd sure look at Tikka T3 Super Lite if you'll do an off the shelf.
  20. sjvcon

    drop tine bucks - how rare are they?

    Seen a couple in Kaibab. One in 23. Never close enough for a decent shot though.
  21. sjvcon

    My mexico buck

    Beautiful buck.
  22. sjvcon

    Another toad hits the dirt

    My guess, since he's getting "killed" on this site and on MM, he's probably hesitant to post anything. On a positive note, has anyone seen the bucks posted from 21??? Those are great bucks!!! No jealousy there, so that theory of "bashing" bites the dust.
  23. sjvcon

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Yes! And while we are it...who is the most ethical and why? What is the best rifle? What's wrong with Obama? And last but not least....what do and don't you like about game and fish? Please be creative hahaha The most ethical is the person who does it right when no one else is around. The best rifle is the one that does it's job when I do mine. Obama is the worst President in my lifetime, and perhaps all time. Fish and Game ... well ... they try hard I guess ... but it sure seems like the numbers of animals have dropped over the years.