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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    Badlands Hypervent (HAS BEEN TRADED)

    Uh ... sideways ... just turn your head I guess.............
  2. sjvcon

    First Time Smokin'

    The deer meat is now on the rack........
  3. sjvcon

    First Time Smokin'

    Thanks for the tip. I'll do that.
  4. sjvcon

    Behold...the future of our country

    What a bunch of DOPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. sjvcon

    First Time Smokin'

    I'll need to get a more fuel efficient car to hit your neck of the woods Snap!!!
  6. sjvcon

    First Time Smokin'

    Pretty good for a first try.
  7. sjvcon

    First Time Smokin'

    I cheated and sampled ..... DOGGONE those are gonna be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. sjvcon

    First Time Smokin'

    Anyone ever try injecting a roast with honey water (heat water and dissolve honey in it)???
  9. sjvcon

    First Time Smokin'

    Just a drum smoker with a side heat box. Got it cheap ... been used 3x prior to me getting it. Doing the 2 - 2 - 1 method and basting a lot. Had trouble getting temp down ... most of the time around 250. Into the second hour of the wrapped time in 10 minutes. Looked really good before they were wrapped. I will try smoking the deer on lower than normal heat I think. Injecting with apple juice ... maybe I should inject some FAT too!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA.
  10. sjvcon

    I want to start! Help

    Coues are small ... 308Nut has some very sound advice. There are plenty of non-magnum calibers that you can reach out and touch with. And if you will double it for Mulies, you can add a bunch more to the list ... the '06 family and all it's Ackley derivatives for example. Remy's and Savages are probably the actions with the most aftermarket support if you decide to build. I am a Winchester guy myself, but I acknowledge that the support market is slimmer with the Flat Bottom Mauser Extraction actions.
  11. sjvcon


    How does this compare to the HS-LR?
  12. sjvcon

    **sold** Brand New .300 Weatherby Mag Vanguard series 2

    Man ... that is a STEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I needed a .300 I'd be on that.
  13. sjvcon

    lot for sale near Show Low

    Stuff in Torreon is selling for a third or less than what folks bought it for several years back.
  14. sjvcon

    Gun Smith in EV

    Try Phoenix Custom Rifles in Tempe. I've heard they are great from many members on here.
  15. It isn't unbelievable ... it is typical politician BS. Show me an honest politician and I'll show you someone who is BRAND NEW to the job and hasn't had the time to start being corrupted by the system. This country was founded by people who understood that "public service" was a duty, not a career. The men (they were all men back then) in those days had lives and careers outside of the political arena, and didn't serve for life. Look at Charlie Rangle ... 40 years now in the House. That is 20 times the people in New York have elected a lying, tax cheating SCUMBAG to screw them over some more. And where has it gotten them ... NO WHERE. Meanwhile ol' Charlie has gotten rich and fat. This government needs term limits. Not only for Congress ... for the Supreme Court too. Appointed for Life is BS. Ryan was right for ripping the IRS, but he's a D-Bag just like the rest of the career Washingtonians. Give 'em all the boot I say ... start by impeaching Dumbo and go on from there.
  16. sjvcon

    CT-90 new pictures

    If that is the case, I don't think you have a valid Title for the bike. Have you had MVD run the VIN on the bike?
  17. sjvcon


    How did Nugent put it .... "I'll either be in jail or dead."
  18. The whole lot in the IRS needs to be charged with whatever they can think of (fraud, perjury, obstruction, etc.) and should be put away for a VERY long time.
  19. sjvcon


    I am sure when they ask him about it, he will have "found out about it while watching the news" ... just like every other darned thing that is controversial in his Administration. The man is a disgrace to this Nation and to the Office he holds.
  20. sjvcon


    I'll vote for him ... anytime.
  21. sjvcon

    WTB Dodge 5.9 mega cab

    My '06 needed a Transmission at about 205K ... then some Transfer Case work at 276K. Engine still running strong though.
  22. sjvcon

    Help needed! to move a shed....

    Whatever you end up doing, put it on some redwood 2x skids as a part of your move. Will make it easier to slide if you ever have to do it again.
  23. sjvcon

    Like Mass?

    What a great buck!!! Congrats.
  24. sjvcon

    Mule deer poached ?

    Hey there ... welcome to the forum. BUT be careful with the "you all" reference. Not everyone commenting in this forum is gossiping or slamming this hunter in particular. Like I said in my post, hope it was a legal taking and good on him if it was. Handsome buck. AND Poachers still, and always will, SUCK. This guy is probably clean, so he doesn't fit in that category.