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Everything posted by WHALE

  1. WHALE

    No buck, but a lion instead

  2. WHALE


    Watched a 6 point checking cows and running rag horns over in 23 last week.
  3. WHALE

    good day

    Good job getting the kids involved
  4. WHALE

    Dean Linne Muley

    good job on a nice buck
  5. what a buck, great job
  6. WHALE


    congrats on a great buck
  7. WHALE

    my "trophy"

    good job on the buck and congrats
  8. WHALE

    tomorrows objective

    He is not a monster but he is non typical and have yet to take one home. Will see what tomorrow brings.
  9. WHALE

    Latest Covert II pics from Aug7-20

    nice pics up until the last one. I hate them suckers.
  10. WHALE

    Who's packed & ready?

    4:30 AM Friday I will be in my stand awaiting GAME TIME!!!!!!!!
  11. Last September me and a buddy stop to watch a bull that had about 15 cows herd together. The bull which was a good looking six point kept running off two rag horns that were after his cows. The weird thing was that there was a whitetail doe in the cows and the bull would not let her out of the herd.We watched for about 25 minutes and she never got out while we were there.
  12. WHALE

    scent control

    Wondering what kind of scent control the rest of you bow hunters use when either checking your stand sites for activity or hunting your stands? I have hunted with guys that sprayed their boots even to check their stands prior to season. Another said he uses nothing just gets above 25' in the tree? I am pretty much like the latter of the two. Any opinions
  13. WHALE

    scent control

    thanks for the info and ideas. good luck to everyone this fall.
  14. WHALE

    Coyote Triple

    That's some fun right there...
  15. Nice video, what time of year is the best to see bear in the cactus?
  16. WHALE

    They are UP online!!!

    Still getting over no tag for me but my younger brother-n-law got his first tag at fifteen years old so it will be fun introducing him to this obsession we all love.
  17. WHALE

    New youth member

    welcome aboard
  18. WHALE

    Got my mount back!

    Man thaze some nice bucks on that wall
  19. WHALE

    what is this snake

    This one coiled up like I have seen rattlers do before it retreated
  20. WHALE

    what is this snake

    thanks for the info
  21. WHALE

    Well.........Were waiting!!!!!

    Nice pics guys. Good luck to everyone on the draw. Here's a few more pics. Oct. 2007 Oct. 2008 Donation Buck Feb. 2009
  22. Was driving home from work today and saw a coues buck and started thinking about last year's rifle tag. Thought I would post my little story. I drew a October whitetail tag a had settled on a spot for opening day. Opening morning came and I had shot and lost a decent 3x3. Hoping I would see him again I sat in the same area the rest of Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Monday I was back in there before light when 8:30 rolled around and I had not seen him so I decided to walk through where the buck had last been seen. Well I get half way over there and hear two quick shots on other side of ridge. I keep going and there at about 100 yds. is a 3x3 standing looking at me. I shoot, buck is down for the count and here comes a lady over the ridge. She had shot at the buck and hit it once on the back. We observe the buck, snap some pictures and try to decide what to do with the buck we had both just shot. This was the first time I had come across this so I called a buddy who had. After talking with him I decided to let her have the buck, which is now her first coues deer. It wasn't easy since I have only killed three prier to this, but it sure made her year.
  23. WHALE

    Trail camera poll

    I have never had one stolen but me and my uncle went to pick his up over in 23 on a spring that we set it on about 4 weeks ago and it was stolen. The spring had an old quad trail on it and the only tracks when we set up the camera was from a rancher repairing fences. Not saying the rancher took it.