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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    ISO a panhead

    Sent....Promaster brand from Cameraland.
  2. sjvcon

    ISO a panhead

    I have a Pan Head I am no longer using. Got it from Cameraland. It is in good shape. No issues. Maybe $15?
  3. Looking to know if anyone has experience with these. What do they compare to? Good value? Looking to get a pair of 8 or 10x for my boys.
  4. sjvcon

    Cook / BBQ Trailer

    TTT for a straight up good guy. Don't let the low number of posts fool you, Bryan is on here religiously. This is a great little trailer.
  5. sjvcon

    Samsung 24" Color Monitor

    No longer use a monitor. RGB and DVI inputs. Works good or money back. $20.
  6. sjvcon

    Samsung 24" Color Monitor

    No one???
  7. sjvcon

    Ruger SR1911 10mm?

    Someone will tell me I'm nuts, but I paid $1200 for a Kimber and it didn't run for shoot. I had to replace the springs to make it run right. Then there was the issue of the Schwartz Safety, which I wasn't overly fond of. Sold it. Bought an SR1911. Less bells and whistles, but that gun runs and runs and runs. Never an issue at all. 70 Series style safety too. Not saying Kimbers are bad, but mine didn't work right stock and that sure left a sour taste in my mouth. Don't forget about Colt Deltas and Dan Wessons. If I was spending Kimber money I'd look at those.
  8. sjvcon

    Stage 2 restrictions

    I just don't get the lack of care of some folks.
  9. sjvcon

    Public Range Frustration

    Some folks are just World Class A-Holes. If there's no screens then don't shoot or buy a catch bag. And shooting another guy's target is grounds for having your gun inserted rectally.
  10. sjvcon

    Mossberg 500

    Is the stock synthetic?
  11. sjvcon

    Anyone ever up and quit a good job?

    Left a job I had for 6 years for better pay and opportunity. That quickly turned into a CRAP sandwich and I quit without a job to go to. Took a lower paying job for a short time and the folks from the first job came to me and offered more than the job I left for, better vacation and a Dodge Crew 4x Diesel. Been back 10 years now.
  12. sjvcon

    Martin Take Down Recurve -- Price Drop

    Ttt. Thought this was sold but its back up.
  13. Take Down Bow. Good condition. 65# @ 28" with 62" string. Comes with a hard case, stringer, fletching jig and a bunch of other knick knacks. $200
  14. sjvcon

    Mossberg 500

    What does "Its paint" signify? Could you post a photo?
  15. sjvcon

    Storing ATV outdoors

    shed. definitely.
  16. I had an Aluma-Lite from Majestic Arms. Not sure anyone else has experience with them, but mine shot lights out.
  17. sjvcon

    Rifle Stock Painting

    The work you do is incredible. The crisp edges in the checkered areas baffles me. I have done a ton...and I mean a TON...of painting, and getting seals is tough. What paint are you using? Is it an air ured cerakote? What is your per stock pricing? I need to start socking away some bucks to get some stocks done. Love that flag. My son would flip for that on his 22-250.
  18. sjvcon

    Step Daughter selling paracord items

    Gotta love an enterprising kid!
  19. sjvcon

    Martin Take Down Recurve -- Price Drop

    Ttt...price drop
  20. If its a loaner why not something with a No Fault Warranty? Just curious.
  21. sjvcon

    Timmey triggers ?

    Timney has excellent CS from my experience.
  22. sjvcon

    What sunglasses do you wear?

    Wiley X
  23. sjvcon

    General Purpose/ Back up Rifle

    Well ... if you'd consider one detachable, nothing wrong with another. Tikka. Great rifle. Can get in stainless or fluted stainless. Triggers are very decent. Vanguard / Howa would also keep you on budget, and I think they also make a nice rifle ... though off the shelf I don't think you can beat the Tikka for the money. Glass ... lot of what you posted will blow the budget. Staying in budget is easier with Vortex Viper Line, which is decent glass. There are others too ... to be sure. Some of the Nikon stuff, Meopta, Minox. I'd go with the .270 (I'd say .280AI, but few rifles are offered in that thanks to the 28 Nosler coming out).