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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Ladder Test 2

    what do you think - the boss told him to use the ladder to get the rag down- job done! used the ladder and got the rag down
  2. shells measure 33 in - need touched up - overall good condition 8 feeding type heads - 4 upright need new home to someone , who'll use them N Phx 602-993-2657 Gary
  3. elkaholic

    Goose decoys - 12- stackable shells - magnum- $100

    they just bought a bunch - he knows
  4. elkaholic

    The new boarder wall

    easier - quicker - less expensive than wall- ditch 40 ft deep 1:1 slope on fence side - 80 ft wide across bottom - use excess for a dike on north side whichs makes the north side almost 80 ft high -, if trying to climb out from bottom -- build paved road on top for border patrol which allows agents to patrol easier - quicker and to look down on mexico side
  5. elkaholic

    Huge Favor 20A

    use to see them off the cooper basin rd out of skull valley - might just see them from the truck
  6. I got mixed feels about all the hype on coverup scents and wafers I'm not talking about attractant stuff. The market is flooded with different brands and what they do to kill scent , Technology has come a long way to try to help hunters avoid the keen noses of the animals we hunt. yes - use the wind and don't worry- only goes so far as we all know wind direction - thermals swirling can all change in a blink eye also -- it never stays the same. I'll admit to trying a lot of different brands - too many to even name - I can never really attest to how good they really work in the field , to be honest . I'll normally wash my clothes in a scent / perfume free detergent - I then changed to using plain baking soda - I always air dry on clothes line , then use whatever brand I bought to try to further the non- odor I would like to think I would be getting during the hunt- even after dried store in separate big zip lock baggies etc. My latest quest - Wildlife Research Center 99% Scent Killer Gold - not the kit with soap shampoo etc just the spray - suppose to last 10 days . even though I have tried their other stuff before . newly washed clothes - air dried - sprayed both sides on clothes line and let dry - then bagged- spray hat - gloves backpack even bow sling etc - even my socks and boots spent a full day in field hiking up down mtns - 3-4 miles temps in 70's- hung out over night and then resprayed bagged, Went hunting yesterday - hiked couple hillsides -several hrs . Located a herd of piggys thanks to some very generous hunters - not surprising a CWT member long story short - ended up downwind to within 20 yrds for at least 10-15 min. they never acted like they could smell me - but every little noise of my sneaking closer - they would turn their heads and look and listen . this stuff is so thick - the windows of shooting lanes is very limited. My buddy ended up busting them from above . I got no shoots but was fun had a chance at 3 yrds but danged thick stuff - then pig in open wouldn't stop either - so piggys loping all over the place but no filled tags , even got to within 30yrds of them agin later but still way too thick stuff for a clean shot. Anyway - I will be Using Scent Killer Gold with Hunt Dry technology from now on! guess I'll go for the kit - detergent - body wash/soap - antiperspirant- clothes spray-be great for the hunts that are 2-3 days in the field and especially for hunts longer than that ! Seemed to do as advertised on this hunt !
  7. elkaholic

    Got rainfall ?

    everything is GREEN and the Tanks are FULL great yr to get any tag !
  8. elkaholic


    there have been no SAFETY violations !! I do not know about tipping but they add a few bucks for puking clean up - lol the majority of deaths/accidents were and are due to the ability of the ski diver/ divers - either not capable of the maneuver / his personal error in judgement of his abilities. or his personal chute failed due to either wear or tear from stress
  9. elkaholic

    Fred Bear Razorheads with bleeders

    Those bring back memories - All I ever used for a long time till I switched to the Thunderheads - way back in the day - lol those can take a beating and still shoot straight
  10. elkaholic

    Rosy Waterdogs?

    Give them a try !- dogs will run $5 a dozen or more these days - if you can find them riggem any way you like - can be fished any time of day for cats - right at dusk - they like to hang up in the rocks a lot if just fished off bottom use a river rig - 1oz weight - swivel - 4 ft leader with a inline clear boober at 3 ft - then hook with dog on end - this keeps it swimming off the bottom less chance of it getting caught in rocks other opt- down 5 -6 ft on a bobber with a small split shot my biggest bass was at pleasant on a water dog - casting to towers - no weight - just let it swim - hand linin or open spool 7 lber guy asked how deep I was fishing - answer as deep as the waterdog wanted to go other than that - castin and slow retrieve will get it done too . can't hardly kill a waterdog as long as its in water -
  11. elkaholic

    Arizona bill that would let you shoot snakes

    snake hunters tools a forked branch from a creosol bush and fingers can't count how many rattlers - toss in garbage bag freeze - ship to taxidermists for $$$ depending on the mount and size they fetch $150
  12. elkaholic

    Bedding area question

    you can try anything - but most likely be the same as your shoots so far -Missed them on rare accession you can bump bedded piggys - hard to say if they just hunker down all night in one spot
  13. elkaholic

    Huge sportsman sale

    I was like "WHAT " to the 410 - then congrats to the youngster and a big KUDOS to PETE super nice guy
  14. elkaholic

    Huge sportsman sale

    well to all those who showed up - awesome deals - some super awesome deals - some were a little eager to get it started but Pete 's time frame stayed at 8 oclock opening. Nobody left disappointed other than not picking it up off the table first! easy to grab a handful of great items - even if it wasn't exactly what you wanted - which was in the other guy's hands - lol Thanks Pete and friends / neighbors for putting on this sale !! I was the only guy in shorts and wearing an" elkaholic " hat
  15. elkaholic


    Skydive Arizona - in ELOY AZ - my dear wife Debbie has made the plunge - luckily for her she was able and confident enough to do this exciting experience - she loved it and would do it agin - shes past 60 - It helped that she was strapped to our son whom is a tandem instructor I wouldn't have a problem with the jumping out a plane but my problem is a chute big enough
  16. elkaholic

    Good or Bad idea ???

    if you put on this sale - they will come - in droves - even if its hunting season or not
  17. elkaholic

    Camp Trailer/Rodent control

    one of the easiest way to keep pests out of any kinda trailer - steel wool - crawl around outside and inside find "ANY " little gap - hole where water lines / gas lines / electrical lines/sewer etc. come into the trailer and " PLUG" them even air vents etc. on big trailers especially around all plastic sewage lines the holes / spaces you cant reach I'll sometimes use aluminum paper kinda wadded on end arrow and try to pack it in traps / poison will kill them but the idea is to keep them out!! "cram every little crevice with steel wool " pack it in as tight as you can get it if the pipe or wire has any space thru any size hole - that's where they get in !! I got a 32 ft trailer sittin up north on my property - this was the only solution - now it was nearly impossible to get every little crevice under hot water tanks and in the heater spaces behind stove etc. on the inside but theres where I put the sticky traps - they get stuck in the glue - all the other poisons leave a mess that requires clean up theres no guarantees but this worked for me - so nice to show up and not see droppings in around under cabinets
  18. Brian winning 2 months is row isn't right - lol Brian needs to go buy some lotto tickets
  19. elkaholic

    EXCESSIVE celebration

    fireworks started at 7 didn't really stop till after midnight - rarely a break for 10 minutes Crap everywhere up and down streets sidewalks roof tops my pool roof yard full of debris I try to be a good neighbor but last night was enough! I kindly left a signed note to please move this type of activity someplace else it's been on going in the past but not this much am I a party pooper ? I'm happy for the New Year too Lots of good things to look forward too - but to wake up and have to clean up someone else's celebration wasn't in my plans especially the pool - plastics cardboard - colored blobs from the fireworks etc. curbside pics this am basically less than 75 yrds away in cult-a-sac--- one house away +++ added +++ some may think ooooowww aaaaah fireworks but having windows shake and sonic loud booms for hrs isn't my idea of fun
  20. elkaholic

    Huge unveiling

    Countless thousands line up and are awaiting the unveiling of the new Obamma Legacy statue
  21. elkaholic

    EXCESSIVE celebration

    I'm pretty sure in Mesa and Gilbert they are allowed by city ordinances - not Phoenix! -- this is one home -- not the neighborhood.
  22. elkaholic

    Rare Presidential Collectible

    thatrs what they call a pass along next yr Christmas present - !
  23. elkaholic

    crossbow for wife

    on the 320 there was a little wiggle in the grip after numerous shots - they took apart and added a thin strip of tape to counter the problem - just a note if she has any grip problems . good luck with her new toy post up a picture after she " decorates" it - lol
  24. elkaholic

    Hope to see this guy in person

    not sure what to make of this guy - cool muley rack
  25. elkaholic

    crossbow for wife

    Congrats -- i'm sure its the same 320 fps crossbow I was talking about - or very similar - AWESOME great for HAM hunting piggys too! go get an over the counter tag - lots of hunts left ! use it instead of rifle if you got a unit you prefer that has tags remember you can even kill 2 piggys as long as the hunts are in different units Don't wait for deer/ elk - get here out hunting NOW - lol