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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Sneak boots on a budget

    hope they work for you - not much helps other than leather for cactus -
  2. elkaholic

    Remington 788 For Sale

    Ouch ---- great rifles!
  3. elkaholic

    Packing Just Becoues

    I'm in !! just wait a couple weeks and this ole boy had better get his act together and swing by for a ride -- to get a start on a trip == lime creek
  4. elkaholic

    Unit 29

    Hike into about any remote trail - they are usually up higher this time of year ! Horseshoe is most likely hike in only -- as past yrs washed all roads away - but that can make for great hunting Deer numbers have improved overall in 29
  5. elkaholic

    Draw results

    my portal say pending but shows a hunt number - click on details
  6. elkaholic

    Draw results

    only posted online portal - by phone and id in a day or two
  7. elkaholic

    Hunts for Heroes: HELP NEEDED!!!

    luv2hunt - ur message box is full states u can not receive any more messages
  8. elkaholic

    Packing Just Becoues

    The old days can still be had if you are determined and able - great write up of a fun hunt - well a successful hunt fun may not have been the right word! too much work involved - lol but you got it done!
  9. elkaholic


    live and learn - we hopefully can all live a little better knowing someone at least cares about our nation and political corruption learn that it can't hide anymore
  10. elkaholic

    what do you see ?

    no fair blowing up/ zooming - as it gives away easily - but only way recent trip to Wisc. ---
  11. elkaholic

    what do you see ?

    10 pt -- 15 yrds no shot - total bummer
  12. elkaholic

    Election time is upon us

    had t o use the help of my counter top to click up my heels this am paper not delivered till 9 am they probably had to reprint because they had already printed Clinton won - lol an awesome blitzed clinton election
  13. elkaholic

    2016 Trail Camera Photo and Video Contest!

    been a while since we had this contest - thanks Amanda I thought this was funny- non coues- not just deer and elk can pose for a great moment
  14. elkaholic

    "Good to a thousand" mentality??

    my only experience with the "over a thousand club" the gun was sighted in for 1000 yrds -- great sendero 300 win mag top of the line optics/scope. the gun was accurate! human error was the problem - even when gun was Clawed - the sightest bump-grip-flinch-wind still effects the point of impact -squeeze the tripper wrong - yes even trigger pull can change everything guide put a guy behind the set-up took 6 shots for him to "join the club" even though it was acctually 965- lol it was still a marginal hit but he had his 90 in buck down latter hunter admitted - crosshairs where all over the place excitement- buck fever whatever - same guy probably would of made a marginal hit at 100 great to have the confidence and have an accurate rifle to do the long range shooting / hunting but not everyone is capable sounds easy to turn the dial hold and shoot - still lots of variables even for the most experienced of shooters big difference between those who can and those who think they can !
  15. elkaholic

    interesting sunrise

    kinda wierd - first its hiding in second picture and there then it's there ??
  16. elkaholic

    Illegals and Bears

    so just pack some garlic cloves around next bear season -
  17. elkaholic

    Your Style of Fishing?

    should be legal for tilapia here - lol
  18. elkaholic

    MF'ing bugs

    headnet is cheaper than thermacell I always carry a few - weigh nothing easy to use - some even come attached to hats etc. no mess no fuss small bottle of unscent spray --- just in case for chiggers / ankle bitters
  19. elkaholic

    Cleaning The Garage

    what kind of shooting stks
  20. elkaholic

    To age or not to age

    here is a really great in dept article about aging beef - not game meat but you get lots of great info fhttp://www.seriouseats.com/2013/03/the-food-lab-complete-guide-to-dry-aging-beef-at-home.html
  21. elkaholic

    Alamo fish reports

    In the fall - Nov. -- Dec. fishing can be tough -- we normally just slow troll shorelines with small cranks - pick up bass and when we hit the crappies - stop and try to find the school or at least turn around and go thru same area agin . lots of places to tube fish on Alamo - we normally fish the West banks. coves / shorelines as this tends be the river channel side on the upper end -- with mostly shallower water along east side best times are March - Apri for all spieces and hope to hit the shad run!
  22. elkaholic

    freezer type

    I like buying them at estate sales Fridgedaire upright- 15 cu ft 2015 - $40 Amana upright 14 cuft 09 - $50 but then I didn't have an elk at the butcher waiting to come home either so I can watch for these to show got to swap out my ancient 20 yr old -- 20 cf er tomorrow before it has any problems - runs great - no complaints other than had to thaw it once every 3 yrs - door handle gone etc. never liked digging in the bottoms of a chest plus the bigger ones took up way to much room if you have it plugged to a gfi outlet - make sure you invest in an alarm for your freezer - if power goes out - they will not reset by themselves - seen many a load of good game meat tossed cuz of a power failure and guy didn't even know anything till bloody stinky mess !! if your just storing hides and heads - sometimes a chest will work better for that and should keep longer during power outage
  23. where do you come up with this!?? I've carried both bow and rifle many a times - there is nothing illegal about it. now had you added - during a bowhunting season - maybe but here agin there are many hunts going on - if you are in the field during a bow hunt with a bow only tag - then perhaps this warden could interpet some violation but it's noncence to say you can't carry a rifle and a bow while hunting please find out which warden stated this information now if the question as about the new law where they specifically stated that during the bow hunts down south where you are carring a pistol for personnel protection during an archery season then here if the question was asked about carring a rifle instead of a pistol - then the way its stated - no rifle
  24. elkaholic

    WTB cheap 410 pump

    glad to see the typical responce to "CHEAP" 410 pump no such thing exists if it's still shootable good luck finding one let alone --- cheap
  25. elkaholic

    Fords new 6x6

    hopefully coming soon I want one - ultimate load hauler