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Everything posted by SO I HUNT

  1. I've got one in 223 with the set trigger and would never sell it. Bought it about 10 years ago I think it was around $400 then..
  2. SO I HUNT

    bedding a rifle

    So did buy a March scope? We talked earlier this year about them...
  3. SO I HUNT

    Brothers first deer!

    Way to go, congrats to your brother...
  4. SO I HUNT

    Daughter's hunt

    Great story and buck... Taken in all you can now, before it's too late..
  5. SO I HUNT

    WTB cheap 410 pump

    Remington made them 870 and still have it, but not for sale;(
  6. SO I HUNT

    Ruger Precision Rifle NIB 6.5 creedmoor Gen 2 $2850

    Just bought new for $989.00 plus tax
  7. SO I HUNT

    Ruger Precision Rifle NIB 6.5 creedmoor Gen 2 $2850

    I'm hoping that his 1st. Post is a mistake? Funny no reply yet?
  8. SO I HUNT

    My sons first Bull

    Congratulations and very nice bull
  9. SO I HUNT

    Wyoming Antelope First Timers

    Way to go Shea... Nice lopes and the fishing looked pretty good as well.....
  10. SO I HUNT

    Burglar Bull

    Congrats on a great bull!
  11. SO I HUNT

    3C vandals caught on camera

  12. SO I HUNT

    2016 Utah Muley

    Holy moley! Nice buck congrats!
  13. New gun and looks like h4350 is what works best. Just pm me if you have some? Thanks,
  14. SO I HUNT


    I've got new stock and barrel factory take offs..
  15. SO I HUNT


    If you're interested let me know...
  16. SO I HUNT

    New Mexico success

    Very nice and congrats...
  17. SO I HUNT

    Spot n stalk AZ goat

    Congrats. Nothing like having family there with you to experience it all!
  18. SO I HUNT

    Goat DOWN!!

    Nice goat! Any goat with a bow is a trophy😉
  19. SO I HUNT

    SPF/SPF Savage 111 LRH 6.5x284

    Thanks GreyGhoust85 Kinda like browing boss system? With that being known now I'll look into how others like or not. Wasn't a fan of the boss system. Thanks for the fast replies.....
  20. SO I HUNT

    SPF/SPF Savage 111 LRH 6.5x284

    Does the muzzle break come off?
  21. SO I HUNT

    SPF/SPF Savage 111 LRH 6.5x284

    Not for sale now?
  22. SO I HUNT

    2 new bushnell trail cameras

    Just bought this camera Sunday for $50.00 at Walmart 50% off😏
  23. SO I HUNT

    Ruger #1 RSI

    I've never trusted groups at 100 yards ( get it on paper at the 100 yard mark and move it to 200 yards for your grouping ) to me this is your true grouping, I've had rifles shoot ok at a 100 and shoot great at 200 just my .02 cents of thought on getting a true group performance out of the rifle you're working on......
  24. SO I HUNT

    August Opening Day Coues

    Great story and a stud buck for sure Shea congrats...