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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    1.3 billion lottery let share some $$$$$

    It should be an even split no matter how small- ! if its not a huge billion amount and you do not want to bother with a trivial amount - that should be up to you. or you could donate your winnings to the site!
  2. elkaholic

    Some fall pics - Unit 31

    the white oaks have been wildlife magnets this season - great acorn yield
  3. elkaholic

    1.3 billion lottery let share some $$$$$

    better ask if this is ok ! may not be legal or something amanda wants associated with site
  4. elkaholic

    1.3 billion lottery let share some $$$$$

    go buy $20 worth of tickets - take picture of your numbers = post here -- even split of any winning numbers ! say theres a $50,000 winning ticket / numbers if 10 guys are in pool - 5,000 each or whatever other cash in prize is worth. with 10 guys it'll be 100 chances/ numbers instead of 10
  5. elkaholic

    Chad Smith enters plea to harassing wildlife(antelope)

    want it to go - lets get it moved to political as did my commission post
  6. this was just published in WESTERN OUTDOORS TIMES ***The G&F Commission has an agenda for the future of hunting in Arizona*** " The Commission recognizes that development of new improved technology and practices can provide benefits to hunters and anglers by improving or increasing participation. However, it believes that the pursuit of wildlife should be managed to conform with the ethical standards of Fair Chase. The Commission will monitor and give careful consideration to the Fair Chase implications of an emerging and evolving technology and practice. . The following criteria will be used to evaluate whether or not a new technology or practice is a Fair Chase issue : 1-- A technology or practice that allows a hunter or angler to locate or take wildlife without acquiring necessary hunting and angling skills or competency. 2- A technology or practice that allows a hunter or angler to purse or take wildlife without being physically present and pursuing wildlife in the field . 3 - A technology or practice that makes harvesting wildlife almost certain , and or the technology or practice prevents wildlife from eluding detection and or take. Commission consideration of whether a given technology or practice should be limited or prohibited in the interests of preserving Fair Chase will be carefully weighed in an open public progress. the article talks about drones - the smart rifle with its laser supported sighting system - the exploding arrows . the line will be drawn when an advancement becomes unlawful or provides sportsmen with an improper or unfair advantage . they want to pay respect to the traditions of hunting and angling by emphasizing the development of an individuals skills rather than reliance on practices or technology that overwhelms the quarry's ability to elude detection or take." *** I think they will be discussing other issues more commonly used by hunters in the field *** this is not the complete article but you get the general idea
  7. elkaholic

    Chad Smith enters plea to harassing wildlife(antelope)

    7 pager on this on dec 21 **** news release - chad smith - ****
  8. ^^^ my thoughts exactly - lets make the wording so open -- we can interpret it any way we like! that way if we don't like trail cameras or quads in the field or the use of pop up tents we can say hey it gives you an unfair advantage - no rangefinding optics at all - how can shooting a gun 900 yards not be an advantage or a bow 100 yrds. they are not limiting it to technology - practice is the key word here what are you doing now that we can stop they want to " manage the pursuit of wildlife to conform to ethical standards"
  9. elkaholic


    ok so I am wrong they did start it last yr. but I was looking at page 19 - so confusing sometimes !!
  10. elkaholic


    IF you look on page 19 it shows the dates for 2015 and the odds for 2014 of the draw all rifle / muzzleloader hunts started on SEPT 9 or Sept 11 there are no antelope hunts occurring the end sept into OCT all archery hunts started in AUG on an added nope the last few days of rifle antelope you'll have archery elk hunters in the field too so if you get real lucky you can rifle antelope and archery elk at the same time
  11. elkaholic


    sorry but every other rifle hunt for antelope starts Sept 2 archery elk usually starts mid sept this yr sept 23 - archery loper ends the last week of aug! always been antelope hunts are the first hunts of the season
  12. wheres the picture of a warm fire in a fireplace with an opened bottle of Jack Daniels with a glass 1/2 full setting on a table next to it !? lol enjoy the white snow hunting season need a warm place to stay -- call this guy !!
  13. elkaholic

    Loyalty point question

    doesn't it take 5 yrs for loyalty point
  14. elkaholic

    33 stink pig herd this year ??

    is pancho villa wash in any of those units ?
  15. elkaholic

    Mathews NoCam Price Drop

    draw length ?
  16. elkaholic

    Swarovski Customer Service

    Fan DAM Tastic - lost an eye cup Friday -- contacted customer service Saturday- They shipped yesterday and the just got here this AM WOW! It doesn't get any better than that! they tossed in an extra eye cup and a pair of lens covers
  17. elkaholic

    Coming Home

    there's a cactus just waiting for you to sit on!
  18. elkaholic

    Sheep hunt success in Northwest Arizona!

    there were a lot of members whom stood tall during the "TAG STEALING BILL" just say hope we never forget 2072 and thank the watch dogs whom keep an eye on legislation that gets sponsored both local and national!
  19. elkaholic

    Archery desert buck

    well quite hunting so close to phx and drive to Kaibab- way to go !
  20. elkaholic

    Dream Senario

    only when your not hunting --- yes the bucks are chasing does!
  21. elkaholic

    Go Cards!

    my gut feeling before the game was exactly as it played out ! sorry for fans - it was a total dominating seahawks victory but hey it happens Glad its over with and they can get back to winning !
  22. elkaholic

    2017 Mexico trip help

    +1 ^^^^^ Ernesto is the Man !
  23. elkaholic

    21 roll call

    some of the problems with herd size - most guys really do not seem to care if its only 3-4 pigs they want to fill the tag period ! over the yrs killing out of the same bunch can and does reduce the numbers - mostly because you may not be the only ones hunting the herd! it's great to see the little reds but in reality most won't make it . I've passed on small groups of less then 6 or at the very least try to just hunt the bigger boars . they will usually be off from the group a little and I've seen more than once they be the last one and follow along . So if you spook a herd- hang around and look for the stragglers - usually the boars. this way, the others may not run as far and easier to relocate over the next ridge or 2
  24. elkaholic

    21 roll call

    got a least 3 different spots with javelina - just not in the #'s as a few yrs ago . got one camera to check next week - I'm sure it will produce-- as we saw piggys on the hillside . one the flip side - these are all new places !
  25. elkaholic

    Unit 22 advice

    Mad as hells - is for the packin hunters- barnhart trailhead