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Everything posted by hunterdude

  1. It's to bad the "EX-Gov." of Arizona is such a Dumb_ _ _ ! That lady should have her butt thrown in a cholla cactus and covered in honey for the ants to cleanup. But that would be mean to the ants! She leaves the state and is some how blind to the south! VOTE all of the idiots out of office next go round and start out with fresh blood!!!
  2. hunterdude

    stabilizer help???

    Some bow shops will let you try out different ones before you buy it also!
  3. hunterdude

    Coyote, Fox, and Bobcat pelts

    One of my neighbors could stand to donate a couple of there cats!
  4. hunterdude

    stabilizer help???

    It will help keep it from viberating as much when you shoot, and take some of the recoil out !
  5. hunterdude

    Marlin 30/30

    Thats a good price if your looking for one!
  6. hunterdude

    Desert Bighorn Mount

    Very nice job!
  7. hunterdude

    Life size javelina

    Weller's in Tucson has some pretty cool looking mounts! Check out there web site here on CWT.
  8. hunterdude

    First Bobcat!!

    Way to go! That is a good looking bob.
  9. hunterdude

    Poppy Pics!!

    Nice pics. I'm going to try to get the wife out to Picacho peak and get some pictures of the flowers there this weekend! It's nice between Florence jct. and Superior on the 60!
  10. hunterdude

    2009 Archery Bull Elk at its finest

    Dang good looking elk you all killed!
  11. hunterdude

    Some new ones for the pile

    Way to go! I can't wait til I can get back up in the sticks to hunt some more horns up!
  12. hunterdude

    Elk Sheds from Today

    Good job!
  13. hunterdude

    A few browns

    I haven't seen that many running creeks (some little rivers) up there in a long time! Hopefully we will get a few more rains every month up to monson season! I couldn't convince my boys to jump into the water for $50.00 bucks !
  14. hunterdude

    I've created a monster

    I have to say those are pretty dang big! Way to go!! I was out east of Showlow this weekend and watched a couple guys on horse back pushing some elk around! Saw quite a few with horns still on and some pretty nice racks ! Hopefully these elk will drop them on there own instead of being forced off!
  15. hunterdude

    09 Coues

    Very nice!
  16. hunterdude


    Hey sorry to hear people where bashing you! Once in awhile there is some bashing on this site and sometimes it goes on way to long! But I if you are proud of your kill then post it ! If someone doesn't like it they dont have to look at your post, and if they do and don't like it consider the source of the person whining! We would love to see the picture of your deer! If you don't post it PM me a picture I promise I wont post it or gripe about it and say you stole my spot!
  17. hunterdude

    easy scoutin, tough huntin! 2010 rifle pig

    I bet thtat .22mag laid it down with out any damage to the meat! I've dumped some yotes out to about 75yrds with the one I have!
  18. hunterdude

    Got a new dog from the pound yesterday

    How about "Dog", and pronounce it like Dee oh Gee ?
  19. hunterdude

    San Felipe Trip Pics

    You could always just pm the really good ones to people! Like me!
  20. hunterdude

    Brave Lion! A little too tame maybe?

    Teluwut! If that was my back porch it would have got some blood on it from the broadhead that lit that cat up!
  21. hunterdude

    First browns and killer horns

    Dang good weekend for you! I just got back from up there but didin't do any shed hunting. I'm going back wednesday night so maybe I will be able to get out and do some!
  22. hunterdude

    Archery setup for elk

    I use a Diamond Black ice @ 67# and 100gr. three blade muzzy ! It makes a dead elk!
  23. hunterdude

    Went out yesterday...

    I wish I could find more time and get out and kill something!
  24. hunterdude

    bowfishing finally

    I was going to do that with my old bow but one of my buddies son wanted a bow so i gave him a smoking deal on my old one!
  25. hunterdude

    my first deer on the wall

    Very nice ! What did he score?