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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. these were my spares on my 97 ford for hunting 4x4 'n -- setting a while with air -- rims good - tires trash sold as is --- set ---asking $200 obo includes 4 caps call 602-993-2657 Gary dusty dirty from use/ sitting
  2. elkaholic

    Southern AZ Weather Expectations

    theres 304 archery javelina tags left over for unit 33 over the counter starting tomorrow
  3. elkaholic

    Unit ten elk ?? On the Bo not seen one elk

    way to warm elk are pretty much nocturnal -- most are still bedin early on the slopes of the bigger hills
  4. elkaholic

    Southern AZ Weather Expectations

    #1 DO NOT RELY ON WEATHER CASTS !!! #2 January on an MTN in southern Arizona , weather conditions can change several times a day- hunting the east slopes and you'll not even see it coming till u get hit, when weather turns bad, I've camped in the catalinas seveal times just n. of Tucson in January night times can easily be below freezing not counting windchill factors #3 The main thing to not do -is packin to far - thinking of going the extra mile to get away., can get you in serious troubles. I'm not sure how much hunting you've done where your from or if you have experience in high desert terrain - let along mountain hunts. what shows 1 or 2 miles on google earth - looks simple - easy in can be steep, treacherous even inaccessible from on the ground. #4 what I think is the most important - staying hydrated - most think its not hot summer weather I can get by without extra water - bring something to filter water ! Carring water at 8lbs a gallon usually isn't a lot of fun . easpecially if u need extra for campimg- cooking. I have no doubts your a capable hiker -camper - hunter etc. do not forget gps I even get those extra phone battery rechargers -they'll recharge your phone several times if needed . #5 think about when you are successful. getting any animal off a mtn and back to your camp or vehicle can take several days depending on terrain and location too! It's not like dragging a deer thru the woods back to your truck. -how you gonna keep, it from spoiling - your packed in 3 miles - no ice chest . #6 Camping close to someone and communicating your plans for hunting has its advantages too! #7 last but should actually be #1 best bino's you can afford 12x minimum Good Luck Enjoy your trip and your hunting experience here in Arizona. One can never over think a trip or preparations. even asking if others here maybe hunting in the area!
  5. elkaholic

    Leftover Results in the Portal

    no revised list yet --- check date its the 27th doesn't say updated with todays date the 28th
  6. elkaholic

    Spring Leftover Results now in the Portal

    that doesn't necessarily mean the leftover draw it's over , mainly cuz it's just a couple Lady's and a pile of work!
  7. Sorry your hunt ended soon. If I'd been in town -I'd of leant you a 54 knight with a Leupold scope I was on my vacation. Yes ; the use of my trailer was compensated with meat in the freezer. Thanks Mike
  8. elkaholic

    My 2nd Unit 27 Bear

    #1 bear guy - Wild Heritage Taxidermy in young give Dale A call 928- 238-0094 does awesome mounts give his gallery a look you won't be disappointed congrats on a super nice bear
  9. elkaholic

    5BN late archery

    I don't mess with beer anymore .! takes up to much room - your rum and or whiskey would be gone though
  10. elkaholic

    5BN late archery

    just the opposite we all know that lots of looting does occur at an alarming rate these days
  11. elkaholic

    Interesting Blade

    basically old kitchen butcher knife if u ask me
  12. elkaholic

    5BN late archery

    hope u got someone to camp sit. good luck
  13. elkaholic

    Alert at Wally World

    I got 5
  14. elkaholic

    Hunts for Hero's unit 8

    looks to be one of the best late season in quite a while-- as far as weather- , no snow !!! if that holds true and temps are clear sky's the mid 50's - finding elk shouldn't be a problem. my favorite is along sycamore on the s/e side or along the powerline on the north / west side JD tank should be good too! hopefully after Thankgiving you can get up there and spend some time scouting where you plan on setting up camp!?
  15. elkaholic


    yes mail ins can take a few days ! after they are done- leftovers over the counter next - yes you have to wait till the 8th no one is in first - the mail from Saturday - Monday are all put in the same pile - some people from flag may mail on Thursday - I don't know but if it gets there Friday - they won't put it in with the apps. pile want to really get confused - callem up!
  16. elkaholic


    the first round of leftovers is -- mail in only - they open them starting monday morning on the 27th- so most people will drop apps in mail Friday or Saturday - if you mail too early they are not accepted. after all the mail ins are over and they have any tags left - they will be available over the counter the mail in draw takes 1-2 days with posted results to follow from what I understand - they get the bag of apps dump them on a table and start picking anyone they like no order if they got mailed first postmarking s whatever
  17. elkaholic

    Midlife Crisis

    if you want to be a tad more accurate ---- able to hunt
  18. elkaholic

    29 mule deer?

    get on google earth and find the nearby stock tanks to the south. I don't know if you can drive the stateline road anymore but late evenings look for crossing deer from NM
  19. elkaholic

    Road Closures

    if your waiting and hoping KARMA is going to get even - good luck with that it's always been the same - some follow rules - others never will It's not right -it's not fair - it can tick you off till next yr but I can guarantee it'll happen agin I don't even bother anymore trying to inform others of the "RULES" -- complete waste of my time if they really wanted to close the roads-- then get a DOZER in there and CLOSE IT
  20. It was suggested to me by a mechanic - that people whom buy the big diesel trucks and do not really tow with them - end up having engine problems more so than trucks that pull day in and day out. they are made to tow heavy loads- not just a drive around " I look Good " city truck
  21. elkaholic

    Unit 29 mulies

    hunt the flats and tanks below the pecan orchards s. bowie
  22. elkaholic


    https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Ftime_continue%3D3%26v%3DfEf7HObspB0&h=ATPK-wZv0ctnJksrRD-yj4CqITHSqt2csnlBIPbp2zEuM6o_AU8utnHSuKUtSXefYiR3aSkNroWxGVzypS_f0-WZ3RTyJPuIeS_llVp9XA1NcKtD6tCmST9YI6zYvLJWzPZZIqYSHw cabbie at the shoooting
  23. elkaholic


    It's a sad day for all the families whom have to deal with this tragic shooting. My sincerest thoughts and prayers to all! Sad day for America also --- there is no good side to this -never will be. It will forever change us. - . when lighting strikes a tree - it falls and kills someone sleeping in a tent - Do you cut down the forests? It gives fools like Clinton and Gifford the opportunity to shout " GUN CONTROL" and bash the NRA etc for political gain no one will ever know the "WHY" this happened- it's shocking - horrifying - senseless etc. to point a finger and blame the weapons used isn't gonna help solve anything
  24. elkaholic

    Trails End Taxidermy Queen Creek

    well lets start using NAMES agin call'm out list the worst taxidermy jobs by the guys first and last name - they just change the title to their company and still continue to screw people over
  25. elkaholic

    Opinions/help with my stepson

    while my son was growing up - he enjoyed going with me and being outdoors - making it fun can be hard but taking time to explore different things and not just a pack in - glass - pack out on scouting trips - them having their own time too - let them take the lead and decide whats happening that trip all my sons hunts were separate from mine we never put in together till he was older-college it was his tag - he decide 90% of everything - easy to help with all the hunting essentials - but the what time to get up - wanted to sleepin we slept in - wanted to hunt that hill - we went to that hill etc. it's his hunt I carried a pack with all gear needed - his choice to shoot or not to shoot - now its like He's grown and has his own life - finally back in Arizona so we are starting to put in for hunts together this time! talking and finding out what he really wants to do is 1/2 the battle - sure you want him to go hunting and enjoy it as much as you do - especially together - I hope it works out for you - if not right now then later don't spoil it now!