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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    Vortex PST 4-16x50

    You mean SFP ... Second Focal Plane?
  2. sjvcon


    heck ... if he wants to look for a terrorist, he should look in the mirror. If he was not "inciting violence" with the money he poured into the "Lynch Trayvon's Killer" campaign, I'll be a Monkey's Uncle. This country is really going to heck under this Administration, and Congress ... including these WEAK REPUBLICAN'S like McCain and Flake ... is letting it happen. They want to be part of the Ruling Elite when the King is Crowned. I ask again, as I did in another post ... has anyone heard anything about the FEMA Concentration Camps and their purchases of record numbers of Body Bags (along with DHS's record Ammunition purchases)????? Call those Conspiracy Guys crazy, but something doesn't smell right.
  3. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    I guess I agree with some of that. Trouble is that what if a guy decides not to serve a certain race of people? That type of discrimination is against the law, and with good reason. We can't go back to the Jim Crow days and segregation. That would not be right. There are some things in American history that should not be repeated. Now I certainly don't have an issue with someone being opposed to "Gay Marriage". Personally, I don't support the notion of calling it a "Marriage", as I believe that should have a specific definition as between a man and a woman, and in the eyes of God (to heck with the State). I don't have a problem if they want to "Bond", have "Union" or whatever ... and have State and Federal Rights similar to a Marriage ... but leave the M word out of it. And if you own a business that provides a service, and you have a religious and/or moral objection, you should be able to have that and not have it shoved down your throat. That is my opinion ... and people can either agree or disagree with that. Freedom of Choice (and I am not talking about Abortion here ... don't get me started). However ... Race is a different topic. I don't think I should be able to tell an African American (Black), Asian, Hispanic, American Indian (which I am part) or any other non-Caucasian that they "can't sit here ... can't buy my house ... can't get food here ... etc." That is just plain wrong. Some would say that applies a double standard ... and that is their choice to see it that way. I see Marriage as a choice that people make ... bonding in a special way in the sight of the Lord. Race is a matter of birth. Yes ... homosexuality in many/most cases is a matter of birth as well ... but the issue of Marriage is a matter of choice, and I see it as a Religious Sacrament ... again ... to heck with the State and their part. My two Abe's worth ... whoever wants to, go ahead and have at me ... I have thick skin and a hard head.
  4. Uh ... well depending on when you got out (and thank you for your service), things have definitely changed in this country for the worse. They likely brought him home as a HERO. Total Joke.
  5. And the Media just rolls with it ... talk about a bunch of anti-American trash. They are worse than the d _ mned politicians.
  6. sjvcon


    Anyone hear about the FEMA Concentration Camps???
  7. sjvcon


    Scurry you rodent. We will all remember what you've done.
  8. sjvcon


    Where are you located?
  9. sjvcon

    Dog Training Collars

    Yeah ... I have a dog now that is collar smart ... and I didn't misuse that collar either. He's just plain smart!!!!!!! It's frustrating.
  10. sjvcon

    What handheld GPS do you use and why?

    Garmin 62 ... got a great deal on it. Not good with it yet though.
  11. sjvcon

    WTB: Youth rifle for deer

    7-08 is the same case as a .243 with a bigger bullet. More versatile in my opinion. Same with the .260. And you can't go wrong with the parent case ... a good ole .308.
  12. sjvcon

    custom actions

    Anyone know how these compare to the Stiller, McMillan, Surgeon, etc?????
  13. sjvcon

    Minox or Vortex

    Kaibab's are better than the BL's......not better than the 58 ED's in my opinion, but good luck finding those. Just hope they fit your eyes. I didn't like the way they fit mine at all.
  14. sjvcon

    Our Back Yard Showdown

    Ain't that the truth ... funny that all of this is happening under an Anti-Second Amendment President. Bush left the guy alone ... heck ... even Clinton left the guy alone. Just confirms more of my suspicions.
  15. sjvcon

    4 foot square archery targets.....

    Are you using compressed foam, or polystyrene?
  16. sjvcon

    need help

    I've got quite a bit ... mostly Federal.
  17. Tell me where to sign up and with what group that will actually make a difference and I will do it. This Agenda 21 thing is something I have been hearing a little about, and clearly I need to read more on it. There are nefarious powers at work, both within this country and outside of it, that want to see the US taken down a peg. Almost ALL of those powers want the guns removed from the hands of the folks who know how and when to use them ... and that my friends is US ... the American Sportsman/Outdoorsman. JD ... thank you for posting this. I believe what you are saying, as I have heard this more than once. It is very concerning, and WE CANNOT LET IT HAPPEN.
  18. sjvcon

    Get in shape for that Elk tag!

    This topic has REALLY gotten off track ... somebody buy this dude's bike already.
  19. At the same time ... that can be taken to the extreme. I've seen equipment left on "spots" for MONTHS prior to a hunt. If a guy wants to hunt that way, he needs to go buy a food plot in Iowa or Missouri or somewhere. I don't mess with people's stuff ... but there is nothing I hate more than some Jackhole "claiming" an area months ahead of time on public land. Respect and be respected. I show up somewhere and someone is hunting, I cut them a wide berth. I do the same when I see blinds set up, though if there is no one there for days/weeks/months prior to (and even during) the hunt it burns my craw a bit. That said ... I've been sitting spots before light and had guys jump right into the area I'm hunting, knowing I'm there ... and my bet is it is the same guys who set equipment on spots months ahead of time ... they don't respect the sport or the sportsmen. Times like that I thank God for the maturity he's bestowed on me over the past several years.
  20. sjvcon

    Remington R1 1911

    Trade for????
  21. sjvcon

    They are starting to hit CC

    Well next year I will draw one .....RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15 years and counting. NADA. ZIP. ZILCH. The big BIRDAROONIE from Fish and Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now won't I feel like a dork if I get a CC hit later (WISHFUL THINKING MORON .... HOSED AGAIN). Jeez ... now I am talking to myself like Golem from "Lord of the Rings" ...... I knew I should have bought that private land Buffalo Hunt in NM for $2500 ... what a JERK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I coulda had meat in the freezer, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... I had to wait to see if I needed to spend money on an elk hunt. Yeah .... GOOOOD call BOZO ... I'm doing it again aren't I ????
  22. sjvcon

    They are starting to hit CC

    Someone told me that somewhere in this thread a guy said he's gotten drawn 6 years in a row???? Hey buddy ... wanna buy me a Powerball Ticket the next time that thing hits $400-500M? I bet the odds are WAAAAY better on the Powerball than drawing 6 years running!!!!!!!! I'm seriously thinking of starting to hunt out of state more. This is friggin' ridiculous.................
  23. sjvcon

    They are starting to hit CC

    Still nothing for me. Umpteen years of NOT chasing bulls. What the heck???????????????????????????????????
  24. I want my GENERATOR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. sjvcon


    Hitler, Stalin, Chairman Mao.....they all disarmed their populace.............