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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Hope to see this guy in person

    I just saw a pic of Lex's gorgeous huge buck - they are probably over 80- 100 miles apart - mines still waiting for me - the one in my photo looks to be non typical -antlers going every which way from the cameras angle
  2. elkaholic

    Hope to see this guy in person

    Can someone post a picyure/story of this lookalike for me
  3. elkaholic

    Get Ready

    here agin - if people would just shut up! with all the publicity of the pro's of having this happen - goofball wouldn't do it cuz he doesn't like AZ but get the dimwit to go on record he''ll take every necessary steps to stop it is -STUPID -- JUST SHUT THE heck UP DUNCEY
  4. elkaholic

    Blackpowder Load ?

    i'm sure the 275 with 90-100 grains of powder will have no problem in dropping a piggy. just like changing anything - get to a range -site it in -make the adjustments so bullet is hitting where you aim - put it in the kill zone - tag your piggy but if you plan on using the gun for bigger species - I wouldn't change anything buy the bullets you normally shoot - the gun likes them - no messin around - take it to the range shoot - your good to go as usual! no hassle no fuss no extra expense.
  5. elkaholic

    Cleaning up the garage a bit, A Few Items for Sale

    is that part of a ladder stand - u got the rest ?
  6. elkaholic

    pigs in 10

    nice to see "my" little herd is starting to grow - might even apply next yr. if I can find the den made a trip to show inlaws around N. Az . stopped in at property to check cams .
  7. elkaholic

    First Look at the New 2017 Kuiu Camo Pattern!!!

    to be honest - I think you could go hunting in that outfit and do just as good as all the new fangled camo's just as long as theres no wabbit hunters around I find it funny to watch some hunting shows and see clients all decked out in new camo's and guide wears jeans and a carhart jacket Hunts are still successful - guide wears everyday clothes - hunter spends $500 on all new camo gear
  8. elkaholic

    Trout recipes please.

    I like to butter a non stick foil- then wrap a trout or salmon stuffed with a slices of onion and lemon - that is covered generously with a Zesty Italian dressing inside and out- cook 6-8 minutes a side - no fishy - dirty - taste deep fried halibut fish sticks - using crushed honey nut cherrios is my go to choice of favorites
  9. elkaholic

    Is this to Judgemental?

    this topic just wasted 5 minutes of my day - guess I shoulda listened to a podcast instead
  10. elkaholic

    pigs in 10

    Not many yotes on trail camera but we do hear a few times in the morning sitting on the deck . It's on my list of to do things , thanks for the reminder.
  11. elkaholic

    pigs in 10

    heres the spot I plan on hunting
  12. elkaholic

    Pig Logic

    whats all the cryin about crossbows - I find them fun to shoot . traditional recurves- compounds- crossbows are all BOWS they are all considered archery equipment! i'm not here to argue or change anyone's mind on what "YOU" consider archery hunting Over the yrs I've hunted enough to know it's not the choice of weapon that makes the difference in harvesting the animal but the skill of the hunter and knowledge of the the animal hunted. don't hassle or disclaim some guys choice of weapons just cuz it differs from yours. if it's legal - use whatever you want to use ! like I stated in a previous topic on crossbows - most are big and cumbersome - not a lot of fun to tote around especially in and under trees and the thick washes where you normally find piggys Most likely I'll be using my excaliper for my HAM hunt- you know the one with limbs and a string - just like a recurve bow. not all those fancy split limbs and cams like most compounds ! If i'm skilled enough to get within "bow" range - I should be able to harvest a piggy this yr. - with a little luck!
  13. elkaholic

    Decoys for Coues?

    yep -- doe urine synthetic scents are legal
  14. elkaholic

    Harquahala unit 41 archery

    It's not limited to unit 41- just about any agriculture field next to deserts will have some poaching activity . If it draws any number of deer - lots of poachers out there!
  15. elkaholic

    crossbow for wife

    stop by 1115 w deervalley and let her shoot a mission crossbow at Arizona Archery Club and pro shop . the little 320 is perfect for her in my opinion.
  16. elkaholic

    2014 Ram Cummins Diesel 4x4 For Sale

    just because it has a Asian tranny doesn't mean it can't have major issues lots of people having slippage shift problems - easy to google even guys with several trucks - most never have a problem but a few are nightmares
  17. elkaholic

    Nebraska Whitetail

    it doesn't get much better tasting than a corn feed whitetail deer - nice buck
  18. elkaholic

    2014 Ram Cummins Diesel 4x4 For Sale

    somebody got a great truck!
  19. elkaholic

    crossbow for wife

    best bet is to call around and ask what they have - give all the archery shops a call i'd pass on cabelas or basspro personally
  20. elkaholic

    crossbow for wife

    the sniper 370 on special this week at Cabelas - most any brand will work - but if your looking for something for your wife - shop around - let her shoot one don't just go buy one . mission is the only way to go for a Lady - check them out and shoot at archery shop in deer valley . they are lighter /smaller which will make it even better for her shoulders - they are a lot quieter too - most others are cumberson pigs - but guys don't care ! some will have a crank attachment so she can cock it herself otherwise make sure that's possible if your not with her except to pay 700- 800 but well worth it . I own a Barnett 350 and an excaliper - got super deals and my b-laws both have missions . had I had the extra $$$ I'd of gone with the lighter crossbow - makes a big difference after a day in the field mission 320 I think - the hype of 350 - 440 ft per second really means nothin
  21. elkaholic

    Not one dam elk

    I kinda like to think - if at least you were fortunate to draw a tag and where able to get out in the field and hunt - then you were way ahead of those whom didn't!
  22. elkaholic

    Guess the score?

    simple in field look for the g1-2-3 to be at least any of the combination 5-8-6 5-6-8 6-8-5 8-5-6 you get the idea you'll probably be looking at a 100 in buck with normal width / mass so if eye guards small needs extra on g-2 g-3 for a typical 3 point buck if g1-2-3 smallish look for extra mass and length or width 5 in eye guards -- 10 g-2 8 in -- 16 g-3 6 in -- 12 main beams 14in - 28 width 14in - 14 mass 5-3-2- -- 20 ---------------------------------- 100
  23. elkaholic

    35B don't laugh. Lol.

    when on Patagonia - always hunt the hills west of the DUMP site
  24. elkaholic

    pigs in 10

    unit - 10 along with all the other units combined in archery hunt # 5082 seldom sells out OTC Like I said - or at least I meant to say , I want to see this herd grow - 2 yrs ago it was 3 pigs - now it looks like 4-5 adults and as many juveniles from last yr. other photos show at least 1 adult that may make some more bacon on the hoof this spring. Be nice to see the herd double in size before I apply- they pretty much stay in my "private " canyon
  25. elkaholic

    2014 Ram Cummins Diesel 4x4 For Sale

    you're killlin me here - Somebody grab it - quickly