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Everything posted by WHALE

  1. WHALE

    This weekend

    Spotted a descent mulie buck down in 24A last week might go help a friend down there next week.
  2. WHALE

    finally a little activity

    Nice pics, come on January
  3. WHALE

    Recipe for wild turkey?

    The last 2 I have done in a bag with olive oil, onion and garlic salt. My whole family enjoyed it even my mom and she don't eat wild game. don't over cook it.
  4. WHALE

    Desert Mule deer rut

    hard to beat the first few days of January for Mule deer
  5. WHALE

    TJ's 2011 Coues Buck

    Congrats on the buck and cow.
  6. WHALE

    Share your weather with us

    Payson has had sleet and rain nothing white on the ground.
  7. WHALE

    help with arrow selection

    what he said
  8. WHALE

    Archery Bear

    Man that is cool, good job.
  9. WHALE

    2010 Archery Coues Buck

    Good job on a pair of nice bucks. Good luck on the rut hunt. I will be out on January 1st and am counting down the days.
  10. WHALE

    Sister 2011 Coues

    good job helping her get a deer and congrats to your sister
  11. WHALE

    2011 late archery hunt

    good job
  12. WHALE

    fblack friday shopping for horns

    I'll be down there helping my dad and brother out. We went 2 for 2 down there last year looking forward to the hunt not the drive. Good luck to you and yours.
  13. WHALE

    Late Archery Bull 2011

    I have had those late rifle tags and it can be tough with the number of tags they put out. I run into a lot less people on the late archery tags, that is one of the reasons I like them.
  14. WHALE

    Late Archery Bull 2011

    Got another late archery bull today no big one yet maybe next year. Got to our glassing spot and spotted this bull about 2 miles out just below the rim and I decided I would give him a try. After about a mile of hiking up the side of the rim I got higher than the bull. Eased over where me and Justin thought he had bedded and picked him up in his bed about 225 yrds. out. After watching him lay his head down to sleep I started easing in. At about 150 yrds he gets up and starts feeding towards me to about 125yrds. He stopped and was eating on a pile of snow( which I have never seen)then disappeared behind a little finger ridge. I continue to the top of the finger. When I get to the top look over and he is 35 yrds below me bedded. I can't shoot due to limbs in the way so I ease down to 25 and with the bull looking away shoot through the limbs and my arrow smacks a limb and misses the bull. He stands up, I blow on the diafram and he looks around allowing me to get a second arrow off and hit him. Great day and my best stalk yet. Like to thank Justin, Tim and Mac for their help in spotting the bull and getting him off the mountain.
  15. WHALE

    They r up

    22 pig, 22 turkey and 23 bear gonna bear a fun spring and summer. my wife got her first turkey tag also. this might cut into my bass fishing oh well
  16. WHALE


    I don't have a problem with it. If it were the other way around I would be scouting (glassing) too. I do hunt a lot under the rim where it seems this time of year there can be fresh bulls moving down every few days. If I had a rifle tag starting this Friday I would be glassin my butt off trying to get a feel for what is going on. Water holes might be the only thing that would cause conflicts. Hope you had a fun hunt. By the way I have had scouters help me out in the past while I was hunting.
  17. WHALE

    last day last hour 24a buck

    Nice job, looks like the kids are happy with him.
  18. Found an area loaded with deer droppings and a little saddle with two trails in it headed to the spot with all the droppings. Would you set up in the saddle or the area with all the droppings? I have always heard saddles are the best place to ambush a whitetail with archery, but got to wondering with the amount of droppings if that would be the best place.
  19. WHALE

    Archery Coyote

    nice shot, I am cursed on yotes with a bow think i have missed 5, good job
  20. WHALE

    Where would you set up?

    appreciate the info I have a camera in the saddle now and we will see what happens on the pics. never thought of making a mock scrape but i might have to give it a try. 100% whitetails this January no mulies or at least thats my goal.
  21. WHALE

    144" gross Coues for sale

    the guy should post the trail pics of the buck I would like to see em
  22. Looks good to me, never thought I would want a sheep tag but I sure like the looks of your mounts on the wall.
  23. WHALE

    Late Archery Bull 2011

    Thanks for the replies, it was a good time. Good luck out there everyone.
  24. WHALE

    Big sheds

    Awesome finds Gary
  25. WHALE


    Well said I have shot a few elk and deer over water with my bow and a deer at 450 yards with a rifle. Had a hoot doing it all and I believe that is all that matters.