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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    6A Late Bull Hunt

    Amen to that. If anyone knows that unit, he does.
  2. sjvcon

    6A Late Bull Hunt

    Man, that sucks. I've heard a bunch about this happening more these last few years. It's legal, but it SUCKS.
  3. sjvcon

    my 23 late rifle bull hunt.

    Great job...and what great friends to come out and help over the holiday weekend.
  4. sjvcon

    Wow 2013

    Uh ... 58-21 ... that speaks volumes. Game was never close after midway through the Second Quarter.
  5. sjvcon


    Black Friday is the dumbest thing ever. Okay ... alright ... second to O-Dumb-$_it-Care ....
  6. Thats a great buck for that (or any other) unit. I've hunted there a fair bit, and seeing a toad like that is not a frequent occurrence there in my experience. Nice cat too....they are definitely in there.
  7. Caution and fear are two different things. One is rational thought ... like calculating the odds of encountering issues with cartel / illegals. The other is an emotional response. I hunt the mountain units because I like the scenery and the weather, and the animals aren't bad either (Strip/Kaibab/White Mountains). Sure there are great Coues bucks down on the border ... but the odds are higher I am going to have an encounter with bad folks down there. Same thing as "Would I rather walk down the streets at night in Scottsdale or in South Phoenix???" If I am looking to fight ... South Phoenix has better odds that I can get into some trouble. And while I've never shied away from trouble when it comes, I like to think that I'm cautious/smart to avoid it where possible. I'm not afraid to fight ... never have been. I just don't do it if I don't have to ... there are other options. But there is no fear ...
  8. What a shame. Hope they find them. The thief ought to do everyone a favor and go jump off a high cliff.
  9. sjvcon

    unit 10

    Lots of Private Land up there Kenny ... at least so I'm told. Get a BLM Map so you don't get into a spot of trouble.
  10. sjvcon

    Wife's Mulie

    Not bad at all. Good work on getting it done!!!
  11. sjvcon

    Lauren's strip buck

    Stud Buck!!! Congrats. Gotta post the whole story ... we need the juicy details. Most importantly ... 13A or 13B???
  12. sjvcon

    Score this buck

    Big enough to shoot and fill my Freezer with some scrumptious vittles. Oh yeah ... the antlers would look nice on my garage wall too.
  13. sjvcon

    *Vortex Razor HD 12x50 = A++++++++++

    I have the 10x42's, and it took me a while to get used to them ... but they are REALLY clear and bright, and you can't beat that warranty with a stick.
  14. sjvcon

    WTB portable heater

    The tank top Mr. Heater doubles work well, but you need to blow out tge lines on occassion. Also, not for indoor use. Work well to heat up a sitting area though...and if you are good, you can toast a pop tart on them!!!
  15. sjvcon


    This guy makes every bad Presisent up until now look like a Rock Star by comparison. The latest in his line of fiascos is the Iran deal. What a Maroon.
  16. sjvcon

    North Korean Executions

    I for one am sick and da_n tired of the Liberal dirtbags in this country that make excuses for Foreign Leaders like this. With Short Dong Kim it's Rodman. With Saddam Hussein it was Sean Penn. There have been other "Celebrity" Liberals who have been apologists for others as well ... (need I even mention that waste of human flesh Jane Fonda doing the Saigon thing). The idiots in this country who listen to these dirtbags are not better than, and in some cases are worse than, the dirtbags themselves. It is absolutely unreal how STUPID the Sheeple in America can be. Wake up America ... this is Communism/Socialism/Facism ... the thing that the Liberals want for us. Oh ... by the way ... on the celebrity thing ... I think the US Military should abduct Tom Cruise and make him serve for a couple of weeks in Afghanistan ... what a dumb guy. Horribly dumb.
  17. sjvcon

    Finished my sons huge buck!

    Monster buck. Looks great!!!
  18. sjvcon


    Could it be that the uneducated voter in this country is finally getting it??? Obama's approval rating hits a new low according to recent Poll ... and my guess is that his ratings have not hit bottom yet. I heard someone say the floor is at 32% ... I'm saying he's in the 20's by mid next year ...
  19. sjvcon


    I can't believe the gall of that guy ... like "I'm Sorry" makes up for the lies and deceit that it took to get that abomination passed ... I think it is official ... we are living in the Reign of the WORST PRESIDENT IN US HISTORY. There aren't any who are even close. Carter was so much better than this guy it is disgusting.
  20. sjvcon

    Unit 3C

    Well, after one disappointing weekend seeing only one shooter buck, and not getting in position to get a shot at him, both of my boys (12 and 14) got it done. My youngest got a shot at a monster 4x4 on the second to last day of the hunt. Estimated 28" wide. He was hunting with my buddy Bryan, and the shot was a bit longer than he's ever tried at 350+ yards. I'm told the shot was about 2" low from the puff of dust, but was dead on target right to left. Later that evening, he got on another sizeable buck but didn't get a shot opportunity. My oldest didn't have any luck glassing with me ... we saw doe and elk, but the only buck worth looking at was disappearing over a distant ridge when we saw him. Last day of the hunt, we decided to glass some cuts where we'd seen some deer drop off the ridges at dusk the night before. My youngest and I got on a spike, while my oldest went a ways off to glass another cut with my buddy. Our little spike was uncooperative and daylighted (thankfully ... I really didn't want him to shoot a spike anyway). From a distance we heard one shot and then nothing. Quick call confirmed that my oldest had a Fork down. One shot and dropped where he stood. We got to him as quick as we could, and Dad made with the guttin'. I worked as quick as I could, and before long we were back hunting trying to get my youngest on a buck. I kinda figured we'd used up our luck for the day, but it wasn't long before my oldest pointed out another buck feeding in some downed timber. This time it wasn't such a long shot, and the aim was true. 4x3 down. I have to give a big thanks to my buddy ... couldn't have gotten it done without him. Hunting with both kids together the weekend before just didn't work that well ... they were too inclined to talk and make noise. Once we got them separated, they quieted down and really worked at finding deer. That, and Bryan can generally find a needle in a haystack when it comes to finding animals in the wild ...
  21. sjvcon

    My daughter's first deer

    Very nice!!! My son's (12 and 14) took their first bucks this year too ... it's a great feeling.
  22. sjvcon

    How do you spend your Saturdays?

    Love to live in the high country, but construction work up there has the reputation of being pretty inconsistent ... guess I lack the Huevos to risk it.
  23. sjvcon

    Unit 3C

    Thanks guys. So late when I wrote this (I was falling asleep at the switch) I forgot to give public thanks to the CWT member who shared some insight on the unit (though I did send a PM the next AM). SO ... thanks buddy!!! I appreciate your willingness to compare notes on the area. It definitely helped narrow down what we decided on. Folks on this site are great!!!
  24. sjvcon

    Dead bears

    Really seems like it might be a poisoning issue. Hopefully the GFD is running some tissue tests on this more recent find ... sure looks like they could get plenty of forensic evidence. If it is poison, I really hope the perp is caught ... poisoning is a horrible and painful way to die.
  25. sjvcon

    WTB Youth Rifle

    Before you buy her a lefty, make good and sure she is left eye dominant. My Dad is so left handed it is sickening, but he's right eye dominant. Didn't know it until after he'd bought his rifle ... which is a shame. He shoots a pistol much better because he can use the right eye.