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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Not just Another Pig

    nice job - great story - plenty of meat for the eat'n - all means a successful hunt
  2. elkaholic

    Double droptine buck!

    a perfect hunting experience - in more ways than 1 - nice buck
  3. elkaholic

    unit 21 fatboy

    well - I learned a little about myself this weekend - even an older out of shape guy can get it done the hard way. I also learned great optics can save you a lot of walking. Opening day we spotted 5 bucks and 7 does - all the bucks were small 2- 3 points - what I call little "basket" bucks. Here's where the optics came into play - my 16x50 docters made it easy to get a good look at deer well over a mile away. We woke up Saturday morning to very windy conditions - spotted one deer on the way into the distant ridgeline we were hunting. Spent most the day glassing bush and cactus moving , in hopes to find a deer. A buck was located about 1:30 , got lucky and he was seen just before bedding in a big juniper. Now we are several miles from the truck and over a second saddle and down a long mesa, with him on the other side. We know he's the big 2 point we got on camera - not a huge rack but a big bodied mature buck. Our only hope was to get him up and have him step out for a shot , he was in a huge juniper about 200 yrds across the canyon from us. We whistled ,grunt called ,tossed rocks to no avail-we know he's in there just got to figure out why this isn't working- I do not want to just wait him out - no fun sitting in the hot sun when he's in the shade - lol after several more attempts even talking loudly he finally walks out and I take the shot and he's down - Though it's only 200 yrds across , its a steep ravine and can't see the bottom from where we are sitting. It was like 20 minutes to just to get down and up the other side to him. Now the fun begins, first look at watch - 2:30 - start second guessing - why did I shot his guy this late - this far from the truck - we are close to 3 miles from the truck and actually see the body size of this buck . I never carry a camera so pics weren't possible.- start gutless method and capping out - This buck was layered in fat - everywhere back - sides -brisket - belly . The rut must be on cuz his neck was huge also. Not sure the time frame but the way the sun was going down we knew we had to hurry. Even with the moon rising , I don't like hiking out in the dark , knowing we had to go back down and up the ravine before the long hike out. Man I hate lava rock mesa's - lol . So much for making it out before dark - sun was gone and we were about 1/2 way. We managed to get to the truck by 6:45. I really want to thank a very good friend and my brother-in-law for sharing this experience and making it possible . I couldn't have done it without them. Though he's far from my biggest rack - he's definatley the biggest bodied coues I've ever shot, the one hind leg -deboned was 14 lbs. ,on my postal scale.- This is the picture we have of him we had on a camera. sagging belly and huge rear - lol - we call him fatboy Glad to have venison in the freezer - been a while.
  4. elkaholic

    unit 21 fatboy

    heres a pic before we start skinning process - we never saw the little claw till after he was down - nice mass- dark heavy antlered 2/3 more pics later
  5. elkaholic

    bigger in mexico?

    it's not so much hunting pressure - tags for the ranchs are allotted by the government agent kinda our version of game and fish lots of ranchs receive the same # of tags yr in and yr out. guides buy these tags from the rancher - if the ranch has 10 tags the guide must buy them all if he wants exclusive rights to hunt - heres where it gets trickier - if hes in it for the money he sells all 10 tags - yr in and yr out - more than likely the bigger bucks will disappear - if he's smart he'll only sell 4-5 and that's why the price goes up to hunt a ranch . if he only sells 3-4 he's got to make up the difference , now the ranchers get smart and knows the big money are the American hunters so he asks more for the tags . I kinda heard that the # of tags the rancher gets have fluctuated the past few yrs so he only got 8 but still wants the same money he sold 10 for . so now the guide has to sell a few more to make his money . eventually the quality of bucks go down and the average 105 -110 buck are really considered above average now - that's not to say a few monsters 120+ aren't killed each yr. you figure it out
  6. elkaholic

    Bad experience with Outdoorsmans

    yeah -- Carambas closed at 2 today -- whats up with that ? -
  7. elkaholic

    I had to post my property

    I had no choice but to post this for the next hunting season
  8. elkaholic

    26m pig

    if they want to sell tags they should go back to open otc javelin tags for January - everybody bought one- along with deer and lion etc. kinda like all the cow tags for elk - no more big herds of elk in the past 5 yrs they eliminated 100 - 200 thousand elk by killing off way tooo many cows it'll be the same with piggys people will shoot off the big herds which we are finally seeing after 4-5 yrs of 5-6 pigs some herds are now 15 - 20 +
  9. elkaholic

    1st Coues - Not Bad......

    congrats - first coues are special - no matter the size of the rack -
  10. elkaholic

    Trailers on NF

    yep make a copy - have it laminated - post it on your trailer door - stating if any tickets are left within 14 days from date you parked - it will be turned over / sent to mike and earl
  11. elkaholic

    Trailers on NF

    http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/NewsMedia/Forest-Service-clarifies-miscommunication-about-trailers.shtml do not know if it is posted - now if the get their heads out the rear about the 30 ft rule we'll be good - or at least better Forest visitors camping and actively engaging in hunting or other recreational activities on the Coconino, Kaibab or Prescott National Forests are not at risk of being cited or having their property considered abandoned after 72 hours The U.S. Forest Service has issued a clarification to address concerns that were raised in the months following an August news release. The release stated that trailers left unattended for more than 72 hours on the Coconino, Kaibab or Prescott National Forests could be considered abandoned property and subject to removal, with the owner subject to possible citation. The news release caused hunters, other outdoor recreationists, county sheriffs, the Arizona Game and Fish Department and Commission, and elected officials to express concerns about what appeared to be an unprecedented change in the Forest Service’s 14-day stay limit for camping. The Forest Service’s clarification indicates this is not the case. The full clarification notice, written by Mike Williams, Kaibab National Forest Supervisor, and Earl Stewart, Coconino National Forest Supervisor, was recently sent to media outlets around Arizona and is reprinted below. Also below is a link to a clarification letter sent by U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell to Senator John McCain. _________________________________________________ Northern Arizona forests welcome hunters By Mike Williams, Kaibab National Forest Supervisor, and Earl Stewart, Coconino National Forest Supervisor We are concerned that hunters may have recently been given the impression that they are at risk of having their trailers or other vehicles towed while visiting the Kaibab and Coconino National Forests in northern Arizona. This is simply not true, and we want to set the record straight in the hopes of reducing any residual anxieties that our forest visitors might have. Back in August, the Forest Service distributed a news release that attempted to explain rules regarding abandoned property on the National Forests. The intent of the release was to provide information and clarification on a growing issue facing forest managers. We regret the confusion and concern, particularly among the hunting community in Arizona, caused by our miscommunication. Let us be 100 percent clear. Forest visitors camping and actively engaging in hunting or other recreational activities are not at risk of being cited or having their property considered abandoned after 72 hours. Hunters and other campers have never been required to move camp every 72 hours and will not be required to do so in the future. The Kaibab and Coconino National Forests are not implementing any new regulations or policies. Both forests have orders in place for a 14-day stay limit for camping occupancy. Forest users may camp and occupy a site for as many as 14 days in a 30-day period. Most of our hunters and campers have long been familiar with this 14-day stay limit, and it has not changed. While we welcome legitimate uses of the national forests such as hunting and camping, we do have concerns about some other activities and uses that are becoming all too common. Specifically, we have seen a steady increase of recreational trailers, vehicles and other personal property being abandoned on the Kaibab and Coconino forests in recent years. The Forest Service has the authority and the obligation to remove abandoned property in order to protect the public from potential hazards and to keep the forests from becoming a dumping ground for unwanted items. We apply these regulations as a tool when appropriate to address this growing concern, consistent with state law. Practically speaking, visitors cited for abandoning vehicles and property represent an incredibly small percentage of the millions of visitors to the Kaibab and Coconino forests each year. The number of abandoned vehicles towed is an even smaller percentage. We also make every effort to locate and contact owners of property that we suspect has been abandoned prior to any enforcement action being taken. The Kaibab and Coconino forests welcome hunters and other recreational visitors. We cherish our heritage of providing outstanding natural and cultural resources for members of the public to experience and enjoy. We have no interest in interfering with our visitors' legitimate uses of the forests, and we look forward to continuing our legacy of being a premiere destination for Arizona's hunters.
  12. elkaholic

    Help in 21

    we almost always spot muleys off the dugas road butr haven't made that trip in a few yrs.
  13. elkaholic

    what to do once buck spots you?

    Joking aside - There has been lengthy discussions on taking "ethical " shots on deer --using rifle - archery - whatever Everyone's level of experience is different- what works today may not work the next time Conditions play a key roll- animals are alert - the weather - the fatigue of the hunt etc. Taking or attempting a shot can depend on so many things- why ruin an experience by taking a shot that might just wound an animal - but in reality that can happen at anytime , even by the most experienced of hunters . Way too many variations of what can go wrong and usually does! if an animal is alert and you can safely move away - do so - if not try to outlast him and give it time to settle down If he's got you pinned - it will all depend on him - you'll know by what happens next. Chances are ,even if he busts out , he'll be back , .Sometimes the next day, depending on if you don't push him . the majority of hunters I know will not take a shot , just to shoot or say hey I got a shot Good luck on your hunt - let us know what happens
  14. elkaholic

    what to do once buck spots you?

    if the flying arrow doesn't hit a kill zone- the deer ain't dying - its suffering - and for how long !
  15. elkaholic

    26m pig

    shot that bug- lol still waiting for enough cashola to fix my bow - all this talk of 26m piggy has me grabbing my credit card - lol
  16. elkaholic

    Duck Dynasty looses Phil Robertson

    for lack of anything else to do for the last 5min - I read this thread Phil and the DD family should tell them to pound sand an say goodbye We will never see the return of -- GOD AND COUNTRY -- which made America and We Americans proud of our nation and heritage.
  17. elkaholic

    My late dec hunt

    I'd of shot him too!- nice buck - great write -up! Thanks for sharing
  18. elkaholic

    What to do... what to do

    tough call - I've taken spikes and I've got antlers and mounts - I dropped a fatboy on the second day of my dec hunt- we had 1/2 dozen trail cams up for a month - this was most likely the biggest buck in the basin - not to say that a bigger buck wouldn't show - the rut is just starting - Are you seeing lots of does - if yes - then give it another couple days - if its an easy drag to the road - go a little deeper into the hills. I've been passing on little bucks for quite a few yrs and it's nice to have some venison in the freezer. I passed on 5 little basket bucks opening day - didn't even give them a second glance but when you see a mature dark antler deer walkin less than 200 yrds - I really didn't look to count the points -- the safety is off and the gun goes boom - the rest doesn't matter !
  19. elkaholic

    new low

    a friend just got back from checking his cameras - found one - well found out that one was shot to pieces - casing laying close by - cable attached to tree and big chunks of plastics laying on the ground and several bullets holes splintering the tree. no camera in sight or to be found near -by this is a remote spot - way off any normal trail - what type of A_ OLE 's are wondering around these days .
  20. elkaholic

    new low

    nope - central Arizona - not very likely drug runners be anywhere near this area - sorry I should have stated no where near the southern units
  21. elkaholic

    G&F Catchment Tank Book

    well - all I got to say is book is outdated and so is habimap - you really want to look over a unit and find all the tanks and catchments - google earth -- shows all - even see tanks and catchments not on topos or on habimap
  22. elkaholic

    unit 10

    do not expect to see big herds of elk - look for pockets / side canyons
  23. elkaholic

    Cody's first hunt

    way to go cody - that should be on G&F cover for next yr . send /post it on g&f site !! the smile says it all in the 3rd ohoto!
  24. elkaholic

    camping - folding tables

    I guess a great price isn't low enough -- 65 for either one --- cwt member special these need a new home where they will be used!