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Everything posted by Hunterjohnny

  1. Hunterjohnny

    Coues Whitetail Store Black Friday?

    The one sight I figured I wouldnt hear that word....
  2. Hunterjohnny

    goofy buck

    Now that's a crab claw!
  3. Hunterjohnny

    spring results

    Done that one before!
  4. Hunterjohnny

    Unit 22 Bull Elk

    Congrats on a nice bull!
  5. +1 wheres the Buck Shot? I wouldve not stopped till we had the "bird down". No kidding! Isnt there a privacy issue here? Can they be in fear for their lives with terrorist activities? Use those Dragons Breath shells, it would look good on the wall!
  6. Hunterjohnny

    Blew My Chance

    I draw the line on poopin in a baggie. No boubt! Maybe a diaper?
  7. Hunterjohnny

    SUV Rental

    Have been out in my car many times, just a lot more walking. But for that much I'll walk.
  8. Hunterjohnny

    Great Mule Deer Hunt

    Good job, it doesnt get much steaper than that.
  9. Saw that this morning! What a bad deal that is. Unions are for unions and nothing more. Now where can I get a frozen twinkie!
  10. Hunterjohnny

    chevy towing a jeep

    Jeep was probably pushing the Chevy, very common.
  11. Of course they wont get hold of anyone. The story will die for them, they dont want to encourage this behavior.
  12. Hunterjohnny

    Richards 2012 Arizona Strip Hunt

    Now that is a nice buck! Great job.
  13. Hunterjohnny

    Nice Bear

    If the elk were to be field dressed in the areas that might help.....just saying!
  14. Nice healthy looking deer. Well done. Funny how quickly we can revert to beginers!
  15. Hunterjohnny

    How to Transport an Elk Shoulder Mount?

    Can you wrap it in some tarps and blankets for the truck ride? This is why I stay away fron those big ones.
  16. Hunterjohnny

    Nice Bear

    Could he be any fatter?!
  17. Hunterjohnny

    Awesome oct hunt

    Enjoyed the write up. Congrats on a fun hunt.
  18. Hunterjohnny

    S10 Sighting!

    Val Vista north of Southern yesterday evening. Couldnt get beside you.
  19. Hunterjohnny

    Points and Eyeguards

    Maybe spikes shouldn't count since they're just big eyeguards. Ouch! You took away my only 2 point! Is that the Boone & Obama Scoring System!
  20. Hunterjohnny


    +1 have to start hanging with Preppers
  21. Hunterjohnny

    Points and Eyeguards

    Intersting point though, not on deer but on elk we count them. Hadnt really thought of it. But spikes dont have them so I dont have that problem!
  22. My personal thought, it should be popular. But what do I know.
  23. Hunterjohnny

    Game over

    Depending on on your definition of small business this isn't quite accurate...Here's how it will work out and in the end it will be a much lower level of care for his voters: Employeers under 50 - There is no penalty for not offering healthcare under the new law so I project most will drop the coverage they currently offer their employees and force them to fend for themselves. This will push the masses into the state risk pools which will not have enough physicians, hospital and ancillary providers to cover the need thereby rationing of care by restriction access. The savings from not providing healthcare will then be used to pay the higher taxes assessed to the owner. So, small business survives average joe pays more for less coverage. Empoyeers 50 to ??? - There are penalties for employeers over 50 but they are lower than what these employers pay in preminums by a considerable amount - for my company approximately $100,000.00 less. So, from a business stand point you again discontinue the benefits and force the employees into the state risk pools and take the savings to pay the increased taxes. So again small business survives and average joe pays more for less coverage. This I'm sure was by design...makes a new and rather large portion of the population dependent on government securring the future of liberal governance. It's like all his policies - bait them with freebies on the front end but cost them more on the backend but in today's society who looks beyond the freebies. That is the simplest explanation I've seen yet.
  24. Hunterjohnny

    Game over

    Really? That isnt any better.