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About Rio

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  1. Rio

    Diesel repair

    I have not posted on here in probably over 12 years, but stop on by from time to time to see the success folks are having. I stumbled across this thread a while back and turned out my 2014 F350 engine light came on. After trying to diagnose myself and fix, decided it was not a job I wanted to take on. Decided to give Hunter a call vs trying to get an appointment at one of the shops in town (4-6 week wait). Turned out to be a sensor that needed to be replaced, he completed swapping it out in quick time and truck is up and running again in time to haul a trailer up to Oregon. Saved time and money compared to trying to get an appointment with repair shop. He answered all of my questions and then some, very knowledgeable and was patient with my additional questions. It was a breath of fresh air seeing a younger 'person' taking the step to be self employed, he was knowledgeable, on time, and gave me a very fair deal! I'll definitely be keeping him as a contact going forward diesel repairs.
  2. Rio

    What Cell phone provider do you use?

    Similar experience for me with Verizon, good coverage in the sticks, but still some places that are pretty remote I have have had no service. Curious, has anyone had experience with the Wilson wireless amplifier: http://shop.outdoorsmans.com/product.sc?productId=252&categoryId=56 Pretty pricey, but may be another option. Reviews seem to be mostly positive.
  3. Rio

    DIY Security Box 2

    Pretty cool design, like previously mentioned before, if it were taken, they'll have heck getting to the camera. Now if we can just come up with a similar beefy approach to attach to a tree, probably a pretty good chance it'll stay where it's put!
  4. Rio

    Cam Pics

    Hmmm, those pictures look awful familiar....
  5. Rio

    Walk-In Cooler

    This is what I'm planning to use/do - http://www.storeitcold.com/ 4x8 type of set up. Get the foam insulation from home depot, make it 4 inches thick, and then some racks and meat hangers, should be able to hold quite a bit.
  6. You might think about checking out the Arizona Pointing Dog Club, www.azpdc.org, lots of folks willing to provide advice and help, and you can probably find folks on your side of town to train with.
  7. If you're in the phoenix area you might want to come to one of the Arizona Pointing Dog Club (www.azpdc.org) meetings, they every second Tuesday of the month at Marie Callender’s Restaurant, 2420 W Northern Ave located at I-17 and Northern Ave. The club was formed to give owners and their dogs something to do during the off season. There are a bunch a friendly folks with a ton of knowledge, and really helped me get going. More then likely you'd be able to find someone on your side of town to get out with you and your dog to do an initial evaluation. PM me if you questions about the club.
  8. Rio

    2011 New Mexico Mule deer

    Kevin, Awesome Buck and great write up! Way to get it done. Karl
  9. I was able to get into them in New Mexico prior to the weather, but have not been out in AZ since the rain, I'd liek to though.
  10. Good looking dog and looks like she's got the hang of it! AZPDC is a great club with good folks. I joined a year or so back and really enjoyed the monthly events and help they provided me. Hope to see you at one of the meetings.
  11. Rio


    All units and multiple states, say the western states.
  12. Rio


    I currently use 3 different software packages, Garmins Topo, NatGeo Maps, and huntinggpsmaps.com for land status and better terrain mapping on my gps. Between these 3 software packages, I get most everything I want. Although not as big of an issue in AZ, Land Status is a big one for me, especially if I'm in other states like NM as the trespass laws are much different (and tougher), HuntingGPSmaps.com is great for this and it's loadable onto my GPS unit. It also has very good terrain/elevation information. Between Garmin and NatGeo, I get most of the structure information that I want, like roads, water, peak elevation, etc. I'll print specific maps from NatGeo with way points from both Garmin and Natgeo to use on hunts. If you could combine all three into one, that you could print individual maps from as well as load to your GPS, I think you'd have the complete package. From what you've described above, it sounds like you'd be able to add even more information which would be usefull as well. I also have the 6a Flatline map, it's a nice map of the Unit, and as mentioned earlier had good visual information on the terrain, but I think it could benefit from some additional information. The biggest benefit of the map is having the entire unit available with a lot of information on it.
  13. Rio

    Name this snake

    Looks like a Long Nose Snake.
  14. Rio

    Mysterious pics

    Do you have it in a lock box? if not +1 on the possibility of someone messing with the card. If it's in the lock box, check the batteries and indicated above, also, I'd remove the 1 minute delay, you could have a trigger out of camera range, and then have the animal walk through during your 1 minute delay.
  15. Rio

    Rutting bull already!

    Brings a whole new meaning to "Honey Hole"