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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    Whatcha got??

    Oh ... just a few.
  2. sjvcon

    Unit 27 Success

    Thats a beauty. I knew 27 had good genetics...didn't know they were THAT good.
  3. sjvcon


    Back out to try again in 3C this weekend. Last weekend we saw a total of 5 bucks ... 2 buttons, 2 small forks and a 3x3 that my oldest tried to get to position a little too quick on. Was not overly impressed with the total number of deer seen though.
  4. sjvcon


    Nice one!!!
  5. sjvcon

    New guy question

    Not sure I understand the question ... are you asking for a caliber, or asking which between a .300 Mag and a 7mm Mag? If I were building a deer specific, I'd go 280AI or even 6.5-06AI ... purely from powder volume/velocity/ballistic stance (and probably the later of the two unless I wanted factory ammo). If I wanted something for deer, elk or whatever, I'd probably opt for the .300Mag, though a 7mm will surely do the trick and probably just as well (I have one of each ... I'm spoiled). Or you could stick with the aforementioned .280AI or get into the short mags ... there are a lot of choices. All that said, I am no expert ... I just have a lot of toys. There are a lot of guys on here who have more experience than me with calibers, and probably have some good input ...
  6. sjvcon


    Nope. My oldest could have shot a fork, but decided against it. Had him lined up, but said he wanted his first to be a little more mature. Was kinda suprised ... we saw more bucks a few weeks ago scouting ... isn't that always the way of it. By the way ... where did all the dang elk get off to in 3C ... not a one in 3 days of hunting ... usually when we have deer tags I see more elk than I can shake a stick at ...
  7. sjvcon

    Wondering what this guy would score?

    310-320 ... just guessing. Not a lot of mass to the mains.
  8. sjvcon

    AZ Senators=RINOs

    Romney wasn't the best candidate ... and that is for sure ... but ANYTHING to the right of Obama would have been an improvement. At least he was on record as saying he'd kill Obamacare on DAY ONE. There are better candidates out there to be sure. McLame and Flakey Jeff need to go ...
  9. sjvcon

    Chris Christie

    Exactly. We can't keep doing the lesser of two evils, its destroying the country. If people would stop thinking like that and vote 3rd party things could change. Voting in a RINO is just as bad as voting in a democrat. While I certainly don't disagree with the sentiment, and voted a write in the last time McLame ran for office, the problem is that if the Dems get the full control with little opposition, they will make it so there can be no opposition. How long before Amnesty gets them Millions of new "legalized" voters? How long before they quelch the Conservative Media completely? How long before they make it so a President can serve more than two terms? How long before they get total control in the Supreme Court and completely abolish "Christian Morality"? How long before we become the United Secular Socialist Republic (new USSR)? How long before guys like me ... with no more means to defend my opinions ... are taken away to rot in prison so there is no opposition? I'm all for getting rid of the bums that are in there ... I'm all for taking out the trash. But we need to make sure that doesn't mean putting more BUTTWIPE LIBERALS in office. Much as I hate McLame, better him than an Obama Stooge. Look what we got with Repulicans staying home in the last two Presidential Elections ... the Captain of the Titanic has been at the wheel for the last (nearly) 5 years. In that time, he's racked up more debt than EVERY PRESIDENT IN OUR HISTORY COMBINED. The Tea Party was a great hope for Conservatism ... unfortunately the Liberal Media torpedoed (and continue to torpedo) the idea of the movement ... calling members or people with that ideology "racist". They even got that dipstick Morgan Freeman on the bandwagon with them. Meanwhile, the true racists in this country ... Jackson, Sharpton, White, Holder (and his boss) and the like ... get away with out and out racism on the tube on a daily basis. Its a tragic mess.
  10. sjvcon

    Chris Christie

    Never would have voted for that slimebag after the boost he gave the "Demander and Chief" with all that huggy kissy crap after Sandy. He's worthless. They are all worthless ...
  11. sjvcon

    big strip muley

    One word ... GYNORMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great buck.
  12. sjvcon


    We used to call him "Uncle Ted and the Ten Fingers of DOOM". One of the best live performers I have ever seen, and I've seen a lot. Unfortunately, he'll never tone it down ... it's just not his style. He's ALL OUT, ALL THE TIME.
  13. sjvcon

    An apology and a bit of a brag

    We did discuss that. With a BC of .507 and a muzzle velocity of 3350 the load we created has 1902 fps and 1445 ft-lbs at 1000yds. Still plenty of oompf at range. I doubt I'll ever shoot that far at game. But, now I know I could if the situation warrants it and the conditions are within my comfort zone. Nice. Sounds like you have more than plenty of energy for our game here in the States.
  14. sjvcon

    An apology and a bit of a brag

    Nice. Congrats. Hopefully they got into retained energy at range, and what it takes to humanely take an animal at some distance benchmarks. It can certainly be done.
  15. sjvcon

    Butcher Shop in Flag

    I used Coconino a couple of times in the past and was very satisfied with their service. I remember reading where a couple of guys may have had some issues, but don't recall for certain what those were. All I know is that I got good service, good cuts, and the packaging kept the meat for longer than I would have expected.
  16. sjvcon

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    What I'd like to know is how many of the wounded bulls were shot at something more than 30-40 yards??? I see frequently where people are talking about shooting out to 70 or 80 yards because they "have a pin set for that far". There is a BIG difference between walking around at Usery/Avery shooting long distances at fixed targets and shooting at an animal that far away. Animals move ... field conditions have tons of variables. Not trying to be a jerk ... but sometimes I think more animals are wounded than need to be because people are taking longer shots than necessary.
  17. Atleast its only a chunk of your income, its ALL of my income thats not coming in! Sucks for us both! Casey ... aren't you BP/LE??? Are they saying that isn't an "Essential Service"??? WTF OVER??????????
  18. It was passed during a super majority. Dems controlled both the House and Senate. Not one Republican voted for it. I don't see how they could have opposed it more. Meanwhile, the campaigner in chief is still flying around the country giving talks to his flocks of sheeple. Actually ... I am not sure it ever really passed the House or Senante (can't remember which) in the manner that it was supposed to. Something was done in a backhanded manner if I recall correctly. Total shock ... Obama doing something in a manner "unbefitting".
  19. Well ... from me Sir ... Thank you for your Service. I hope that these dumb donkeys can an least see fit to pass a resolution to pay our retired soldiers.
  20. Obama is a spoiled child ... I have always known that, from some of his first public appearances. I it is clear to me that he is out to destroy this Country ... and the dumb Sheeple are just following along.
  21. Absolutely ... record revenue and "We need more of your money 1%ers." What that means is that the Government is TOTALLY BROKEN.
  22. My "thumb went in front of the barrel"??? Jeeeezzzz.........maybe he ought to focus on some gun safety instead of worrying about stockpiling food and water???
  23. Shacking up with Pelosi ... I love that one!!!!
  24. This is the way to think about it from my perspective. Hate to go all "religious" on it, but this talk of killing and taking from others ... doing "whatever it takes" to survive ... somebody needs to read some Revelations. What Snap suggests is along the lines of the early Christian Church ... Acts 2:42-47. I'll do my best to conduct myself by "the Book" ... the one that counts. My skills in hunting, fishing, foraging and protection of myself and others (that final skillset being not insignificant) will go toward the benefit of people striving to do the same. God is still watching when the brown stuff hits the rotating blade. Don't kid yourself.
  25. Consider 6.5-06AI. Same casIng with modifications and a smaller bullet. Guys I've talked to who have them rave about them.