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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    lots of deer,no piggies

    oh come on why did game and fish make archery a draw - at $10 processing fee that was only 100,000 + extra income now that's close to 130,000 and they can regulate the # of tags- then they had so many left overs that they allowed 2 piggys we can't have 10,000 + archers getting to hunt for a whole month without getting some extra $$$ in the budget!
  2. elkaholic

    need advice please!

    that's why its critical that you take a gps cords from your location at the time of shot . it will help -even in the dark to get a better idea of where the deer was located . most have the terrain topo and you can place a pin on your best guess where he was last located. its worked for me before! way to easy to get turned around in the dark - heck I've know guys been off their spot during a lot hunts - pinpointing a spot and finding it can cause problems for anyone keep us posted and hope you have little trouble finding a deer to tag after first light ! how long a shot was it anyway?
  3. elkaholic

    Unit 10 December Cow Hunt

    Glad you were able to harvest a couple of cow elk on your hunt. a nice herd is usually 40-50 cows in that area but in 10 it's a big herd nowadays
  4. elkaholic

    Unit 8 question

    you may find them down along the verde or in areas north/east of chino - should NOT be much pressure
  5. elkaholic

    Unit 29 shortened season?

    now all they need to do is try to actually go out in the field I'd bet the regional biologist hasn't even been in the unit! G&F has never responded to any of the reports by locals about 5 deer dead - carcasses rotting in field heads gone --- poaching . known fact! no big write up of several deer poached - they never even drove out to investigate - never called back or contacted anyone It's to the point that locals don't even bother because they know - nobody will show up anyway.
  6. elkaholic

    Holiday Hunters

    I've had a few Christmas Eve Day hunts go wrong and missed Christmas eve- 1- deer hunting in the Haraqualas- dead battery -cables corroded off-not my truck - we got home after 10- had to walked 3 miles to highway - walked another 4 along US 60 nobody wanted to pickup 2 camo'd out guys - go figure? after calling and getting a tow service to actually go on a off road trip up the mtn . to jump the battery.$200 - I wasn't real happy but we got home safe. 2 - Duck hunting on pleasant - before new dam - boat ran out of gas - paddled from humbug/ agau fria river entrance to west side of pleasant . like 4 miles . we spotted a campfire ,an old couple was fishing, we got a gallon of gas and made it home at like 10 so I'm not really allowed to go out hunting on Christmas Eve Day anymore but Christmas Day and New Yrs are fair game - lol taken lots of different game over the yrs on New Years Day because lots of hunter probably partied a little to much on the Eve - an fewer were out hunting
  7. elkaholic

    Changing a tire

    Do your self a favor and get a 14In breaker bar /1/2 inch drive - used for sockets- and a 4 inch extension in 1/2 inch drive and a 1/2 drive socket to fit the lugs easy to keep under the seat and you'll have the right tool to easily loosen / tighten any nut that the socket fits
  8. elkaholic

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    Sorry to hear - praying for a quick recovery- hang in there buddy!
  9. elkaholic


    might be a few 2 yr old and a couple big sows- nothing giant
  10. elkaholic

    Wondering if this is possible...

    like anything else its mainly LUCK- and a fair amount of knowledge yes lions can be called in- in many different ways I was lucky enough to spot a lion while coues hunting - watched it for over an hour. It happened to end up in the canyon below me. I had a circe rabbit call in pocket - I called like 15 min none stop - next thing I saw on a small bliuff 50 yrds below me was the lion peeking over the rock pile , it then presented a good shot - I always have a lion tag and a circe call in my pocket, when I'm doing just about any kind of hunting , you just never know when one will showup
  11. elkaholic

    Who taught you to hunt?

    Three very generous people - me - myself and I -- it was a learning experience
  12. elkaholic

    Prayers for Ernesto

    how does this change plans for Mexico coues hunting?
  13. elkaholic

    Prayers for Ernesto

    Prayers are on the way for a quick solution - good things happen to good people - sorry to hear you are in great pain-
  14. elkaholic

    She's at it again

  15. elkaholic

    Scoped! Who has been on the other side?

    Reminds of a hunting trip where I came across 2 brothers using their dads win mag for elk -- both had perfect 1/2 moon gashes and blood streaming and proud as all get out standing by 2 bull elk down .
  16. elkaholic

    Happy Iowa hunter

    I'd be all smiles too grossed 240 ish-
  17. elkaholic

    Where's Waldo? CWT.com style **UPDATE W/ ANSWER**

    looks to staring right at you - hint green bush
  18. elkaholic

    5 of 7 tags filled in 21

    filled the freezer with venison - good job congrats to all 5
  19. elkaholic

    Unit 33 Success!

    well - missing -- all boils down to a few reasons 1- not knowing the range to the animal - (shooting up hill or down hill or across a canyon )- no rangefinder and just guessing hold over 2- not knowing the gun ( only time its out of case is sighting it in at 100 yrds at the range -prior to season) some don't even sight in before a hunt - think it shot good last yr - its ok 2- not practicing at long range is probably the major reason - along with shooting offhand with out a solid rest I'm sure a lot of others are out there everyone can miss occasionally - but to hear someone shooting 4-6-10 times at an animal - just isn't right buck fever is the most common (excuse) sorry for all those who didn't or won't fill a tag - just enjoy the hunt
  20. elkaholic

    5B North and South

    elk seem to move thru the area in and around duke tanks
  21. elkaholic

    What kinda plant is this? Can I eat it?

    According to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimson_weed "Datura stramonium, also called Jimson Weed, Loco Weed, Jamestown Weed, Thorn Apple, Angel's Trumpet, and Zombie's Cucumber is a common poisonous weed in the Nightshade Family. It contains tropane alkaloids that are sometimes used as a hallucinogen. The active ingredients are atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine which are classified as deliriants, or anticholinergics.
  22. elkaholic

    Spring cards are getting hit

    I got a hit piggys
  23. made my easy dinner in a bag - elk roast and fresh veggies pic-1 what we each had for dinner Pic-2 what was left in the roaster pic-3 leftovers divided up should be able to eat all week- veggies turned out perfect and the roast you could cut with your fork
  24. elkaholic

    Unit 10 December Cow Hunt

    lots and lots and lots of cow tags - every year much harder to find but hey they say theres a lot of bulls good luck on your hunt -
  25. elkaholic

    What kinda plant is this? Can I eat it?

    that is devils claw - it is not jimson loco weed devils claw has the long curved bulbs- unicorn plant some say it looks like elephant tucks - it is edible jimson weed has a big white flower and a thorn/ porcupine bulb that can cause halucinations and even death