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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    5BS vs 5BN

    If he has a cabin in happy jack, he should know. Just sayin!
  2. elkaholic

    Black bear v hog

    Figured it kinda like this. Bear sees pig in ditch in water. Attacks! We don't know how long before guy starts filming. How much fight the pig put up. Looked to have huge tusks to me.! Bear probably would have killed pig right there but with vechiles on edge of road, wanted drag pig into woods. Advantage bear! Pig is getting chewed up but no vitals exposed. His advantage is keeping his front, short legs planted , angled into bank. Endure a brutal assult. Bears getting worn out and is distracted by vechiles etc. Launchs one last vicious attach, but still can't drag the still standing 🐖 pig up steep slope and barely makes it himself. Mother natures test of survival! Pig survived for another battle , which I'm sure ended in its demise!
  3. elkaholic

    Black bear v hog

    Too many parked cars honking horns etc. ,talking , tryn to distract bear. He'll be back for pork chops later !
  4. elkaholic

    Shotgun ammo

    Over $3 a rd. I better dig into my ammo safe. Its been awhile since I looked !
  5. elkaholic

    Remember this.....

    Pretty sure I was Arizonas first cart boy at the glendale store. Worked at baseline and also at 24st.
  6. elkaholic

    Remember this.....

    Smittys large pecan cinnamon rolls with a big gob of butter. Breakfast heaven!
  7. A big THANK YOU ! Great people at cameralandny. Awesome that Doug has such great giveaways. Review to follow! As always telling everyone asking about optics, to contact Doug at Cameralandny for purchasing great deals and answering any questions !! Packaged arrived ! Awesome service, as always. Great crew of knowledgeable people. Gary H.
  8. elkaholic

    Nobody / anybody

    I hear crickets. 23pts. Nothin doin.
  9. elkaholic

    Leftover tag question

    Always mail it to the address they tell you too , on the leftover page!
  10. elkaholic

    Missing Bonus Points

    Don't look like they've updated the bonus points . Mine are same as before.
  11. elkaholic

    Favorite Westerns

    You know your favorite was Flaming Star , With Elvis!
  12. elkaholic

    Favorite Westerns

    Chatos land with Charles Bronson.
  13. elkaholic

    Favorite Westerns

    The best ever Tombstone, filmed in Monument Valley!
  14. elkaholic

    Favorite Westerns

    The Sacketts Sam Elliott as Tell Sackett. Tom Selleck as Orrin Sackett. Jeff Osterhage as Tyrel Sackett. Glenn Ford as Tom Sunday. Ben Johnson as Cap Rountree.
  15. elkaholic

    ITS ON!!!!!!

    Rumors where it wasn't over.
  16. elkaholic

    ITS ON!!!!!!

    Bull or cow
  17. elkaholic

    ITS ON!!!!!!

    Figured I'd get at least a loper tag with 23 pts. Guess I didn't bad mouth g&f enough.
  18. elkaholic

    Tick Tock

    By 5 today if they are smart. Lol
  19. elkaholic

    Tick Tock

    If I remember they had wanted 15 for app fee. But told us 13. 10 for processing and 3 for habitat/ conservation. So expect an app fee raise next yr.!
  20. elkaholic

    Tick Tock

    Looked like red stag sheds
  21. elkaholic

    Sold Ammo

    Price drop to $250
  22. elkaholic

    Sold Ammo

    13 boxes sold
  23. Urcrzy. Been a member 20 hrs. U got 55 posts. , take a break!
  24. elkaholic

    Unit 10 property ( BOTH Sold)

    2 - 20 acre parcels. 6 miles west of Ashfork. 4 miles n. Of I-40 , off the Crocton exit. Deer elk and javelina frequent the property. Awesome antelope country too! Hilltopviews of the valley below and the Peaks, Bill Williams, even Mingus in the distance. Always glassed up antelope accross the valley below. A trailer is located on one 20. We used it for weekend trips. Make a nice hunting camp. Off grid living required for area. Hillside is heavily treed with mature junipers . For more information. Call 602 762 6695. Gary Hanson
  25. elkaholic

    Unit 10 property ( BOTH Sold)

    More details to follow