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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    lead sled or steel sled

    36 bars? Is the handle #4? Is it inserted or welded to the ends?
  2. sjvcon

    lead sled or steel sled

    I need to do that....AWESOME!!!
  3. Tikka is one of the beat shooting off the shelf rifles around...and the are inexpensive.
  4. sjvcon

    3rd Leg of the Triple Crown +*TODAY*+

    Pulling for Chrome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Our country has been taken from us....right out from under our noses. Scary and sad.
  6. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    It sure sounds like Lark!!!!
  7. Desert Bull ... that is a fantastic reminder of how utterly inept this Administration is. Not only inept, but actually hostile toward American and the American Military. Very sad.
  8. GEEEZZZ Dude ... i just noticed your Avatar ... Muley 224 is RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    Using that logic the Baker is not wrong.....those who would force him to do something against his will are.
  10. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    Though in Buhdism there is no "God"...just truth.
  11. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    So again....I go back to positions on Polygamy, abortion, Sharia Law, etc. Your positions on "God" ... though you say you need no label ... are very close to Buhdism. Not a bad thing ... just similar beliefs.
  12. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    So is your position that the Bible is NOT God's word?
  13. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    Hate the sin...not the sinner. Tolerance and acceptance does not mean that man should turn from the other teachings from the Bible on sin, does it? I would encourage anyone who thinks otherwise to read Romans, Corinthians, etc. If these are not the words of God, you might as well argue that the whole Bible is disposable...and then what or who is this "God" anyway. My faith keeps me from such questions just as Iit keeps me from hating the sinner. I am curious dustin...what is your position on polygamy? Sharia Law? Abortion? These are all things that I have been told are "none of my business" as well. Not trying to make the debate contentious, but several of your statements would seem to label me as a hater and a bigot...and ignorant. I take a bit of offense to that.
  14. sjvcon

    Rifle scope debate anyone?

    I do have a Sightron....it is OUTSTANDING!!!!
  15. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    Right is right. Wrong is wrong. And indecent exposure in a public place is a crime. Why is it tolerated in a gay parade in San Fran ... but if I walk out the door in a banana hammock I'd get arrested? Believe me...that happens there. I have a co-worker who has gone and seen It personally. Being a lefty, he actually finds it "funny". Nothing funny to me about that. Not sure I agree that is NOT " in your face" by the left.
  16. sjvcon


    Good to be back. Been around but no energy to think much...at least not enough to post. Let me know what you find out Snap. A buddy actually drove out to the rumored location in Buckeye, and it is definitely there per his report. Scary thought. Scary times.
  17. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    By definition, bigotry is intolerance of an opinion or view that is different from one's own. So is the person who forces the photographer or cake maker to perform against their will also a bigot? I'd argue some of the biggest bigots I've known are Progressives...who claim to be the farthest thing from it. I hold a definition of Marriage as between one man and one woman. That comes from my Christian beliefs. As a Christian, I do not feel that treating any person badly or unfairly is okay...though I am far from perfect in that regard or any other. I don't feel gay people should have any different rights as conferred by government, nor do I think they should be treated differently as human beings. All I ask is that they figure out a different name for it, because Marriage has religious meaning. Am I the bigot...or is the person who wants to ram their opinion down my throat the bigot? I am not saying their rights should be different...but I am being told my definition should be. Human rights should never be infringed. On that I do not disagree. I begrudge no one human decency or kindness. I also don't presume that I should be able to dictate what they should or should not believe....this Government does.
  18. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    Oh ... you certainly aren't wrong about that Snapshot ... they'd never make a member of Islam go against their religion. And there is definitely something wrong with cramming a belief down someone's throat ... and in the face of their religious belief. I get it. I do. My original post only meant that SOME protection from refusal of service is necessary because some A Hole would refuse service on the color of someone's skin or some such thing like in the past. And that is NOT okay. A real black eye on American History.
  19. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    Which is a travesty. They ought to be able to usher them out the door. But a guy who prints banners should not be able to tell a guy to get out based on the color of his skin ... until his actions make him look like the KKK guy or the Black Panthers Guy or something like that. Then kick his butt out. heck ... if it were my shop, that is exactly what I'd do ... myself ... personally ... by hand and with pride.
  20. sjvcon

    Freedom lost again

    A person is a person ... that is a fact. Their actions are what determines their character. That said ... a person's position on Gay Marriage is generally colored by their religious belief. I certainly don't think the guy baking cakes should be forced to bake a cake for a wedding if he doesn't agree with it on a religious basis ... because that is an infringement of his rights to Freedom of Religion. There are plenty of cake shops whose owners likely don't share that belief, so there should be no shortage of places to get a cake. And, by the way, if I went to a cake shop, asked to have a cake made and was refused, I'd never try to force it. The guy might stir the batter with a toilet plunger. That is a totally different topic ... demanding something to make a point. Don't really get that. Personally, I am tired of the race baiting BS that has exploded to new levels in the current political climate. Bigotry does not end until we stop identifying people based on the color of their skin (though I guess I did it in my earlier post to make a point). "That guy" over there is just a guy ... not "that white guy" or whatever. And sadly, that may never happen. It certainly won't happen under a President who wrote ”I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.” It is a sad state of affairs. "Post Racial President" my ear ... he might be the biggest racist of all. I'll get off my box now.
  21. sjvcon

    Vortex PST 4-16x50

    ......would have gotten that if it weren't a scope!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice.
  22. sjvcon

    Rifle scope debate anyone?

    You cannot beat the Vortex Warranty, all other things being even remotely close.