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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Good News!!!

    . big males move a lot and have a wide range as soon as one notices no other lion around - due to scent trails /piles territory markings etc - they will be next in line move in and take over . you can believe that other lions will take up the hunt. yep miss read it - my bad - yes removing all of them
  2. elkaholic

    Good News!!!

    If I was a dedicated sheep hunter and lived closer to Tucson - lion / predator hunting in the newly released herd area would most likely be at the top of my lion /predator hunting locations! what have local predator groups done to help ?
  3. elkaholic

    Love is in the air!

    " I wasn't blowing in your ear", but did it do anything for you? they had planned for a swim at the ole water hole but it appears to be a little dry this yr.
  4. elkaholic

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    too bad the court couldn't order an investigation into the outfitters iilegal activities - if he's doing it in Mexico 9-10 he's doing it here too! contact the IRS- I'll wager nothing was ever claimed as income either !
  5. elkaholic

    Your Thoughts??? (pic)

    a shooter buck " fer sure" try locating a camera on the rocks so it'll get some better frontal pics as he drinks - just a thought
  6. elkaholic

    Goulds With My Name On Him

    Congrats on your goulds. Not to sound too negative but 3 tags in 5 yrs - It isn't really luck or the odds - it's the system It's kinda hard to take, when lots of people would love the chance and here you got 3- congrats agin I'd like someone to explain how the draw system keeps spitting out your name ,when there is only 6 tags a yr and you got maybe 2 -3 points Congrats agin on your success harvesting (3) of the rarer turkeys here in AZ.
  7. elkaholic

    What bullet weight

    I've never used over 100 gr and stick to 295 powerbelts- some times I use the round balls as they actually fly flatter and faster but do not do well in fast twist barrels we use this setup on piggys and it general punches a big hole thru them there are numerous loads available if the set-up you use is accurate do not change it. 150 grains of anything kicks like a mule and some get a little gun shy and jerk heres a ballistic chart that may help you decide w http://www.powerbeltbullets.com/Ballistics.php
  8. elkaholic

    Water holes

    kinda hard to hide the water barrels when you got white feeder tubs in plain site glass them up from miles away
  9. elkaholic

    G&F wolf release news

    It's only a matter of time before someone is attacked and killed by one or more of these wolves- they are not afraid of humans. our history showed that they were very dangerous and they were killed- hunted down- destroyed - wiped out for a reason. a reintroduction in areas where they will have close contact with people whom won't be able to escape or even know what happened is almost a guarantee-most will be totally unaware of any danger. It may be on your next vacation- summer time outing - camping or even sitting at a lake fishing enjoy your family outing and take that nature walk - watch your children out picking flowers in a meadow with out a care in the world . a silent deadly killer is watching and waiting I pray it never happens but we all know its coming.
  10. The Arizona Game and Fish Commission voted unanimously today to support an alternative developed by 28 cooperating agencies and stakeholders for the non-essential population rule that governs Mexican wolf conservation in Arizona and New Mexico. The proposal, which has an unprecedented level of stakeholder support, is being submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for consideration in its Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). While still conceptual, the alternative is scientifically-based and would further cooperation between federal and state agencies and stakeholders to achieve a self-sustaining wolf population. Key elements of the alternative include: ##Allowing up to triple the target number of Mexican wolves in the Southwest from the 1982 recovery plans goal of not less than 100 wolves to achieve a self-sustaining population. ##Major expansion of the area where wolves can be released to include the Secondary Recovery Zone. ##Expansion of the area where Mexican wolves can disperse and establish territories. ##Establishment of a connectivity corridor for wolves to disperse to the species core historical range in Mexico. ##Recognition of the importance of Mexico as a primary element to successful Mexican wolf recovery. The biggest impediment to the Mexican wolf reintroduction effort in the Southwest isnt biologically-based. Its social tolerance for an apex predator on todays modern landscape that must support such a wide variety of conservation, recreation and economic uses. This alternative represents the first time such a broad-based group has come together for Mexican wolf conservation, and it goes a long ways to enhancing social tolerance and, in turn, successful conservation of the species, says J.W. Harris, chairman of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. The alternative provides concepts that stakeholders want the Service to evaluate as it prepares the draft EIS that will eventually be opened to broad public review and comment.
  11. elkaholic

    G&F wolf release news

    Something like -- it came into my camp - I felt threatened by its behavior - it endangering myself and the lives of my family - period
  12. elkaholic

    strangest trail cam photo

    maybe we should have a new category for trail camera photo's - weirdest / strangest thing - well - at least I'd have one to post- came across this as I went thru thousands of photos not sure what it is - any guesses ?
  13. elkaholic

    Bigger gear for bigger animals

    rifle - muzzy - archery it's not size that matters its shot placement- period even the biggest baddest most powerful around - doesn't work like its suppose to if its not in the right spot seen bulls drop from a 243- they stood for a few seconds - didn't even know they was dyin seen them run away with 3 - 300 win mags rounds in 'm and not even slow down
  14. elkaholic

    Find the deer!!

    the only thing I see - that might be a deer is what looks to be an antler - just up from the bottom center of photo in the little light green bush
  15. elkaholic

    Find the deer!!

    girls shoot better - i hope you take this in the humor its intended but - i can't make out a thing - lol even after clicking on enlarge you might want to invest in a better camera !
  16. elkaholic


    sent u a pm- great tag - was my first choice
  17. elkaholic

    Spring Time Trail Cam Pics

    nearly ever creek / riverbed /wash will likely have a spot that will hold water first/last- its tricky finding them we always try to find the wet spots and give the animals a break by rearranging the flow - so to speak that way if rain does come or water does seep in- it will provide a new water source / even though it may be limited for the animals to use even the quail will scratch to make holes to drink - that's the spots I look for - lol nice job lance
  18. elkaholic

    Things that go bump in the night...

    seen one almost everytime out by black mtn bmx track
  19. elkaholic

    Getting started elk hunting with Unit 23

    look to spend most of your scouting during late august early sept into Oct as your prime time in the woods. It's the rut the bulls will be bugling - stay up late and drive the roads listening for distant bugles - mark these spots on a map . bulls always follow cows! even after the rut -during your late hunt the bulls will not travel to far from these spots - just look for any hills/ mtns/water holes and find the bedding areas on the n/e slopes bingo
  20. elkaholic

    CWT Country Thunder Roll Call

    yeah for country thunder- sold my boots - guy had to have a new pair for country thunder - lol
  21. elkaholic

    Antlerless unit 8 late questions

    8 is a great late unit - just for the fact that the roads are almost always maintained,right up to the winter closures and even then the main roads will be open and you have great access to some good winter range. late hunts can really depend on the snow fall in and around bill Williams good luck
  22. elkaholic

    Results are Up!!!

    congrats to all those who drew a tag and hope you all success come aug - sept - I'd like to start a new thread that involves the number of elk you seen scouting or hunting - you do not even have to mention the unit or units - just to see how many herds/ numbers of elk are actually around like morman lake in yrs past over a 1000 was the usual - I didn't see account for last yr but I bet it was about 1/2 that anyway good luck to all
  23. well it is B.S. that they waste time and effort and resources trying to allow - DENIED credit cards when regs clearly state they will be refused!!
  24. elkaholic

    The Facts Unit 29 Proposed Archery Season Dates

    over harvest is not the problem G&F have been fabricating hunter success for yrs. just like the fly over herd counts - no way to get accurate info from one pass and return from any unit and then use that to calculate the population talk to the people who live there - pick any unit - they just laugh at the #'s posted by G&F most say they never see any G&F personal in the field.
  25. elkaholic

    moultries newest cheapest camera

    time stamps are correct -