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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    Forest service officer shooting

    Geez. Guys like that just don't get it. What a DOLT!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. sjvcon

    My AZ Bull

    Nice one!!!
  3. sjvcon

    God Fearing Hunters

    I guess since you said God Fearing Hunters, we are talking about Politics as relates to hunting so I can now "Chime In". Far as I am concerned, they can take their political correctness and shove it where the sun don't shine. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian Beliefs, and its about time those of us who still believe in them stand up for them. If I were that Coach, I'd pray before, during and after every game from here on out, and let anyone who didn't want to be a part of it excuse themselves from it. The parents and kids in that program need to speak up on the Coach's behalf, and that idiot Baum needs to crawl back under his rock and keep it buttoned. Just my 2 Abe's worth ... and I am not to bashful to say it.
  4. sjvcon

    Found dead bull in 4b

    That's me folks... Nature chick blocked me...but still unblocks me every once and awhile to send me PMs... lmao Somehow, after the back and forth in the post a couple of days ago I figured that was you ... BULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. sjvcon

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Seems every so often there is a thread that gets some real hostility between a couple of members ... I think maybe everybody needs to get their "big boy" hunter pants on and behave. If you don't agree with someone, fine ... but do it with some tact and class. This is the type of crap that some guy pulled in the Political forum and got all the real world politics banned from discussion.
  6. sjvcon

    Found dead bull in 4b

    Now that is a froggin' classic!!!!!!
  7. sjvcon

    Forest service officer shooting

    +1 on the LEO support. People need facts before starting the second guessing.
  8. sjvcon

    Forest service officer shooting

    Jeez....I got some headgear and boxing gloves if you guys need to work off some steam.........
  9. sjvcon

    Hit A Snag

    This is absolutely true. My doc said after spinal fusion no NSAIDS for 8-10 months as it affects the "fusion cascade". Not sure how, but he was adamant that I not take them.
  10. sjvcon


    +1. I remember reading some things about 150 grains being too much for most ML's ... though that may have changed in the past couple of years.
  11. sjvcon

    Ever seen one like this?

    Very cool. Not sure I could bring myself to shoot that.
  12. sjvcon

    Hit A Snag

    You need to rest the knee. Take it from a guy who has spent his entire life beating the crap out of his body ... I used to try to work through the injuries and all it got me was two shoulder surgeries, arthritis and a lower back fusion (which I am recovering from as I type this). If you have to work out, swim, but don't use your legs. You will get just as much cardio from a modified stroke using only your upper body. Also, they have machines that you can bike with your arms only. Those will give you a heck of a workout. You don't need to use the leg to get a workout. Let it rest.
  13. If you are going to look at a Judge, look at the Governor from S&W. Better manufacturer (just my opinion and that of several buddies who have owned both brands) and shoots .410/.45LC/.45ACP. If you want to stop a man (or a bear), throw a lot of lead ... and a .45 is definitely that. Only thing I would be concerned about is the aluminum frame ... won't handle the +P loads for .45 LC I don't think. .357 is a great round if you can handle the snap. My mom carries a .357 LCR ... she's 70 and can handle it without too much issue for short stints of shooting. I have a Ruger Service Six .357 w/ 2.75" barrel I bought off of BigBrowns that is a nice piece. You can pick them up pretty reasonable, and they will shoot .38 and .357. They also have a Speed Six and Security Six that are similar. It is a really reliable piece (SA/DA), and shoots pretty darn accurate for me and my sons. A good trigger job on it will make it all the better. Also, any of the S&W revolvers are great weapons. There is a lot of good stuff out there ... and some junk. Not so sure about the "forget bears if you live in AZ" ... I have seen some pretty big ones out there. I am no wimp ... can pretty much handle my own in most situations ... but something with fur, sharp teeth and claws that weighs more than about 85 lbs deserves all the respect you can give it.
  14. sjvcon

    Monday Check in

    I'll be in once the back fusion is done healing per the doc. That will be a while Prior to the surgery I changed my diet to cut carbs and changed my workouts from heavy to light and lost 35#. Currently at 245# and looking to get down to 215#. That is my goal before next year's Elk season.
  15. sjvcon

    Big Shout out to kd300wsm!!!

    Nice job. Too bad about the animal...alays like to see them recovered if possible. Sounds like you made a valiant effort. Kudos.
  16. sjvcon


    Please be sure the beer is cold at your CWT outing....warm beer is a Cardinal Offense. Welcome aboard!!!
  17. sjvcon

    Jaguar Play

    Unbelievable what qualifies as entertainment these days.
  18. sjvcon

    Cited by AZGF

    Things I have learned from this forum: Don't shoot Shitbirds. Don't commit grammatical errors in posts. Worden is a word. The Marines and Army have a rivalry (ok...I knew that). AzLance is a "Bully" who is really a "Softie". AZGFD needs to police itself better. Anything I missed?
  19. sjvcon

    My unit 9 bull **New pictures and story added**

    Great Bull. Congrats!
  20. sjvcon

    My Dads Bull

    Very nice!
  21. sjvcon

    Wolf in the Southwest

    How is the Coyote different?? Season is open year round ... kill as many as you want ... yet they thrive. It ain't for lack of hunters trying to get rid of them. The idea of spending over a million per animal is unbelievable. Whoever signed off on that is out of their friggin mind.
  22. sjvcon

    Crazy Buck!!

    Awesome. Great experience to be sure.
  23. sjvcon

    Finally My Turn!

    That is a Beauty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!