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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    who has the best chinese food in phx?

    for fast food - chen wok has always been hot and tasty- not super high priced the rest of the family goes bonkers over PF Changs
  2. Absolutely a necessary Step in becoming a safe hunter and being able to put in for youth hunts or the general pool. Sitting for a few hrs and discussing learning how to be a safe hunter in the field is just a small part of the whole safety course. Even Dads don't always have the right answers all the time -- you may learn something - we should have a survey as to how many Dads / hunters have actually taken the time to read the regs each yr. things change out there -
  3. elkaholic

    UNIT 10 Camping Options

    if you are not hunting the BO just kinda positon yourself in the approx. center of a big area a place like the 6 road above the R&R tracks give you options to go in 4 directions - any of which can be prime elk habitat best to start scouting for camp options now - less traffic and still possibilities of seeing elk in early mornings or late evenings - check the NEW road closure map as they do have designated camping areas you've got a great tag - one of the issues is you may not be able to go 2-3 places in a day - go ahead of time find a few herds of cows and then pick a spot . just remember any of the side roads can get muddy and rough even for the most prepared hunter. Unit 10 can be one of the worse to travel in if rains hit and roads turn to mud if hunting the BO go prepared, as once you go in your probably going to stay till you've tagged out - the farther north and remote you go the better
  4. elkaholic

    AZ Game and Fish fall draw

    TOOOO funny - system failure in the last days of the online draw process - !!
  5. elkaholic

    2015 bonus point report now online

    my waiting for a tag issue. most apply for an area known to produce huge old bucks- but like Eli stated more tags means fewer old bucks most apply specific weapon - used to be archery was an easy draw but not anymore- here again depends on which unit you apply seems the more points you get the picker the unit applied for and choice of weapon I got 17 this yr and I basically apply for 3 units - 10 5b and 7 mainly because these are the units where I know where to go to find decent bucks - right now i'll wait for a rifle tag- a few yrs ago it was any weapon - muzzy 8 was a sleeper along with a few other hunts once / if I draw then i'll be more inclined to put in for different units and choice of weapons again . oh well Good luck to all those whom have a tag this yr. maybe next yr will be my lucky year. - I've yet to have an antelope tag filled - though I've had several muzzy and archey tags over the yrs.- this was due to 'trophy" type preference of the buck I wanted.
  6. elkaholic

    East Vallet Toms Gun Raffle

    I fee l lucky today - purchase made ! thanks for all your work with this organization
  7. elkaholic

    AZGF gift card-not fair for Jr hunters

    add up what youth save in all the big game tag fees and license fees - your probably saving more than 500 rather quickly
  8. elkaholic

    Triple Crown?

    history is made agin today the movie Secretariat was just on today too - love the part at the end of race -"Ronnie --Don't fall off " classic
  9. elkaholic

    Willow Springs Smallmouth

    we use to fish Blk canyon lake for trout as it was always less crowded - report has it now a bass fishery - so why not just move the smallies over there as its less noted for trout so people could have a choice . to be honest trout fishing the northern lakes - is kinda BORING but as I now can fish during midweek - time to hit the mtns and enjoy the afternoon sprinkles and catch a few sittiing in the shade along the shoreline .
  10. elkaholic

    Willow Springs Smallmouth

    IT COST $$$$$ to transport fish - its ok to spend 10's of thousands to raise and stock trout but hey it was only 1200 or so small mouth and the dumpster was right there !
  11. elkaholic

    New Guidelines G&F meeting

    how many types of primitive muzzleloaders and archery equipment are there flint and traditional stick and string I'd guess like they can fit any more seasons into any bracket - as it is now the big game animals are pretty much hunted from august till dec why make a special season when these type of weapons can be used during almost any general hunt for either archery or muzzleloader It doesn't make any sense to have a special hunt just for a defined primitive weapon! but as we all know - once its discussed it gets presented or they give a survey and pass what they like -when they like
  12. elkaholic

    Willow Springs Smallmouth

    back in the day trips to willow would regularly produce nice smallies up to 3 lbs - we would always throw back the big ole ladies because we knew they were the breeders . there has been smallies in that lake for generations to remove them is sad - it was bad enough that everyone strted to keep the bigger fish. past years mainly produced dinks take any of the others and make them trout lakes why spoil the one lake that has always had smallies Are the largemouth in willow next ?
  13. elkaholic

    Curious bird.

    look a like 5 stripe but blk throated sparrow has the dark bib so many little look alikes
  14. elkaholic

    not what i expected

    had a camera out at our property, put it out in march - so cool checking sd card when you see it took 11,000 - said it was full took 7.8 g on a 8 g card - i always expect it to be mostly wind blows stuff had a group of young elk in the first 20 or so pictures - then the camera was knocked loose and moved and i got 10.950 pictures of the top of the tree branches moving guess someone noticed the camera bummer - it was knocked right after the first picture according to the camera so i left in the batteries--- they say it will take 30,000 on a 32 g card -cleared pics on card and replaced - will check in a few months to see if batteries will still be working
  15. elkaholic

    not what i expected

    too funny on the cameras electronics being the reason they get chewed on- the majority of what they smell is the odors you leave while setting them up - its usually after you've placed/ handled your salt lick or all that other attractant stuff that is put out . your the guy leaving the attracting odors - lol -- that's what I think use your santi wipes next time on the other side - their hearing is 10 times better than ours so most likely they are hearing the shutter go off and wonder - what the heck is that
  16. elkaholic

    not what i expected

    the camera on the other saddle has been full of those little black ants twice - I made sure all the holes were sealed but the little buggers got in agin - they want to use it to nest - seems they are all inside by the electrical stuff stuck inside the lense for set-up etc but it still works - lol got to find a different tree or put a up a metal bar or something the moultrie A-5 are a nice little cameras - thousands of pictures on 4 c batteries but so sensitive to the slightest movement of grass - leaves branchs I even clear out huge areas and trim branches to get clear shots of animals in the open but get thousands of unwanted pics!
  17. elkaholic

    Draw Questions

    there a 2 - guaranties with our draw system your elated because it worked for you and your going hunting -- your pissed because its pink slip time agin!
  18. elkaholic

    Curious bird.

    now we are all confused - !? lol
  19. elkaholic

    Lake Mary Multi Species Fishing (Video)

    Looks like a great trip -- love fishing for northerners on spinner baits - toss in a few walleye and crappie makes for a fun day -- Not to throw a stick in the wheel - if you do consider eating - has G&F posted the mercury levels or warnings recently for Lake Mary ?
  20. elkaholic

    coconino mvum

    on the other side - I know roads that are a hazard and have several areas where a vehicle either can not make it or have a good chance of someone being injured if they try . I mean rolling off the road completely these roads are open on fs maps - go figure
  21. elkaholic

    G&F Land Access Survey

    the first sentence says it all - raise fees -- the rest won't matter they always put out these "surveys" and then post the results they want -- so they will tell us the survey shows we want a raise in fees just like the application fee raise - they wanted 15 but we raised a stink - so to get what they wanted- they say "at the last minute" because someone just thought it up - the application fee will only rise to $10 but the other $3 is for habitat -- that wasn't what they proposed but to get the money they had to come up with something now they will say its for accessing more private land - most ranchers in the antelope areas have their own trespass fees already - as do others I doubt private land owners are going to hand over hunting rights for a few dollars
  22. elkaholic

    Some new photos from May

    nice posting - nothing like enjoying the outdoors and having fantastic photo's to remember and share as far as the cow - momma told him not to chew cactus - it was bad for his teeth
  23. elkaholic

    Water Hole Ethics

    cut the trails coming into the tanks- like stated above we've seen group after group basically hold up . kind of like staging areas - within earshot of tanks bull bugles 6-8 times from same spot then 20 minutes later here they come on the run spend a few evenings scouting at the tanks - but do not sit the tanks but find these little spots - the majority of the time - elk wait till the last minutes of shoot able light before swarming the tanks finding these little staging spots gives you first come first serve and better shooting light
  24. elkaholic

    The one that got away... Stolen.

    the tale of 2 hunters close friends hunting in the desert - . basically just slow stalking along keeping an eye out for deer . the one in front stops is looking around and sees a deer - He's "ppsst - ppsst " to his hunting buddy - look over there its a nice buck buddy walks up sees the deer lifts his rifle and with one shot, he drops the buck the other guy is standing there mouth wide open - then proclaims - " Hey !! you just shot my buck!" the hunting partner calmly states - "why didn't you just shoot it - I thought you wanted me too - so I did - what were you waiting for ?" moral to the story - if you see a nice buck - just shoot it - no need to wait - the next guy won't !
  25. elkaholic

    Long Range Archery

    longe range equipment - probably less than 25% of archers even think about all the technical aspects of simple bow set-up arrow weight inflight statistics of arrows /broadheadsand how they perform - penetration etc. at normal distances let alone 80-90 100 yrds + the info is out there - somewhere