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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Time to learn unit 10

    good luck on scouting - unit 10 is getting more rain out of this monsoon season than ever - just storm after storm moving across the unit- this includes unit 7 and 8 - and all units along the upper Colorado. be prepared for washed out draws /creeks and roads . standing water everywhere
  2. elkaholic

    Minox 15x58

    first post and hes sellin binos for 1/2 the value ??? http://www.cameralandny.com/optics/minox.pl?page=62132 pretty sure minox just went to a life time warranty though I do not know if it applies to resell!!
  3. elkaholic

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    only once -- elk hunting - archery -- I had built a ground blind on a tank for an elderly guy in his 70's - there were a few old tree stands around been there for yrs. we hunted the blind the first 2 days and decided to give it a break and try someplace else . we returned the morning of the 4th to find the blind completely torn apart and basically removed. we noticed a new tree stand in the tree. that evening I visited the tank to find a guy in the stand - he asked me to leave - I asked him why he tore the blind down - he denied it. I explained about the older hunter - I was told rudely to go away this was his tank and he'd been hunting for yrs. I stayed till after dark. since we were camped 1/4 mile away - I told him I'd be back tomorrow to rebuild the blind and hoped he understand that this wasn't his tank . we planed on having the elderly guy in the blind everyday and if he wanted to be in the stand then he'd have to get use to it! normally id would have left and hunted someplace else but the fact that he tore the blind apart ticked me off. if he thought we would just give up and move he was sadly mistaken so if he wanted to share ok or he was the one who'd have to leave . when he returned the next day we were already in the rebuilt blind - the old guy didn't mind setting there all day and evening - we just brought him stuff. The guy ranted and raved and we told him if he wanted to waste his time to just come back. but we were not leaving . we watched as he removed his stand and left. cuzing us out loudly to scare any animals away.
  4. elkaholic

    Revised left over tags

    if your smart you'll hunt the burn that went from hoseshoe canyon up to portal but im pretty sure the rd is still blocked at the entrance which will make for better hunting as no one has been up there- few will pack or walk in anymore
  5. elkaholic

    PERSONALS: seeking fishin partner :)

    normally its 3 strikes and your out - everyone can slip a little now and then - for some its a way of life - hoghntr prefers not to have to deal or put up with it simple rule want a fish with a great guy - understand and respect his choices - its his boat!! I really would like to do a early/ early trip to bartlett and go upstream as far as possible - then its an easy relaxing float back to the flats area !
  6. elkaholic

    Boyz of Summer

    NICE- gotta like that one older bull - at least the one where ya can see the quality -he's a shooter- rest all look like young bulls maybe 2-3 that will need a little more time to grow some tops!
  7. elkaholic

    PERSONALS: seeking fishin partner :)

    its just a matter of timing - sometimes got things to do! i'll give ya a holler what was the weight limit anyways - lol I got a good lifevest!
  8. elkaholic

    Unit 10 Early Rifle Bull

    unit 10 is kinda known for bad roads - especially if it rains and they have been getting hammered the past week - elk can be found all thru the unit - case in point we had 5 different bulls screaming - for the three days we were at property during the few weeks of the rut last yr- walk down to the end of driveway and watch different bulls / with cows buglin back and forth on the hillsides - quite awesome . wife was convinced they would walk right by us. do some serious scouting - be prepared for bad roads and enjoy the best tag you'll ever get! good luck
  9. elkaholic

    Cleaning up some

    In its day the bushnell trekker was a decent scope . its a fair price - good luck on your sale optics have come a long way kinda the same with the fox call - everythings remote no cables/wires to mess with now days /built in speakers
  10. so does that come with a 20% off tab coupon- lol - good pizza-- good luck
  11. elkaholic

    Crossbow use during acrchery season?

    don't forget to add the 30% mental disability - just kiddin - just remember you only need 40 lb draw to archery hunt! and ive seen people switch from right hand to left draw also ! especially with the lighter draw weight
  12. elkaholic

    The results are up!

    21 dec --NICE
  13. elkaholic

    Leftover tag process

    +1 on 43F ---- if ya read the website - the first 1/2 of the second draw is by mail only must be received at the g&f office starting july 22- MONDAY- so it must be mailed tomorrow or Saturday - read how to apply for leftovers on their website - self explanatory!! second 1/2 ---then starting the 29th its first come first serve by mail or over the counter for any remaining tags
  14. elkaholic

    Draw Results are Posted

    21 dec whity and a 7 turkey -- hunting time
  15. elkaholic

    Mt lion meat?

    do not waste the meat - it is great tasting - like anything some will praise others will turn up their nose - lion meat is very good! I gave my lion meat to a game and fish officer so he could bbq'd it up at the office picnic-- when the office was at 35th greenway - everyone wanted seconds and thirds! I enjoyed it!
  16. elkaholic

    Bounty to hunt Drones- YES

    here's what they do to practice for upcoming seasons - very cool - http://www.gnatusa.com/
  17. elkaholic


    YES- have seen whity numerous times - right next to the road on the hill top as the road goes up over the hill
  18. elkaholic

    Forest Rd closed due to bears

    NFS way over stepping their authority by closing a major road due to BEARS - This should be wher G&F steps in and patrols and they do something to discourage the bears from hanging around. advising people to take precautions while outing or camping - stopping people traveling into the areas and tell them about the bears but close the road wasn't necessary. closing the road is pure B.S.- people traveling the road are in no danger of bears .
  19. elkaholic

    Need help identifying this skull

    gotta go with goat skull also - heres a bunch to compare http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-of-11-Partial-Goat-Skulls-with-Horns-from-Texas-/390617704342?pt=US_Taxidermy&hash=item5af2a12796
  20. I guess because I never get to hunt out of state - it doesn't bother me - why would anyone want to haul a whole carcass across state lines anyway and as far as clean skulls etc - same thing Keeping antlers clean of tissue shouldn't be an issue - why would you even be transporting the skull if it wasn't going to a taxidermy. where does it state anything about processing out of state meat ? deboning is as easy as pie - cutting and wrapping meat and having it on ice protects it - equals less meat waste - extra trips - ?? just be glad they don't demand you bring it in for inspection before entering the state - where you must contact them for inspection / samples before bring any game meat taken in another state
  21. elkaholic


    maybe in 3 weeks I'll give it some thought - now - figured a bluff
  22. ok like where in that link does it state anything like his post - unless I speed read to fast
  23. hello - could you please provide information - link- where you got the info and what you are talking about - so others can understand what you are trying to say
  24. elkaholic

    Cwt.com cook book?

    I sign up as official "CWT taster ", to give it the thumbs up or down rate of approval - lol I hate to sound crazy but lately I've found out just about any meat product/ seared and put in a cook bag with all the extras - turns out AWESOME example - any round steak - seasoned anyway you like- seared -" I use sunflower seed oil" and 2 cans of diced tomatoes with green chili- and use a cooking bag - flour bag - one can spread on the bottom / then add seared steaks / one can spread on top- seal bag, slice holes and cook at 350 for 2 hrs -- will be the best way "ever " to get a basically tough piece of meat so tender you can cut it with a fork delicious you can do the same with any roast / prepared to your taste and add all kinds of fresh cut veggies and a can of stock - instead of tomatoes/chili and it will produce same results
  25. elkaholic

    Kawasaki 650 ATV For Sale

    a place for unexpected mother-in laws - or father-in laws whom want to stay - easy choice usually - they leave - no offense