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Everything posted by WHALE

  1. WHALE

    My Bride and her buck **UPDATED***LOL

    Great job on an awesome looking buck!
  2. WHALE

    My first archery coues

    Great looking buck that second pic sure shows of his character
  3. You guys are big coues machines. Congrats to the hunter.
  4. WHALE

    Archery 10 buck in the dirt**updated more pix**

    Great job would like to see the video.
  5. WHALE

    taxidermist for archery strip

    Collin with H&H is in Flag or Clay with Mogollon is here in Payson. Don't know if that helps but a couple thoughts
  6. WHALE

    2013-2014 Coues Buck Contest

    Thanks Couestracker for pitching in and helping Amanda.
  7. WHALE

    Finally got a bear!

    That's awesome congrats
  8. WHALE

    First Archery Memory

    Mine would have to be my first archery elk tag (November cow). I was sitting a tree stand and on the second evening I look up and here are two cows coming straight at me. When they reach the fence the lead cow makes a hard right. I am thinking its game over they know something is up and decide to shoot at 60. I miss and go to check my arrow which was clean. It was at that moment I discovered the fence was down behind some scrub oak and that is where she was headed. If I had waited they would probably have walked in for a 25 yard shot.
  9. WHALE

    Happy Birthday TJ!!!

    Happy Birthday
  10. WHALE

    2014 Buck

    Good Job!!!!!
  11. WHALE

    Online Hunter Education Course for Kids

    I did last year with 2 of my girls and it was great. I was able to take the time to explain questions they had and it was fun for me. I made sure to not help them on the tests so come field day I was sure they were ready. It can be some fun father/daughter time.
  12. Do they give any warning (it will close in a week) or do they just close it? Can't remember how it works.
  13. WHALE

    Another BIG P&Y BULL Down! Kaibab!

    Stick & String putting down a freight train. That's awesome
  14. WHALE

    My Mother's Day

    Good write up and those close calls sure can be an adrenaline rush.
  15. WHALE

    One and Done!!

    Holy cow! Your gonna need a lot of stuffing, potatoes and gravy
  16. WHALE

    Bigger gear for bigger animals

    When I first started archery hunting elk I thought as you and almost bought some 125 grain broadheads. I thought I would need a heavier broadhead for elk until I spoke with an old man who had been hunting elk longer than I had. He said 100 grain is good it will keep your speed up and you will do fine you don't need a 125 or heavier broadhead. Well I listened and have shot and recovered one bull a year for the last 5 years. I lost last years arrow cause it passed through at 55 yards and kept going. Just saying don't knock the 100 grain fixed broadheads IMO Stick Flinger Out
  17. WHALE

    Emmy's First Long Beard

    Emmy was able to tag her first tom this morning at 6:30. The birds were right where I had seen them yesterday. We got within 150 yards of him early. We set up and called to him very subtle on the slate for 45 minutes. He actually passed by us at 70 yards or so and sounded like he was leaving. I told Emmy we need to get up higher on the ridge. I decided to call loud and aggressive with the diaphragm. He let out two loud gobbles and I told Emmy to get ready he is coming. 5 minutes later we see him full strut with wings dragging the ground. When he reached a clearing I told her shoot. She made a perfect 21 yard shot. I am a proud papa.
  18. WHALE

    Youth Turkey 3-fer

    Man that is definitely success. Congrats to you and your boys.
  19. WHALE

    Youth Turkey Hunts

    We just ate our success. The kids loved it. Thanksgiving dinner on Easter
  20. WHALE

    Emmy's First Long Beard

    Thanks guys I don't think she has stopped smiling since we got home except for her 2 hour nap( 3:45 comes early for a 10 year old).
  21. WHALE

    Wyatt Whacked the third one

    Way to go Wyatt!!!!!!
  22. WHALE

    Broad heads for elk, 2014

    Wasp boss 100 grain