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Everything posted by Hunterjohnny

  1. Hunterjohnny

    Funeral song

    I hope you didn't get bad news from the doctor, or anything of the sort! Ha! Page 2 before that thought crossed our minds!
  2. Hunterjohnny

    If big foot was real?

    Four grown men sure they were watching bigfoot! And it's happened 3 times that have been recorded, no telling how many hairy men are buried in the woods. Another reason to not be naked in the outsdoors!
  3. Hunterjohnny

    some little sunday drive. 1000 mi SOUTH

    Back when men were men. That guy on the bike was crazy!
  4. Hunterjohnny

    Trout Experts: Wild Tiger Trout in AZ?

    I know what species are native and not native. I don't have a problem with the non-native species they have been stocking for decades. My problem is G&F constantly states they need to remove non-native species from waters so native fish can survive! They have poisned a lot of amazing trout streams, because the stream had to many browns. Now they want to introduce a non-native species that has NEVER been in Az. Again, they are being Hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, I think stocking Tiger Trout is a great idea! I'm only stating how G&F has killed thousands of Browns & Rainbows, becasue they are non-native and now they are stocking a non-native trout. It's Bull $hit!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like saving the burros and wild horses!
  5. Hunterjohnny

    Guess it's time

    No, I dont think she did more for this country than anyone else in that time. Seriously? She did a lot for slavery and women. But Abraham Lincoln, Grant, and many others (spies, conductors, abolitionists) had much more impact on this contry during that time. Martin Luther King Jr ranks second, probably not.
  6. Hunterjohnny

    Small Buck

    Took this picture yesterday. Do the small ones keep their antlers sometimes? Or is he still due to drop them?
  7. Hunterjohnny

    This years antlers

    I think you must be related to my boss. KPI this and KPI that.
  8. Hunterjohnny

    I really liked Verizon

    Half his posts are on what his cats are doing, he cant be taken seriously. Being English is hard enough.
  9. Hunterjohnny

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    We can revive it for the next draw!
  10. Hunterjohnny

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I love all these game and fish brown nosers. Just because they put a deadline for end of April doesn't make it ok for them to take that long. We've said it before that other states can get their draw done close to a month after app deadline. Az takes at least 2 month if not 2 and a half. If they said the deadline was end of June for results should we just sit back and deal with it and wait and say they are on schedule? It's 2016 people. Technology has advanced more than ever and azgfd is only going backwards. If it truly took 2 and a half months to get the draw done without problems then that's fine. But when they are taking that long because they are incompetent and have been screwing up the draw for years that's not ok. They make tens of millions of dollars off these draws. If a private company had as many incompetent idiots working for them and wasting money like azgfd they would have went bankrupt long ago and a better company would have moved it. Unfortunately were stuck with this department and have to deal with it but it's still not ok.
  11. Hunterjohnny

    Kids & Guns Safety Reminder

    Thanks for taking the time to remind us. Just like a pool, it only takes a second.
  12. Hunterjohnny

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Wait, there's pedestals!
  13. Hunterjohnny

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Sounds about right, here's your project we'll give you a temp to help. Why are you behind schedule?
  14. Hunterjohnny

    Strangest thing i have ever seen at costco!

    The big wooden keg of Jack Daniels is pretty strange.
  15. Hunterjohnny

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I called this one early. We didnt hear about any issues because they were hiding them to clean up afterwards. Everyone thought they had finally got it right, they just took to long getting it covered up. Let everything go through and figure it out later.
  16. Hunterjohnny

    The most dangerous 8 seconds in sports

    I have been friend with two and they were both nuttier than squirrel poop! They are a lot like wrestlers, crazy!
  17. Hunterjohnny

    Can you fly and hunt the same day in Arizona?

    Is the family jet down?
  18. Hunterjohnny

    Jared Fogle

    I look at it as good news, someone finally held accoutable, and that particular crime deserves all of it. He toured our plant one time because we sell to Subway and seemed high and mighty for being a samich rep.
  19. Hunterjohnny

    Card Hit

    Do you think they really didnt have any issues this year? I bet they found a way to let everything go through and sort it out later whith no one the wiser! Like the elections!
  20. Hunterjohnny

    Is this illegal?

    And transporting live fish from waters is also illegal. I guess him saying "pond" was smart.
  21. Hunterjohnny

    Monster Drink Video

    Sure, if it was written in Hebrew! And the hidden cross in the "o" is an easy spot. Just grab the info that lines up with what you want it to say, the news does it everyday.
  22. Hunterjohnny

    Monster Drink Video

    You can find the answer you want if you try hard enough, doesnt make it true.
  23. Hunterjohnny

    Let's talk tires

    Exact same thing happened to me several years back. Man they tear up the truck. Michelin Scorpion AT 10 ply just kept seperating after a year. Never ever again. Have the Nitto Terra Grappler AT and very happy with them now.
  24. Hunterjohnny

    louis L'Amour book

    WOW! I have them all in paperback and they are getting worn. Love reading those over and over.