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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/arizona/2014/06/18/wildlife-group-seeks-return-grizzly-bears-west/10828671/ An environmental group called on federal wildlife managers Wednesday to update a decades-old recovery plan for grizzly bears to ensure the animal's return to the Grand Canyon and other areas of the West. The Center for Biological Diversity, in a petition filed with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, accused the agency of using a fragmented approach as it tries to recover the threatened species. Efforts are currently focused on a fraction of the bear's historic range, but the petition identifies 110,000 square miles around the West that could provide suitable habitat. Those areas include a forested region straddling the Arizona-New Mexico line, the Grand Canyon, the Sierra Nevada in California, and parts of Utah and Colorado. The recovery plan for grizzlies dates to 1993. The Center for Biological Diversity, based in Tucson, says the plan needs to consider recent research that questions the long-term viability of the current grizzly population. "The science is clear that, if we're serious about recovering grizzly bears, we need more populations around the West and more connections between them so they don't fall prey to inbreeding and so they have a chance of adapting to a warming world," said Noah Greenwald, director of the center's endangered-species program. A spokesman for the Fish and Wildlife Service said Wednesday that the agency had not received the petition. He did not comment on whether the agency had any existing plans to update the grizzly's recovery plan. The agency did state as part of a review done in 2011 that the recovery plan was outdated and needed to consider other areas as potential habitat. According to the agency, an estimated 50,000 grizzlies roamed between the Pacific Ocean and Great Plains in the early 1800s. Their numbers were drastically reduced as more pioneers headed west. By 1975, when the bears were listed, only six of the 37 separate populations that were present just 50 years earlier remained. Today, grizzlies are found in five areas, including the Yellowstone region and along the northern Continental Divide. Federal wildlife managers have had mixed success in trying to reintroduce larger species, such as the gray wolf. Greenwald acknowledged there would be some opposition to the grizzly, but he said there seems to be more reverence surrounding the bear. "You drive around Montana and it's grizzly this and grizzly that," he said. "And in California, they're on the state flag. They're just such an iconic animal."
  2. elkaholic

    Unit 33, 2450 Coues tags!

    It's never been about the guys in the field doing the job they are paid to do! they are dedicated and professional though a few bad apples can probably be found in any barrel It's getting the people who actually decide the laws - to quit thinking budget and start knowing all these tags aren't gonna help the wildlife. the herds and number of animals are being destroyed from over harvest - its that simple the "survey" was a scam - quanity over quality in tags so people could say hey I got a tag is B.S. we all know it - they know it too
  3. elkaholic

    Unit 33, 2450 Coues tags!

    just so everyone knows - ITS NOT just deer - look at the non existence of the elk herds because of the over harvest of cow elk. I know I'm a broken record on this but its not just the deer !! G&F are no longer wildlife managers - they are allowing over harvesting to pay the bills!! they do this by allowing way to many tags you can not cut the number of tags without putting stress on the budget --PERIOD since the good old survey - I 'd bet tag numbers have gone up 500% -they invented new hunts (dates) to squeeze in more hunts - 600 oct tags in a lot of deer units - we never hunted in oct before survey every hunt unit in this Sate - basically has non- stop hunting for deer and or elk starting in aug and runs thru the end of the yr! question - is it time to allow doe tags ? most guys I know are seeing dozens of does before ever finding a buck or at least make SOME of the youth hunts for does in areas of screwed up buck/doe ratio
  4. elkaholic

    Help needed! to move a shed....

    yep jackit up or dig it out -- put -runner rails on the bottom - place round roller logs to new location - shouldn't be a problem if only 30 yrds to roll it over use a comealong or a good 4x4 with new u joints - lol
  5. elkaholic

    WTF is going on???

    WTF is right obummers brothers released --let the worst mad dogs run again with the pack for a sniveling traitor
  6. elkaholic

    Is this a larger lion?

    In this state why would you let a deer killing machine walk it's a female - shoot it - it makes 2-3 more deer killing machines a yr . they say a cat will kill a deer or big animal a week - I do not know about you but where I hunt - I'd be a happy camper to see 55 deer in a yr let alone lose that many out of the small numbers we have in most areas !!
  7. elkaholic


    when have they ever not extended the draw ? answer paper apps they raise tags / fees etc - especially the processing fee if we are paying extra for processing one would think they'd by now get a system that works they posted Monday on their Official site news updates - LAST NOTICE- draw ends tomorrow on the 10 th 7 PM guys and gals whom wait for the last minute = TOO BAD they were allways over crowded/crashing when the due date was on a Monday that's why they went to Tuesday - now they still give one more day gotta get that money ! People you know - if you wait till the last possible minute -for whatever reason- your MISTAKE next they will be extending the post markings on envelopes - whats the difference If you snooze you lose yep we set a dead line but guess what its not actually an official deadline total B.S.
  8. elkaholic

    Recent Jaguar Pics and other critters down south

    first glance ----- short bobbed curly tail - BOBCAT they come in an all phases of spot and patterns - none which looks like a jaguar I wouldn't worry about the G&F thinking its a Jag
  9. elkaholic

    3rd Leg of the Triple Crown +*TODAY*+

    all the hoopla - chrome didnt run his best race - that's what it take to win the big 3 when its all said and done - the jockey kinda let him down by putting him in a position where he normally loses - that my .02 he didn't win the first 2 by being back in the pack and then on the outside trying to catch-up
  10. elkaholic

    Which December tag?

    there are little to no whitetails left in 21 - especially the late dec hunt--that's why it's been first choice for 30 plus yrs - lol good luck on your draw - closer to home anyway
  11. elkaholic

    My sleeping bag sucks/// Which one to get

    if you have a bag that is comfortable- all you really need is a heavy duct canvas type tarp - kinda use it like a taco shell - 1/2 to get you off the cold ground and the other cover over you - to cut and cold or morning dew the other method I use - go to local goodwill buy the huge (2) quilts for pennys on the dollar - fold one 1/2 to lay on and cover over your bag with the other easy way to stay toasty warm they come in handy and have so many uses around camp from covering ice chests - can be used to keep game meat from sun etc . but nothing like a big comfortable sleeping bag - slumber jack -0 bag -- 2 thumbs up
  12. I would have tried 2 options 1- motion sensor so red lights came on when they got near the feeder to shoot them 2- illuminate he feeder area and or use night vision scope on my crossbow or gun and set in a nearby blind or stand and then shot them good luck with your new pests
  13. elkaholic

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    please post a link to where you find hunting report talking about sonoran oufitters and todd -
  14. elkaholic

    What is this??

    here ya go- if they look like this its a coatimundi fer sure
  15. elkaholic

    eastern hunting

    I hope to make a trip for the wisc general deer season - from the 15th nov to the 15 of dec - yes a whole month . so I can hunt the archery - rifle and muzzleloader - all on the same tag- its only one buck but I can hunt all 3 season if that's what it takes ! doe tags are like 2.50 not sure on the limit but they are generous - lol that way if and when I draw my second dec. tag I can just get home and hunt here too or maybe an oct tag before I leave - lol plans are to drop a few does early and have sausage made up to ship home lots of areas for public hunting though they do get crowded - like I mentioned on a similar trip 2 yrs ago opening day rifle - thousands of shots - almost non stop from dawn to dusk coming from every direction in a relative small area of 5 square miles - as I don't think you can hear a rifle shot any father than that in the north wooded areas
  16. elkaholic

    175lb PSE Sidewinder Crossbow

    I guess if I need to ask how much you are selling it for $$$$ then I can't afford it anyway!
  17. elkaholic

    eastern hunting

    sorry - I tend to rant - lol no hostility meant - I love to hunt also - its not like we can go out every yr -yr in and yr out and have tags for does, bucks during archery - muzzy handgun and rifle - like a lot of these "eastern " states - where they take 30 animals a yr go out hunt hard - that's what its all about - have fun I personally do not think sitting in a box waiting for "programed " animals to show -up is that much fun I do know that in a lot of private areas back east - you are very limited in where you hunt and have to take advantage of every possible technique to harvest an animal - I'd sit in a box over looking a hay bail in sub zero weather - if it was my only opportunity .! hope everyone gets the chance to chase and tag a buck this fall - good luck in the draw guys and gals
  18. Such a a simple solution - GO BACK TO PAPER ONLY!!
  19. elkaholic

    Anyone got info on the fire n of woods canyon

    shedhunteraz- if your wife seen camp fire - that should have been a 911 call you cant fix stupid as far as people thinking - hey I can have a fire if I want- stiff fines and jail time to think about it!!
  20. same thing google-- slide rock fire for link - I still cant post links
  21. elkaholic

    21 is on fire

    here ya go - sparks from an rv fire google sunset point fire today 2 pm I cant post link ??
  22. elkaholic

    eastern hunting

    Joey- there is one other opinion on easy hunting - from a guy who grew up here you look to be a young man meaning mid 20's maybe 30 Next time you go out - try using what a lot of us used when we were your age here in Az. usually the 3 popular where guns - 30-30 - 308 - 30-06 obviously many others were used- some had scopes - all lot didn't Optics - a 4 power tasco/ bushnell - maybe a set of 7x35 bino's most of us used a metal boyscout backpack- caring a metal canteen or bodabag for the days hunt 2 wheel drive truck but probably a car -90% of all roads were dirt ,once you were 10 miles from downtown phx- just getting out and back in one piece was one of the biggest challenges hunting items included a good knife - a small tent - flashlight - coleman lantern- icechest- piece of rope - sleeping bag or canvas tarp- poncho it, it usually was the tent for the night away from the car or just in case it did rain I'm sure everyone may have used other things - some more- some less next time you go hunting out here try hunting without all modern advantages that make your hunting - really rather easy
  23. elkaholic

    eastern hunting

    sitting on top of a hill on a rock in 80+ degrees or on a rock/wooden bench in a snow storm - both hurt my asss- both can be uncomfortable as heck --- one kinda burns - well so does the other after frostbite . yes there are extreme's related to both kinds of hunting. Anyone who doesn't think hunting has changed over the yrs - isn't really hunting you hunt depending on the conditions - here we got no choice - most western style /places its 90% open country/ state land - lots of spots but most I know put out trail cameras and try to attract deer to a given area or spot too- whats the difference most eastern is private and limited access - it's a different world than we know - sitting a tank or sitting a food plot not much difference - look at all the tree stands here around tanks - you can bet money if huge walled blinds were legal in our national forests - we'd see and use them here too!! Lets all just be happy we can still hunt. As far as these shows - if they upset you - why in the heck are you watching them ! I find most entertaining - some are good and some aren't -
  24. elkaholic

    How Big is the bull?

  25. elkaholic

    Is this a larger lion?

    like most have stated young female - but worth a tag