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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    In my Face

    just returned to n phx from mesa gateway airport . Has to be the worst storm i've drivin in that i can remember -- blackout /dust storm on the 202 east of the 101 right at dusk - then after airport Hammmering winds pour - "cats and dogs " sideways basically all the way around to the 1-17 and the /1-10/51 at times people slowed to 35-40 coiuldnt see the lines in the road etc. thanking someone this evening for the safe but quote "Scary trip" newbies to phx didnt have a clue to what a monsoon is - they got educated this evening lol they were like why didn't you just pull over - cuz we'd still be out there instead of home - lol got past Durango curve - NOTHIN hadn't even rained yet - figures
  2. elkaholic

    Cherry Creek Road FR 203 Permanent Closure

    yeah but they are kinda like the G&F in some regards you can talk - comment till your blue in the face - once its on paper - final draft - for recommendation - 99.9% chance they'll pass it as written - just saying so your screwed from access to your favorite hunting / camping / fishing spot ! - do you think they really care !?
  3. elkaholic

    Hunting 5B South

    problem - like most units - just before or the first /second day you'll see that huge herd bull 370+ class and you'll set your sights on him . many a tag soup- looking for that huge herd bull - it happens every yr in just about every unit ! have fun - tag the bull that looks good to you. any those in pics is a great archery bull
  4. elkaholic

    Leftover deer tags

    if I do leftovers - always put in local post office drop box Friday before the noon pickup
  5. elkaholic

    Leftover deer tags

    ok - on a last ditch effert to go hunting here in az which requires a draw of somekind - my "portal" account shows a pending for a muzzy tag in 33 - new country for me - i think there is a back rd to the top of lemon - will hope there some water sources in general area / n/e side.
  6. elkaholic

    Leftover deer tags

    maybe talkin about the bonus points system in 1-2 allowing the them first chance with highest bonus points for that spieceis and they put in for that hunt #
  7. elkaholic

    Leftover deer tags

    doesnt anybody read it - there not gonna let the guy handing it over just buy it back first -come first serve immediatly--- bunch of options - if it ever gets to over the counter . According to rule (R12-4-118), the department has several options for the reissuance of a surrendered hunt permit-tag. The proximity to the start of a particular hunt, the type of hunt permit-tag, and demand for that hunt permit-tag will factor into how it will be reissued. Upon receipt of an original, unused hunt permit-tag surrendered in compliance with this Section, the Department shall: 1. Restore the person’s bonus points that were expended for the surrendered tag, and 2. Award the bonus point the person would have accrued had the person been unsuccessful in the computer draw for the surrendered tag. 3. Not refund any fees the person paid for the surrendered tag, as prohibited under A.R.S. § 17-332(E). F. The Department may, at its sole discretion, re-issue or destroy the surrendered original, unused hunt permit-tag. When re-issuing a tag, the Department may use any of the following methods in no order of preference: 33 1. Re-issuing the surrendered tag, beginning with the highest membership level in the Department’s membership program, to a person who has a valid and active membership in that membership level and who would have been next to receive a tag for that hunt number, as evidenced by the random numbers assigned during the Department's computer draw process; 2. Re-issuing the surrendered tag to a person who has a valid and active membership in any tier of the Department’s membership program with a tag surrender option and who would have been next to receive a tag for that hunt number, as evidenced by the random numbers assigned during the Department's computer draw process; 3. Re-issuing the surrendered tag to an eligible person who would have been next to receive a tag for that hunt number, as evidenced by the random numbers assigned during the Department's computer draw process; or 4. Offering the surrendered tag through the first-come, first-served process.
  8. elkaholic

    1997 Ford F250 7.3l diesel

    oops i was talkin about the tundra - lol
  9. elkaholic

    1997 Ford F250 7.3l diesel

    must like 10 -12 miles to the gallon - on a good day down hill
  10. elkaholic

    SOLD- Springfield XD .45

    Thanks - glad it worked out for today It will get put to the no jammin test - lol
  11. elkaholic

    Looking to buy a Truck for my son

    deserttrecker has a real nice first truck for sale -
  12. elkaholic


    Thats not to say you can't build one - like the one in the creek bed - seen lots of home made dams to catch and with enough work diggin and moving rocks hold more than enough water for a bull to wallow in
  13. elkaholic

    red flagged

    I hope this doesnt screw up everyone windows 10 and internet explore will not let me access coueswhitetail forums i'm on Mozilla now any help appreciated still flagged = its also on my wifes tablet when she tried wedsite is anyone else using windows 10 edge browser? or internet explorer windows 7
  14. elkaholic

    Prop Bets

    if piggy meat is edible start chasin piggys with a recurve - you'll get a lot of shots
  15. elkaholic

    SOLD- Springfield XD .45

    pm sent call me
  16. elkaholic

    Gotta love this "new" Nation

    We are a Nation of saying one thing - a play on words so to speak - that changes the definition of right from wrong Can someone please explain "EXTREMELY CARELESS" with our Nations secrets is not a crime " GROSSLY NEGLIGENT" with our Nations secrets is a FELONY what's the difference - other than a way to let someone off the hook only in America - I'm sad to say these are the people whom we trust to keep our Nation Safe ! God Help US ALL
  17. elkaholic

    red flagged

    well after an hr of a geek foreigner working my computer - it boils down to i must turn off the smart filter if i want to use windows 10 to access CWT they have no explination for it other thatn they showed a listing from 2010 where it happened while someone accessed trail cam pictures -- what ever the HLLLL that means
  18. elkaholic

    Yo rafters

  19. elkaholic

    Yo rafters

    you need a bigger motor
  20. elkaholic

    Yo rafters

    too funny - get better oars
  21. elkaholic

    Prop Bets

    censored / politcal
  22. elkaholic

    Gotta love this "new" Nation

    but the main stream of life will never be the same . we are a nation so divided I doubt we'll ever recover - the hole just keeps getting deeper and wider sooner or later the people in the main stream will be pushed to the edge - when we can't see the other side - we are gonna fall eventually because the stream of crazies will not stop crowding forward Kinda like the rain in the mtns 50 miles away and your hikin in a little canyon - you see the commotion but hey its so far away - it doesn't seem like a problem guess what by the time it gets to you - it's to late if your still in that little canyon
  23. elkaholic

    Cow bugle

    Chris - the only thing I see that might make that an immature spike elk is the two real rusty patchs right below the ears - next yr this elk would/might grow antlers that is not a mature cow elk!
  24. elkaholic

    Cow bugle

    It's just one of those "TOM BOY" cows getting tired of mewing and fightin with just the girls - it's the only way they might be able to get in on the action
  25. elkaholic

    2 week cow hunt end of july

    It's easy enough to google buffalo rutting/ mating calls / sounds Since these are probably the only sounds a mature bull usually makes - why not give it a try easy to make a bellow tube - like for moose and practice their - roar/grunt type sound - it's fairly easy to imitate