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Everything posted by sjvcon

  1. sjvcon

    Time for America to take ACTION

    A lot of masks being worn are not N95, which is the type a Health Care Worker needs. I know I wear one that is NOT N95 and is washable. But something is better than nothing, so they say.
  2. sjvcon

    A3 Golden Boy Jed Larson Convicted of Poaching

    Ain't that the truth.
  3. Its a real tragedy that should have been avoided. Just a reminder that it can happen to anyone ... just a bad decision in a moment. Tragedy. Feel for the guy. Feel for his family. Feel for the kids.
  4. sjvcon

    Greatest Cwt post of all time

    Cornbagger is a CLASSIC!!!
  5. sjvcon

    A3 Golden Boy Jed Larson Convicted of Poaching

    Dumb question, and I haven't waded through all the BS to know...what happened to the hunter? I agree the guide should be fined, lose his licensd, and have a liferime ban. Also should probably do TRIBAL jail time...hopefully they were consulted, seeing as the crime occurred on sovereign lands. But did Donny Dipstick get off Scott Free? He pulled the trigger. He should pay up too. Never been much of a fan of "guided hunts". No offense to those who make a living that way, but I like to put the work in myself and let the chips fall where they may. I have had 2 primo Strip tags. No guide. Came home with a tag one year and a buck the other. Not World Class, but that was never the point. I see only one justification to poach...feed your family in a time of total economic shutdown/post apocalyptic turmoil. At which point Gooberment might be a thing of the past. We ain't close to there yet...God willing we never will be. And at that I'd start with wild bunnies, small game, and butcher my own goats, sheep and even horses (at least the one that is too old to ride...the other could be useful to hunt) first. Point is, poaching sucks and poachers...whomever they are...should get the heavy fine when it is so blatently flagrant.
  6. sjvcon

    Free 3x9 Bushnell

    For a Youth Hunter.
  7. sjvcon

    Free 3x9 Bushnell

  8. sjvcon

    Flatline 4A and 3C

    I'd give $20 for 3C.
  9. sjvcon

    Looking to buy a youth hunting rifle

    Mine did. Have one in a 280 Ackley and another in a 270 WSM. But as a youth gun it is a good little rig, and was perfect for them to start on at 9 years old. My buddy just wanted a light, short little Coues gun … he did his research and settled on that caliber, for what reason I can't say. Some B!tc# will shoot though …
  10. sjvcon

    Looking to buy a youth hunting rifle

    I am a big believer in the 7mm-08. Both boys had one as a starter. Big enough for deer and elk (at the right distance). Good ballistics. I know LARK hated them … but I am a fan. Buddy of mine has a custom 7-08 he shoots WAAAAAAY far.
  11. sjvcon

    Foot of snow in alpine

    I am bummed I missed that. I was up in Alpine a week ago on Saturday and it was clear. Would have loved to have gotten some snow while there.
  12. sjvcon

    Bowtech carbon icon

    What lengths can it be adjusted to?
  13. sjvcon


    I bought LOWA Camino GTX boots … they are AWESOME. Much better than the Danner's than they replaced.
  14. sjvcon

    Reloading Equipment (complete set)

    That is a SWEET setup right there. Giving me ideas!!!
  15. Another vote for .257 if you have access to a 7MM for Elk. The 7RM is basically the reason to .264WM nearly went the way of the DODO. Does the same thing with more smack.
  16. sjvcon

    WTB Winchester Model 70 Stock

    What are you wanting? Wood or Syn?
  17. sjvcon

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    For about the 19th year in a row, I have drawn NOTHING for Elk. NOTHING.
  18. sjvcon

    Credit Card Hit

    Ugh...nothing still and my buddy and his family pull 3 Bull tags. I am THE FRIGGIN COOK AGAIN!!!!
  19. sjvcon

    Credit Card Hit

    Not holding my breath.....
  20. Gilbert...SE corner of Gilbert
  21. sjvcon

    Advice wanted - crazy gun sale

    No. Don't respond. Block it. Hopefully you did see an ID and it was an AZ DL or ID.
  22. sjvcon

    Wtt vortex razor 12x50 hd for razor 10x42 hd

    Let me ask my son if he's up for that. How old are they?
  23. I was just lucky Casey...you prayed for the pink one!!!!