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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    CVA Optima V2

    Most inlines are great guns these days. you've got a great set-up. I borrowed a knight one yr.-- I used 90 grains pyrodex and 300 grain powerbelts. 100 yrds -a perfect clover leaf you could cover with a quarter. I was hooked. the - maybe the luckiest- longest shot to date with this setup was 250 yrd. dead antelope. A lot of improvements in guns - bullets and powders since then. same setup dropped a big 6x6 bull at 100 yrds this yr. What I found interesting with powerbelts-- you can snap finger spin them-- they will stand and spin like a top- talk about balanced. Good luck and have fun with your new present. On a side note. 150 grains of any powder may kick your shoulder out.
  2. One yr. Dec coues hunt. A bobcat stalking a buck. Even jumping on its back, which resulted in the cat flying end over end high in the air . They had a stand off, antlers blocking any advances from the cat, for another few minutes. The buck finally had enough and trotted off. So cool to watch.
  3. elkaholic

    Unit 8 hunting camp?

    Anyone know who had the big camp at 108 and 42 rd. Several wall tents etc. Locals had to clean up ,what was discribed as piles of trash. They took pictures. These guys who took time out of their hunt to clean up the mess ,would like to know who to report, so this crap doesnt happen again.
  4. elkaholic

    Hunting Camp and Loggers

    Lots of clear cutting going on in unit 8 over the yrs. Great for the elk and the forests. Camped same spot for week of scouting and 11 of the 14 days season - heres what comes down the road. walked right by camp and ended up a few hundred yrs above the tank- how bad can it get ? sun up till sunset bangn beepn tracks squealing clankn non stop loudly echoing down the canyon and off the hillsides. thought id set tank anyway y - nothin showed got rained on hailed on - time to go try someplace else . Wasn't a happy hunter Had to pull camp-
  5. Season come and gone. No elk tagged. Was great to be hunting elk again. A few close encounters. A lot more out of range. Watch them dissappear. Great time meeting new people and having great freinds trying to make it happen. I can only hope I can draw the same tag again. Rut was a little slow and is really kick in now. Hear bugles in morning . None at night or visa versa. Bulls not really reacting to calls or so it seamed. Good luck to all those whom still have the chance to hunt and tag an elk this yr. Seen lots of wildlife . Deer muleys turkeys even a bear. I had a great season.!
  6. elkaholic

    That over weight singer is singing

    I'd like to add, that no elk were wounded either. I stuck to my yardage limit, and a broadside standing shot. Elk at 75. Bear at 60 turkey at 30-40.
  7. elkaholic

    Need Plumber

    Few items on a home inspection. Please call Gary If you know an good plumber. Please let me know. 602 762 6695
  8. elkaholic

    Unit 8 hunting camp?

    Lots of camps around . May not have been hunters. But could have been
  9. elkaholic

    How do you nuke an old salt lick?

    I like the Vaseline option -make it a hassle for him to get pics -- leave a polite note that you'll gladly share the spot if he returns your stolen camera kinda a who's gonna give up first --- one can be very stubborn when it comes to thieves
  10. elkaholic

    MVUM rant again... Still...

    THE SAME SITIATION WITH THE ' pending road closures" In tonto national forest- the people making the changes and decisions aren't even in this state - they are sitting around a table in NM looking at old out of date maps,!! TRUTH ! They have no clue and are getting information from rangers whom barely even know the area themselves-' tontos record for new people / rangers is every other yr , if they last that long.
  11. elkaholic

    Azgfd closed roads into my elk honey hole

    I'm thinking FS is trying to make an effort to close the roads that they haven't been enforcing. by placing new no motorized signs they have probable cause to come find you if they see new tracks down the road. plus several of the stakes have gone missing in past yrs. I'd bet if you had their road closed maps , you'd see your road has be closed for a while .! Others acccross the Coconino forest may find new signs/posts up in the middle of some of their rds too!
  12. elkaholic

    Center Point red / green multi reticle scope

    lol -- late as always-- if it falls thru I'm second - nice scope gotta pay attention more !
  13. elkaholic

    fooled ya

    gotta love this guy ! Not the end you expected- but wait I'll have a bigger set next year !
  14. elkaholic

    Beam Me Up Scotty

    the best ever-- gotta love --Are you smarter than a 5th grader Navel officer -teaches Anatomy at the Academy. 1st grade question -- How many sets of teeth does a person have in their lifetime-- 1--2--3 The Idiot says 1 cuz he knows it's not 3 not really a trick question-- everyone has a set of baby teeth and then an adult set -- unless you include a set of false teeth.
  15. elkaholic

    5b south

    JUst don't hunt the cedar flatlands and you should tag out toppin
  16. elkaholic

    Podcasts are ruining hunting areas

    Just about every unit runs the gauntlet of certain seasons having more hunters in someones secret spot. Even the chat ON HERE can raise an uproar about giving away "secret" spots. To be honest most don't know they are secrets A lot has with the draw also- seems like everytime I get drawn someones hunting my spot! makes you wonder how many others are giving away secrets - or am I the one hunting their secret spot!!?? The same people don't actually get drawn every yr. maybe this yrs group had your secret spot
  17. elkaholic

    5bsouth archery elk tag

    probably full of turkeys
  18. elkaholic

    For sale NIkon Monarch 10x42

    I call'm my truck bino's great glass at a super price- figured theyd be gone
  19. elkaholic

    Low life Camera thiefs

    I have no doubts that different areas accross unit 10 hold good numbers of elk. But just imagine 10 times that many! every time a cow is killed it basically reduces the herd by 3 so there goal is 500 a year - you do the math 1500 x10yrs. is 15000- and that's be very conservative- that's if they only take 500 out of the 1600 tags! some yrs the success rate was close to 60% I'm just saying we need to cut back on the number of cow tags- to sustain a better number of elk - in certain units sorry for kinda off topic of camera thieves but unit 10 hits home for me!
  20. .308 I will be updating the scope this yr. optics and a range finder are actually more important than caliper in my opinion cant see/m and know the distance - you won't tagg'm
  21. elkaholic

    Low life Camera thiefs

    Bingo we have a winner ----usually its 1600 in the general hunt this yr it total 1475 but then don't forget the youth tags 225, dtill equals 1600 anterless tags.... back father than 2004 when they had 1200 cow tags in 10. basically wiped out the big herds of elk - like I posted last yr . from my property I sat 3 days glassing 5-6 square miles of elk country west ashfork from my deck. During the sept rut hunt I saw I herd where 6 yrs ago i'd see several herds of 20-30 each evening and hear elk bugles get dozens of elk pics. biggest herd last yr 2 cows and a calf in 3 days of glassing using 30x80's in mid sept.-- they are gone forever unless gf get head out ace!! just checked my camera -- got 3 pics of 1 elk ---true its summer pics but they are gone
  22. elkaholic

    Low life Camera thiefs

    if your asking me why can't I share-- permission --- I have shared with those I know and they asked ! no elk around --to many yrs of 1600 cow elk tags a yr - like 14 yrs in a row that's just rifle hunts no cows means no elk
  23. elkaholic

    Low life Camera thiefs

    nothing is safe - posted private land 1/2 mile off any major road cept our cabled off driveway/2 track . that isnt easy to find anyway. camera has been on our saddle 5 yrs . now the new camera has a cable on it-- lets see how long that one will stay around. - - I got a private canyon with water in the creek . , with no real access cept our saddle - guess they figure its open land
  24. elkaholic

    Where to retire?

    the mobile home life. spend summers in the coolest locations across this nation and winters in warmest ! just enjoy life - as best possible , no matter where .
  25. elkaholic

    Update to Game and Fish screw up

    I had a navajo depot elk tag mistake on a leftover == the issued me a tag but due to new rules it wasn't good for or what ever -active military only I couldn't hunt but I paid for an elk tag- I asked since i'd already paid for an elk tag was it possible to just issue me an over the counter tag instead so I could at leasrt go hunting. you can guess the results of that