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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Monsters are out

    proof is in the video - post one up ! like to see u get a skunk by the tail
  2. elkaholic

    Loggy Bayou tree stand with climbing aid

    post up a picture
  3. elkaholic

    Where am I

    yep that looks like deadhorse area
  4. elkaholic

    What is this? Marker for buried treasure?

    Start digging at the base of the rock - I get 1/2 the jar full of nuggets or old coins
  5. elkaholic

    Late 7E Bull - Scout Tips

    just a reminder elk will drop off into side canyons as quickly as they will go high due to pressure find a few canyons which give you that - man i'm not going down or thru there and you'll find those little pockets that hold good bulls
  6. elkaholic

    XL Heavy Duty GameBags Transport Bags

    Back TTT since all u guys that drew those elk tags - I still have some of these available a person could sewn them in halfs or quarters and have some great 2x6 2x3 game bags which would fit most elk quarters
  7. elkaholic

    Where am I

    on wild guess - no way I even have a clue other than palm tress - castle hot springs ?
  8. elkaholic


    AzDiamondHeat ------ actually I took the power right of way corridor just below the freeway - was cool that it was the only one for miles and yes we backed to within 25 yrds , just happened that way - believe me I've paid my dues packing out many an animal over the yrs. - nice to get an easy one , once in a while . good luck on your hunt - yes the easy next to the road spots are often overlooked and driven by those intent on hunting the roughest country - out of the way - highest mountains around Just have fun !
  9. elkaholic

    Old burn info?

  10. elkaholic


    just as matter of fact - out hikin - out glassin and up extra early - climbin the highest hill - doesn't always mean a big bull my biggest bull to date 385 - hiked in -glassed up - was killed 200 yrds off I-40 at 10:15
  11. elkaholic

    My son doesn't want to go Elk Hunting!!!

    well - you could always go with - since you do not want to go elk hunting - I guess we don't have to go dove hunting anymore either.
  12. elkaholic


    Some good and accurate information can be found on the G&F website under hunting and then choose unit where to hunt . like most hunts around Flag- the late rifle is very hard to judge where the elk will be . Weather is key to elk movement that time of yr. For scouting trips this early - find the highest hills and water sources and work down from there
  13. elkaholic

    Trailer for sale walking distance to lake Mojave.

    guess a logical question would be about the lot its setting on -
  14. like a security blanket that wraps around them
  15. elkaholic

    Too early?

    another folly about not enough mature toms left to breed the hens , if they open the season any earlier here in Az.-- money making tool - regardless of the success of the hunters
  16. elkaholic

    Unit 10 Early Archery

    first decide if you are hunting the boquillas or not - the BO can definitely be a remote hunt - meaning chances are once your on the ranch and set-up you'll most likely not be making trips to town ! + its an added expense As far as camping- not a major issue as it sounds - plenty of locations lots of people will go with a guide - added expense but that's up to your dad and him knowledge and the skills needed to harvest a mature elk DIY - do it yourself hunting what are his expectations -- wants a mature big bull - 350 + or bust ? will send PM
  17. elkaholic

    Draw progress

    if you just want a bonus point- do not they still charge you the application fee now -- if not the raise it to 13 hunters are going to buy license anyway - I've also said for yrs - they never changed how the draw process works - change how the numbers are randomly assigned or something - gotta be a way
  18. elkaholic

    Draw progress

    we know $$$$ are important on any draw decision - especially offering more tags in areas / un its that have show limited # of available animals to tag due ti]o over tags the last 8-10 yrs but it still continues . we need a waiting period of minimum 2 yrs if you are successful in the draw . you would still be able to buy bonus points for those waiting yrs - this way G&F isn't loosing application fees and when u apply the 3 rd yr you enter with 4 bogus points 2 u paid for plus loyalty and hunter ed. if the went to a 3 yr wait -- it would easily rotate some 100,000 hunters getting drawn - it would completely eliminate the 10- 12 bogus points to get drawn for elk deer etc. and also improve odds on other species. way too easy to be considered and the tags would still sell out every yr. -- if not there might actually be more leftovers which is great for those waiting - who would also be able to apply for leftover tags
  19. elkaholic

    Fair Chase in Arizona ...

  20. Sorry to say - looks like we may have a problem for the first time in many many a yr. anybody here on cwt ?
  21. elkaholic

    2008 TAB Teardrop trailer

    any inside pics ?
  22. elkaholic

    Exterminators - ticky this season

    already mowed yard 3 times this spring - all grass no weeds - no wood piles -- I used a granular bug killer in yard - but I know neighbors yard was knee high weed jungle - came home to crap everywhere - who ever did the yardwork for them used a friggen blower and I had a layer of their yard crap everywhere on deck on pool etc. never has ticks before now pullin 8-10 or more daily off my one old gal- no blotted ones getting off her- she sleeps inside - only out to do her business was hopin to get ahead of tick cycle - sleeps on folded furniture blanket pick up shake off - no ticks the exterminator deal is like 250+ with 2 backup sprays - hoping maybe anybody knows someone good - if this continues
  23. elkaholic

    3/17 CC Hits?

    numerous guys with tags 2-3 yrs in a row - sitting with 7 points elk- would like one more archery bull tag before I get to blankity blank 70 yrs old figure take at least 6 more yrs at this rate 19 blankity blank points for antelope and first timers get drawn - I know luck of the draw - just SUCKS as usual - let someone else have my draw luck for a few yrs !
  24. elkaholic

    223" Two Point

    i'd like to see how they scored it to get the 223 - very cool unique buck !