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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. everything I've herad - it was Wyatt- condolences to family and friends - tragic accident - fell off the bow of a boat- no pfd
  2. elkaholic

    Another noob with questions

    Make sure you can ID your deer 100% - both muleys and white-tails are abundant thru out most units . don't just shoot the first thing you see with antlers. Not uncommon to see bucks running together of both species. the time of year and the heat will have a lot in where deer hold up. A lot of this info should be covered in the book you ordered . water will be key to where deer call home. good luck deer can be found as close as cavecreek , all the way to camp verde.
  3. elkaholic


    nothin finer than sitting on my favorite saddle - way before dawn as I've know exactly how to get to it even on the darkest of nights. sit and wait and watch headlights / lamplights comin up the road/ trail in the distance - just after legal shooting light here come all the deer , being pushed by the guy who probably is hunting the area for the first time - all he hears is a shot up the canyon - my hunts over !
  4. elkaholic


    everyones so paranoid that once its been put out online - the world knows and everyone with a tag or whom ever thought of hunting the unit will be flocking to that exact spot for yrs to come ! helping people out with the name of a canyon or road or tank isn't really gonna effect anything. especially when theres over 1000 tags in a 3 month period . Most these units are huge - so givin a little info to a beginner may help him get started . the majority of the units regular hunters know the areas and some may say its the best spot they ever found - others may have not ever seen deer there and would never even consider wasting time there agin. As most know deer are spread through out most units high and low . been to spots where told to find bunchs of deer to not find a single track . time changes areas along with mother nature - roads are closed due to flooding- areas fenced off due to burns- it stops everything but foot travel . newbies will turn around and leave but the guy who knows there are big bucks wont let anything stop him . So I doubt if I give a little info out and it will stop you from hunting your favorite spot because another truck is parked in the area. good luck to everyone who has a tag . I was lucky to draw a Dec. 21 -- whitetail - I'll be hunting the 7 springs area - of maybe yellowjacket canyon . find me if you can ! big red ford- its about a 1 1/2 mile hike into the remote tank I hunt!
  5. elkaholic

    Drew Unit 29...

    I've never even applied for a deer tag in 29! I've done a number piggy/archery January hunts over the yrs. Seen lots more muleys than whities did you actually look at game and fish info- the one place I mentioned is stated there with dozens of others - other than saying check the burn - you gave more info on that than me - get over it - its a huge unit
  6. elkaholic

    Drew Unit 29...

    not like I know any secret spots - i'm pretty sure I've basically made replys to the s/e part of the range in 29- if i'm corerect I mentioned burn in portal and horseshoe canyon - if this happens to be your honey hole then maybe a pm from you may have been a better way of saying hey stop giving away all my good spots . sorry they are not the really good spots
  7. elkaholic

    Surgery at the VA today keep me in prayer...

    to me it means ----- OUCH! + extra pain pills
  8. elkaholic

    Drew Unit 29...

    do not over look the big burn area in and around portal
  9. elkaholic

    Camera Theft

    nothing ticks off a nfs guy more than finding a camera that's mounted/secured/ screwed into a live tree' NFS is giving fair warning - they are takin everything they find - stands - blinds- cameras - spoiling salt lick areas etc. forget he 72 hr crap they don't care and nobody can prove squat . just remember - it isn't necessarily hunters doing this to other hunters. there are just as many freaks- geeks- tree huggers- hikers etc that don't think twice about messin / takin / destroying anything left by a hunter, most thrive on the opportunity.
  10. elkaholic

    Remove Freezer Odor

    power outage will not allow a gfi socket or a surge protector to reset either the majority of spoiled meat is related to an outage - it trips the gfi socket and the meat spoils cuz nobody knew about it or thought about it . the majority of newer homes are required to use gfi sockets - we've had power shut off and then reroute and come back on -- everything appears normal but the ole gfi will screw you everytime!!
  11. elkaholic

    Surgery at the VA today keep me in prayer...

    Glad to hear everythings ok - va hospital is not my favorite place to even go for a visit , let alone surgery doubt you should be usin a shotgun anytime soon but heal up enough to be castin that rod - we still need to make a bartlette upper verde trip soon!
  12. elkaholic

    Fred Bear 8 arrow bow quiver

    posted it this am on ebay - didn't last an hr - sold
  13. elkaholic

    Fred Bear 8 arrow bow quiver

    this is basically NIB never installed only a little wear from inside the original box orig. directions and hand typed "important reminder". Quiver is absolutely perfect. Never adjusted or installed. Foam in hood has no flaws. No chips in paint, anodized is perfect, standing bear silkscreen is 100%! Fred Bear made everything to be functional. This item is without question the best example of the quiver that changed forever how we hold arrows on the bow. one just sold on ebay for 80 and they paid 20 to ship . this is in MINT condition L-640 RH first $75 gets in it - . its awesome guys i'll even throw in a leather finger release and a arm guard Gary 602-993-2657
  14. elkaholic

    Fall Tags Mailed Out?

    most everyone I know just got them in Saturdays mail
  15. elkaholic

    Fred Bear 8 arrow bow quiver

    looks like it will go to ebay startin tomorrow - thanks for lookin
  16. elkaholic

    Fred Bear 8 arrow bow quiver

    heres apic of top of box - just noticed in items I removed fom box - like new never used original with metal end caps string wax this box keeps on giving
  17. elkaholic

    Fred Bear 8 arrow bow quiver

    ok ill get the ole camera out and get a few pics / clase-ups- upon closer examination -1 small chip in paint on one cross arm - a minor glue hase on hood but was coming off with like wiping- I quit not sure how but something may have laid aganst the hood - do not think an arrow was ever put in rubber I guess I got over excited but looks like never used still in mint condition so for minor flaws i'll lower price $10. 65 takes it rare to find even wit the minor flaws box great shape but had items with quiver in box that discolored part of inside and probably chiped the paint. sorry I got excited
  18. elkaholic

    Fred Bear 8 arrow bow quiver

    bump- you will rarely find this quiver in this mint condition-
  19. elkaholic


    hopefuly they will start showing up tomorrow !
  20. elkaholic

    Unit 29 Nov WT Hunt

    area south of portal burned a few yrs back - camp by entrance to horseshoe canyon not sure about roads lots of rain down that way this yr E ZENT RD last time I was in there when roads were good we saw deer . I like the huge metal tank about 2 1/2 miles in bear sratches all over the side where they were climbin in and out . another 2 miles in we took the road north do not remember how far we went but saw deer and some bear / lion tracks
  21. elkaholic

    Muzzleloader help

    not ballistics but should help give idea about loads using different types of bullets / pellet selection /powder charge etc. http://www.hodgdon.com/PDF/muzzleloading_manual_2008.pdf?CHECKBOX_1=on kinda funny the ole patch and round ball flys faster than most of them -
  22. elkaholic

    Time to learn unit 10

    minimum extra $120 for you and your son to hunt - bummer
  23. elkaholic

    Time to learn unit 10

    not a real HOT topic but posted on most hunting sites - even here lol http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/41885-unit-10-tag-holders/
  24. usually its nice to know tooo whom we are communicating- introduce yourself a little , if possible best info is azg&f under hunting and then pic the unit - gives great basic info on where to hunt!
  25. elkaholic

    Unit 10 tag holders

    - in the rules area of description- so it looks like you can use it to go scouting before the hunts but it ends after your hunt The Ranch Access Permit will be valid beginning August 15, 2013. This permit includes the Big Boquillas Ranch within Game Management Unit 10 and will expire at midnight on second day after the conclusion of the hunt associated with Ranch Access Permit