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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    The official “I didn’t get jack shoot” thread

    Not uncommon to not get a tag, when you apply for a hunt with less than 25-30 tags available. Friends draw every yr. , for cow tags. They always put 5th choice a 100 % draw unit/hunt. If you play the long shots with limited tags, one shouldn't be surprised when not drawn . Sure it sucks I'm in same boat as most of you. Just like hoping g&f go to a 3 yr. Wait if drawn . Let applicants buy bonus points during 3 yr. Wait. G&F would increase profits and hunters would have up to 5 bonus points when they could reapply. Better hunting draw odds for everyone.!
  2. elkaholic

    I'm Still Alive -- barely

    Glad to hear you are ok. . Hate getting sick. Hope your up and around soon
  3. elkaholic

    Where am I

    They ought to have them on CherryCreek road. Lol
  4. elkaholic

    What’s the deal with Hoyt

    I stand corrected.
  5. elkaholic

    What’s the deal with Hoyt

    Kinda like mission bows. A few if the major bow techs just left matthews and started their own line
  6. Yes I know Jim white, but hes out of them . Just wonder if by chance one out there Prefer standing clamp style, if possible.
  7. elkaholic


    Scary isn't the right word. People we need to step up again and stop this lunacy! Wheres the list of our representatives and make some calls. Is it to late to get petitions going. even if its online!?
  8. elkaholic

    Docter 15x60

    Trying to find a new clamp for mine. Threads got damaged.
  9. elkaholic

    Hey hunters, $20K reward *update*

    Google earth doesn't have instant view. Pretty sure they systematic take an aerial view every few yrs. I sold my house a yr ago. And google shows my old red truck in driveway from 2 yrs ago
  10. elkaholic

    Where Am I?

    Cool find. I was gonna say fort tule homestead but pic was a shack
  11. elkaholic

    Where Am I?

    Looks like a fixed up China dam site
  12. elkaholic

    Where Am I?

    Old humbug mining claim
  13. elkaholic

    Cartridge guru's

    Double necked down . Looks like 308 base
  14. elkaholic

    Where Am I?

    Just a guess , looks like area around east of harshaw, az.
  15. elkaholic

    Cartridge guru's

    Cool. Great info.
  16. elkaholic

    Cartridge guru's

    Not on my possession right now but will get clearer pics . This round was empty and had no Mark's on necking. Looked like it'd take a reload. 22 or smaller.
  17. elkaholic

    Cartridge guru's

    Gotta remember blanks are crimped on the ends. Even shot tracers/ blanks show signs of crimping. No sign of any crimping . I could be wrong. Thanks
  18. elkaholic

    Yea it’s a 2x2...

    In my opinion , big ole 2's are way too cool to get a pass. Nice buck
  19. elkaholic

    Falcon 5250 Roadmaster Tow Bar

    All accessories in photo included. Asking $150 602-762-6695
  20. elkaholic

    Falcon 5250 Roadmaster Tow Bar

    TTT. Time to list it at RV park I guess
  21. elkaholic

    Upcoming elk draw-6b,6a,or 8?

    I'd put in for 5b south first choice 8 second
  22. elkaholic


    I was kinda tempted myself on this one, curious about creedmoors. Thinking great rifle for wife.
  23. elkaholic


    That guy doesn't need another gun.