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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    6a Rams

    they seem to real healthy ---- thanks for the pics
  2. elkaholic


    I picked up a used Honda 350 foreman 06 AWD for less than 3000 runs great and is a powerhouse in steep nasty terrain- first I've ever owned and most likely will never need another - the 600- 750's might get there faster on flat lands but I'm wasn't looking for speed machine sometimes --- the bigger the beast - the harder to handle and if things go wrong - you can get hurt pretty bad - very easily be safe out there defiantly a lot of fun just cruising around the backwoods and in places I'd rather not tear up my truck
  3. elkaholic

    What do do with my elk head in camp

    Don't take this the wrong way but always get a kick out of posts - like - "What do I do now "
  4. lots of character- nice looking buck -
  5. how are the roads doing this year in 10 ? elk are looking fat and healthy before the rut gets going anyway
  6. elkaholic

    Best .224 Bullet for Javalina

    any soft lead tip combination will get the job done if hit the vitals
  7. elkaholic

    Big Antelope Down!

    those tall bucks are cool but man those heart shaped horns with those cutters and mass - it don't get much better than that in my book hope to have a problem of choosing from 3 like that if/when my turn comes I don't know about the missing first day - doubt that these guys weren't all tagged first day
  8. I hope all you limit hunters are enjoying great feasting in between hunts friendly reminder of the new regulations this year Mourning Dove Bag and Possession Limit: Please note the mourning dove bag limit has increased to 15, but the white-winged dove bag limit remains at 10. In the early seasons bag limit is 15 doves in aggregate of which only 10 can be white-wings. Possession limit is forty-five (45) mourning and white-winged doves in the aggregate after opening day of which no more than fifteen (15) may be taken in any one day. Of the forty-five (45) dove possession limit, only thirty (30) may be whitewinged doves of which no more than ten (10) may be taken in any one day..
  9. elkaholic

    Stolen stands and cameras in 5bs

    Bummer - most likely they are gone for good
  10. elkaholic

    Big Antelope Down!

    Way to get it done in UNIT 10 - thanks for the great photos and write -up Oustanding job HunterDan and Sir Royal maybe I can get lucky next year with 18 pts.
  11. Mike - looks like its time to get some more -
  12. elkaholic

    Blaze Orange...yes or no?

    Don't care for orange while hunting - last thing I need is the "moron" hunter seeing my orange and decide hey lets go "chat " with him. prefer they do not see me and just keep on walkin I do carry "Pink" tape for the packout or emergencies if needed
  13. looks to be a promising young hunter - getting it done -- a little success goes a long way
  14. elkaholic

    Hunting within city limits?

    I'm just passing on what I was told by attorneys office - I guess I need to contact the police chief and see what he says as he'll be sending out the officers to cite possible violators . they did also post - no off road vehicles - which means no leaving the paved road , according to the attorneys office not meaning to sound like I'm right but that's the info given to me
  15. elkaholic

    Hunting within city limits?

    if you will understand one thing - every "CITY" has it's own laws - fact and point I just talked to the district attorney for city of Peoria no discharging a firearm within city limits - this includes all annexed land - PERIOD doesn't matter what season or state trust land or G&F zoning !! if you get a ticket - you will go to court and you will be fined if you want to argue with law enforcement officers in the field be my guest g&f doesn't have any say in city laws or their enforcement you need to call the city attorney's office as they will most likely be the ones prosecuting you at your hearing - if cited yes there are island of private land within a few city zoned boundaries - if you are lucky enough to be able to hunt these =- please consider it a privilege and act accordingly by picking up brass and or offering your services to help the rancher out at a future date
  16. way west and east even south Phoenix will always have better dove hunting mainly because we have no fields or rural areas left - north of Phoenix - and with the new annexations and g&f boundaries there is no place to go but the far desert its mostly hunt the "abundant " dry waterholes or if lucky find a flyway love to see a tailgate full of doves - haven't been able to do that in a few yrs. without driving close to a 100 miles roundtrip season just started - good luck all - keep posting great stories + photos
  17. elkaholic

    Need a Bow for my Elk Hunt

    Just saw several quest primal g5's brand new in th box sell for less then $200 sights - quiver - rest included
  18. well there is always double cataracts
  19. n of phx samo - no birds - new signs - City Peoria no off road travel - been advised all areas in the annexed peoria township - you' may be cited with firing a firearm within city limits - possible tresspassing if found in a posted area --- even if its state trust land better look at the map cuz it all the way out and around lake pleasant includung the target shooting "landmine" area in Morgan wash (tens of thousands of shell casing scattered around - mega trash area - makes me sick as i was looking for new dove areas on the bright side - new toy 1903 SXS 16 ga - should be a a quail and dove stomper
  20. well - if I'm around -I'd be more than happy to meet and greet you - most hunters make a trip to LILO's during their hunts I'll let you know when I'll be in that neck of the woods
  21. I was hopin for an updated picture of the # 2 bull photo that was posted nearly a month ago - if he has grown like others I've seen lately that put on 20+ inchs in the last month - he'd be my #1 on the hit list and only request for the duration of the season till I or someone else tagged him as I doubt you'll find a bigger bull
  22. elkaholic

    No see ums

    lets just say when people stop and stare at literally dozens of red welts around each lower calf area and give ya a strange looks, like your gonna spread some terrible virus - I'm willin to take a few minutes before hitting the woods and SPRAY AWAY
  23. elkaholic

    No see ums

    I spray my boots I spray my socks I spray my lower calfs above socks I spray my outside pant legs if I'm siting I spray my belt line too made a differance after a terrible itch trip -
  24. just hope the storms stay away last yrs monsoons hit hard 2 days before season start and blew all the birds south - north of phx sucked big time gonna try samo old spot just to see