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Everything posted by Huntmoore

  1. Huntmoore

    2017: What is your bull goal this year?

    Your gonna need more wall space. I'm digging the "wavy" third.....
  2. Huntmoore

    RPR gen 3 .308

    It's hard to find room for all your winnings, huh?
  3. Huntmoore

    3B Nov Muzzy Bull

    A buddy who is new to hunting drew this tag and I am trying to help him with some starting points. Anybody had this hunt in the past that would be willing to throw some help his way? Thanks guys! -Z
  4. Huntmoore

    3B Nov Muzzy Bull

    His is actually the later (Nov. 30-Dec. 6)
  5. I'd recommend Bret Prentice at Game Trail Taxidermy! Great guy and great work! His shop is around 67th Ave. and Olive!
  6. Huntmoore

    Fly fishing gear

    There is an Orvis store in Scottsdale. A new new Orvis store in my neighborhood @ 20th Street & Camelback also. FYI if you're closer to Central Phx. S. This is the only one now. The store in Scottsdale at Kierland relocated to 20th St. and Camelback. They'll take great care of you...
  7. Huntmoore

    Cabin rental in Payson, Hunt of a Lifetime recipient

    I think some guys on here have rented my buddy Gino's cabin in Mead Ranch (22N). I was in it last year for the late bull hunt. Great place and Gino lives next door and has a wealth of info about the unit (and some neighboring ones). You'd be in the heart of 22N and a short drive from 23... Google "Dead Mule Ranch" on Airbnb...
  8. Huntmoore

    Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon 1400.00

    Beautiful...wish I had the cash....
  9. PRICE DROP....I have 3 Phoneskope products for sale, all LNIB. ALL SOLD 1) Phone/Case adapter for iPhone 6/6s in Otterbox Defender case $35 obo SOLD 2) Phone/Case adapter for iPhone 6/6s in Lifeproof Fre case $35 obo SOLD 3) Eyepiece adapter for Vortex Viper HD 20-60x80 Spotter $10 obo SOLD Located in NW valley Thanks, guys!
  10. Huntmoore

    Phoneskope for iPhone 6/6s and Viper HD 20-60x80

    According to the website, the sizes for Viper and Razor are significantly different, so I don't think the eyepiece would work PM me if you want the Lifeproof Adapter though....
  11. Huntmoore

    2017 buck, now the wait begins

    What a sweet buck....congrats!! Is his right eye gone or is that just the camera angle?
  12. Huntmoore

    Looking for a pistol

    G43 is great for EDC. New at ammo AZ for $399...
  13. Dude. People are gonna go nuts when they find out that these are Fluorite...
  14. Huntmoore

    Favorite "Non-Steak House" Restaurant in the Valley?

    St. Francis, Gadzooks, Windsor (this is a fave), North, The Henry, Federal Pizza, Cibo
  15. Huntmoore

    Bear Track Cases?

    Anybody have any knowledge of the company? I can find very little information online besides that they made very high $$ gun cases. I came across a fly rod case by them in pristine condition....very well made, foam lined, lockable...thinking about parting with it but can't find much info at all...according to the interwebs, it seems to have been made by Freedom Arms, but little else. Never seen something made quite like this for fly rods... Curious if anybody knows anything about them?
  16. Huntmoore

    22N December Bull?

    Hey guys! Getting pumped to help a buddy on his first ever hunt...he's got the 22N Dec. 2-8 bull tag. We'll be in a cabin in Mead Ranch for this one, but I know that the elk will have been pressured a ton by then (especially after the Nov. 25th tags are in there). We've scouted and I've hunted earlier hunts in there before, but this Dec. hunt is a new beast for me. Curious if anyone has had this tag and what they experienced as far as finding elk? How much will weather matter? Any advice would be appreciated...we've got a good amount of help, not afraid to walk or glass (the hunter is current army and in great shape, so he's willing to work...and he's not looking for a monster for his first. I'd LOVE to be able to have him wrap his tag on something!) Thanks guys!
  17. Huntmoore

    22N December Bull?

    No luck for our hunter Great time had by all though....spotted this guy night before opening and for a few seconds opening morning, but never again after that. https://youtu.be/5kCsnUJ-oxU Thanks for all the help though! Congrats to the successful guys in that unit!
  18. Huntmoore

    Caribou Shoulder Mount

    Hey guys! A friend of mine just had a death in the family and is looking for a home for a beautiful caribou Mount that was killed by grandpa in AK around 1955. They are asking $1,950 obo and would love to see it go to someone who values the trophy like the family does. If you know anyone looking to add to the trophy wall at a lodge or home, let me know!
  19. Huntmoore

    22N December Bull?

    Thanks, 452b264! And thanks to Wrangler for the PM...love the helpfulness on this site!
  20. Huntmoore

    My sons 5x5

    +1 on Bret at Game Trail