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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Still rutting!

    junior javelina I think
  2. elkaholic

    Hey Morons, Unit 10 Boquillas is a sham!

    I would not condemn the whole unit and say I'd never hunt 10 again The numbers of elk is depressing but that is nothing new
  3. elkaholic

    Still rutting!

    and you didn't call me !?
  4. elkaholic

    Any one use a tree stand?

    I did mangae to sit prime time in the am and then agin back at it for the evening
  5. elkaholic

    Any one use a tree stand?

    I sat a tree stand this past fall - kinda hard to sit without getting acesore and have the need to stand and stretch not to mention - the unmentionable problems with extended time off the ground or without much space to move I could manage 3-4 hrs then had to get down - hats off to hunters who can stay extended hrs in a tree stand
  6. elkaholic

    Any one use a tree stand?

    you didn't say if its a climbing stand or a ladder stand
  7. elkaholic

    AZGFD online draw poll

    the draw system sucks - applying online for draw isn't a big issue its the actual draw - all the mistakes and extra time , extending deadlines due to system crash its been messed up since it started even after 10 yrs it never goes smooth - I gave it a D
  8. elkaholic

    Passed on big buck. Right move?

    too many archers make bad choices on questionable shots . way to many tales of lost injured deer that are never recovered you made the right choice
  9. elkaholic

    Where were you this day, 1986?

    thank you for the memory of the hero's not forgotten But - my memory of what I was doing that day - 30 yrs ago - draws a blank I know I was shooting a pse phaser 11 bow in those yrs.
  10. elkaholic

    Muzzleloader projectiles

    how many in a pack
  11. elkaholic

    Skybox at Waste Management Open

    to bad you can't sellm in pairs include one parking pass accordingly
  12. elkaholic


    I was at a couple Wally worlds and they didn't even have paper apps available - is that a hint from G&F
  13. elkaholic

    Surveillance Cameras

    motion lights - basically gives them light to do what they want - in a limited time the ones that have cameras are better at least they record or take pictures at the same time frame others I know have the dvr recording system - like 4 cameras - after being caught once or twice and police can easily id them - no more problems - he had trail cameras at one time they just stold them Good Luck
  14. elkaholic

    Panthers vs Broncos SB

    I kinda lost it when Palmer was just sitting around looking at ipad and photos of what he didn't accomplish every time they had the ball. he was over thinking it - instead of just going out and playing football Arizona has always had problems when they play against a QB that can run the ball -- period.1
  15. elkaholic


    All I can Say is I wish I had the funds for this bow - what a deal - are you willing to finance ? - lol
  16. elkaholic

    National Monument Designation??

    one of those squeaky wheels deals - except the more it comes up the more likely the ace will do it! that legacy thing
  17. elkaholic

    NWTF - East Valley Toms Chapter RAFFLE

    TTT this is for the Kids - lets get it done ! I'm in !
  18. elkaholic


    Thanks for the heads up - used wac'ems on a wisc whitey - complete pass thru - can't really tell if any damage to the broadhead, as its still buried in the tree it hit on the other side of deer .
  19. elkaholic

    Arizona Wolf Population

    all the care about is being able to listen to the "call in the wild " - so to speak just hearing a wolf / doggie howl in the wilderness - they pop their " inner feelings"
  20. elkaholic


    I don't feel to bad actually called 2 playes the interception that was void and the only sack the whole game was like the coin toss - FLAT gota give Rodgers credit - 2 hail Mary's passes and it resulted in a 98 touch down possession for the packers - took a page out of bret's handbook
  21. elkaholic


    whats up with starting the antelope season in 7 and 9 3a the end of Sept!!! why would you have archery elk before antelope season antelope has ALWAYS been late aug first of sept the first hunt of the year !! like they ain't happy unless the screw with something!!
  22. elkaholic


    gotta love those oven cook bags elk roast with pork loin and fresh veggies 2 plate fulls and a pan of leftovers
  23. elkaholic

    1.3 billion lottery let share some $$$$$

    back to the classifieds --- instead of buying new forever