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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    Mexican Wolf Publication

    Great post Snap. Finally someone is doing something about this farce that puts a species where it never was!!
  2. sjvcon

    Bye Bye Dish Network!!

    I will try that ... Shed ... hope it works. Right now I have little other choice ... until Centurylink gets Prism down my dirt road, or COX decides to move in. Problem with the Promo is that it was never explained that I had to request that it not be renewed ... I did all my ordering through Centurylink in their Direct TV Bundle. They said it was "printed on my bill" sometime before the autorenew ... problem is that I have autopay and never look at the darn bill if I don't notice something fishy. Only reason I looked at it was because Direct TV didn't get their billing to Centurylink on time and I got underbilled and then double billed the following month. Very frustrating. Like I said ... auto-renew is bogus ... especially when I didn't sign up for it to begin with. Only football I watch on weekends is the Cards ... and I get that on local TV. I have no reason to get Sunday Ticket, and would never waste my money on it.
  3. Yep...squeeze don't pull...you are forcing the nose down I'd bet.
  4. sjvcon

    Bye Bye Dish Network!!

    Well hammering on the CS folks at Direct got me nowhere. Sent me to cancellation department who told me I'd get nailed for another $250 for cancelling. If I coulda reached through the phone somebody woulda been in trouble. Auto renewal on promos should be illegal. I've already written my State Representative....for whatever good that will do...which is none at all.
  5. sjvcon

    Bye Bye Dish Network!!

    Watch out for Direct TV....they "automatically renewed" me for NFL Sunday Ticket, which I never subscribed to...it was a free promotion on sign up. I discovered it too late and they basically told me to "stick it". If I had another option they'd be gone.
  6. sjvcon

    Dead Cardinals

    Whoever knocks off the Patriots is my favorite of the week.....
  7. sjvcon

    Dead Cardinals

    Lindley stinks. Not sure why they didn't give the Rookie a chance when it became clear that Lindley couldn't move the ball effectively.
  8. sjvcon

    How common is it . . .

    Bag limit is one per calendar year. Has been for some time. He's a thief .....
  9. sjvcon

    Happy Anu Year's Eve!!!

    Sure didn't look good from what I watched yesterday. They need to work on his reads and decision making ... A LOT!!!!!!!!!
  10. sjvcon

    Drones for scouting????

    I haven't taken the time to read all the way through this ... but for Cryin' Out Loud ... People who would use a drone to scout need to get off of their fat, lazy ARSE and do some real scouting. Good grief. Yeah ... some smart A is going to tell me to join the 21st Century ... and my response to that is simple ... keep increasing the tech to the point where you don't have to do any work to make a kill ... pretty soon there will be nothing left to go out and hunt.
  11. sjvcon

    New Savage 308

  12. sjvcon

    Barrel breakin

    Get a Lucas Bore Guide like it says. They are the BEST. I skipped the Lock Ez part. Just dry patched it.
  13. sjvcon

    Pay it forward - I will start

    I agree with that...youth donation thread is a heck of an idea.
  14. sjvcon

    No Burn Days

    Not only does he ignore it ... he makes it up to suit his needs as he goes.
  15. sjvcon


    I am not a fan of cameras, though I would never tamper with one someone set up. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Vandalism and/or stealing is wrong, no matter how you try to justify it. First come first served is the suggestion ... one that anyone with any real ethics would follow. Get up early and get to your spot. If you get beat there, get up earlier tomorrow. Having your camera and stand there is not first come ... it is not "claiming your spot". Having your butt there first is first come, at least in my book. Yeah ... we all own it ... Public Land, but interrupting someone else's hunt (someone who beat you there) because you're a D-Bag with no ethics is inexcusable. Let's be realistic ... you can't put stuff out days or even weeks before the season opens and say "this is mine". That's not realistic, or ethical in my opinion. I've run into numerous old timers who don't put out cameras and stands who have hunted areas for 30, 40, even 50 years. You think putting stuff out on a spot should "cut them out" of a hole they have hunted since childhood. Nope. Sorry. And most of those old timers would abide by the first come line of ethics too While on that subject ... guys that put their trailers on prime camp spots in areas with limited spots 2-3 weeks prior to season and leave them there really torque me off. Especially since seasons stack up on each other and some persons "un-manned" rig could spoil the spot for someone on a different hunt. Also an "ethic-less" move.
  16. sjvcon

    Value of rifle needed

    Well ... all I'm saying is if that rifle costs you $450 once you get the safety worked out, what you've got is an old action with a barrel at 1000 rounds. For another $125-150 you could have a new rifle that is at ZERO rounds. Sure ... you have to put some glass on it, but I didn't see where the Springfield is coming with glass. Another thing about that is you have some caliber choice. I don't have anything against a Roberts ... fine round with a great history. But the bottom line is that there are a lot of viable rounds out there that are more commercially available in case you had to pop in somewhere and grab a box. Rounds like the .243, .260, 7-08, .308 to name a few. Hand loading is great ... but if you need some quick ammo in a pinch, it's nice to know the local Wally World carries what you need. The .204 wasn't for deer, was it??? Little on the small side. If you are looking for a .204 for varmint I have one that I am not actively trying to sell, but some guys have inquired and I've decided I'd part with it under the right circumstances. PM me if interested and we can discuss it.
  17. sjvcon

    Value of rifle needed

    Better get an idea on what the safety will entail and cost. You can get a Tikka T3 for mid $500's that will be new, complete, and a shooter. Others In that range too. Makes little sense to be $450 or 500 (once safety work Is done) into a Springfield when you can get a quality new rifle for not a lot more. Just my two cents worth.
  18. sjvcon

    male german shorthair

    Good luck on the sale. If I didn't have two dogs already I'd give you $500 for him.
  19. sjvcon

    snow chains

    All 4.....if you're doing it, do it right.
  20. sjvcon

    decision made. thx

    I got a Ruger Hawkeye .204 ... I'd sell it for a fair I guess.....
  21. sjvcon

    WTB Tikka T3 270 cal. and up

    Best low/moderate priced production rifle around in my book!!!!!!
  22. Yep....when you see those desert bruisers it is something to behold. Second biggest deer I ever saw was on the road to Oracle...bounced across the highway in front of me and stopped long enough to illicit a drool.
  23. sjvcon


    That is a great buy!
  24. Time to wake up folks. Before you know it, our primo Mule Deer units will become a thing of the past.
  25. sjvcon

    What is your Go-To round for Elk?

    180 grain Barnes TTSX from a .300 RUM ... if I had to just pick one.