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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Name that gun!

    i'm the owner of a model 81 in .300 savage - super cool looking gun - ammo not real cheap
  2. elkaholic

    Name that gun!

    bong the gong - haul him away
  3. elkaholic

    Name that gun!

    ok i'll play
  4. elkaholic

    Name that gun!

    Stevens ding ding ding a winner !?
  5. elkaholic

    10 year old nieces first bear

    when u get it aged let us know looks like an older bear long nosed------ good job!
  6. elkaholic


  7. elkaholic

    AZGF Restrict Use of Trail Cameras

    I like the one where you have a stream / creek/ seeps all thru the bottom of a steep (vertical ) draw/ canyon, - less than a 1/4 mile up down or sideways-- all the deer trails are along the rim so, for the whole length of the draw / canyon boths sides for over 2 miles - is it against the new law to place a camera. I can agree with how are they going to accomplish the enforcement ---other than tanks-water- where they can drive their truck too! In nearly 40 yrs of hunting/ fishing/hiking /camping across this great state - I've have never seen a law enforcement officer out of his truck or far from it--- and never in the field where i'm hunting
  8. elkaholic

    Deer and Water

    you can bet there are multiple seeps/springs within a mile or 2 of said waterhole that will hold just enough for deer. you can bet they know them all trying to figure out exact water visits may not be possible . that said they can walk in and drink anytime of day or night
  9. elkaholic

    Casa Grande Range

    easy to find on google earth s of casa grande
  10. well- did a little scouting today in 21. - Very Green out there. Tanks are over full - BUGS galore - looks like a bumper yr. for bugs. teeenie tiny knats swarmin everytime ya stop- ALREADY . Gonna get worse as hunting seasons are almost here! This is fair warning for all fall hunters - if you don't own a bug net-GET ONE buy all the latest scent free bug stuff - and have it ready - -NOW cuz your gonna need it!. I'm sure even the mtn hunts aren't gonna escape bugs this yr. the lower desert hunts are gonna be worse
  11. elkaholic

    wet- wet- WET= skeeters and gnats

    looks like i'm going to give this stuff a try - tired of all the deet store stuff https://www.cedarcide.com/product/tickshield/?affid=3061 Tickshield is an all natural, non-toxic extra strength insecticide made in the USA. Tickshield is a versatile cedar-based solution that is fast and effective on everything from general insect control to major infestations. Tickshield is our strongest and longest-lasting formula, making it an ideal choice for hikers, campers and other outdoorsman. Tickshield dries quickly and will not stain. It’s safe for people of all ages and larger animals (over 20 lbs.). Tickshield kills and repels fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, bed bugs, mites, ants, chiggers, flies, moths and more. Made from 100% natural ingredients Eco-friendly Safe for children and larger pets Kills insects in all stages of life Ready-to-use Fresh cedar aroma Non-staining and skin-safe Both lab and real world tested
  12. elkaholic

    Milwaukee Wisconsin

    call ahead for fishing charter on lake Michigan-- great time for smallies and walleyes - the huge lake trout --coho salmon etc. would be my target lots of charters most have a spot where you join a group to pay less like $150 for a 5 hr trip someinclude tackle and bait so prices may very - forget little stream local lakes and go big time ! lots of charters in and around Mke!! bet there is one 15-20 minutes from where you stay
  13. elkaholic

    Holy trail cams batman!

    carry a roll of blk electrician tape - ooops -- that wasn't me -- I don't scout tanks or mess with cameras new law will state no cameras that use remote / airway pictures capability
  14. elkaholic

    wet- wet- WET= skeeters and gnats

    thermacell back packer- a little investigation $35-40 dollar and refills are 17$ they state last 4 hrs. i'll go with scent free sprays lotions for $5 -$7 last up, to 8 hrs a day and a weeks to a month
  15. elkaholic

    Holy trail cams batman!

    funny? - hundreds of bear-deer elk - moose hunts etc. do just that most guided hunts for all kinds of spiecies -- do just that - am I wrong !? you forgot to add- carry all your equipment -- point out the animal to shoot-- set up tri-pod /rail/ triclaws- shooting sticks so you just pull the trigger high 5 ya - take your picture- field dress and pack out your animal etc,
  16. elkaholic


    125 TTT can't believe no traditional guys wouldn't like this bow shoots great and its good poundage for all game animals for a guy just starting its all here
  17. elkaholic

    G5 Havoc

    thk your pm full
  18. elkaholic

    lucky doe

    you can see the huge scar on her side and barely the long scratch marks on her back. other photos show more scratches
  19. elkaholic

    lucky doe

    some can just be shedding - rubs or from kicking each other they get real patchy but here you can see the deep fold of skin -
  20. elkaholic


    price reduced TTT
  21. elkaholic

    Anyone know?

    Is that like the guy who was feeding them fresh Strawberries while in the park and then spread strawberry jelly in 2 spots outside the park up wind !?
  22. elkaholic

    Huntress Suicide ! What?

    https://bearingarms.com/jenn-j/2017/07/24/female-hunter-commits-suicide-receiving-threats/?utm_content=buffer4b83b&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer this poped up on news release ?
  23. elkaholic

    Mining Camp

    bbq chicken with all the trimmings
  24. elkaholic

    21 December Rifle Mule Deer

    do you mean joe's hill west of the powerlines?
  25. elkaholic

    Super raffle

    yep- new policy for 2018 no more raffles - no more banquets - just go out and buy what I want I'll will probably save a few $