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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    ISE Show

    hello - I 'm planning on sunday right now - things could change - hope to stop in and visit all ican remember- you see a big guy wearing an elkaholic hat - you'll know ! - Gary
  2. elkaholic

    Four more pairs of ISE tix to give away!

    hello - i might of known it--- i logged off at 12:21
  3. elkaholic


    hello - what kind of a hoyt is it ? Gary
  4. elkaholic

    Arrow tree

    hello - -- just thought i'd ask the local archery /bowhunters to fess up!- It's ok to say how many times you missed too! -Gary below alpine on the coronado trail - rte 666 heres google earth coords ---33*31'31.34"N 109*19'37.86"W
  5. elkaholic

    Snoring Problem

    hello -- one word --- NICE!
  6. hello - SW is and can still be a good store - inventory, customer relations can make a difference but when the ecomomy and pressure from bigger stores come into play - what choice do they have - they'd be closed right now if not for the canadian deals - who remembers yellow front stores - mighty big in their day and how about Popular surplus - they put the hurt on yellow fronts - Sw put the hurt on populars and not bass pro and cabelas are hurting sw , whether they admit it or not - only way they are gonna stick around is give fair deals and support the customers they can keep!
  7. elkaholic

    Available Positions

    hello -- thanks Matty- don't know how many areospace machinist we have here - but-it's the thought - Gary
  8. elkaholic

    Arrow tree

    hello - Alpine, Arizona - Arrow Tree This is less an attraction than an oddity. There's a old dead tree along the side of the Coronado Trail (Rte 666) south of Alpine, that has become the target of literally thousands of archers. Apparently, the idea is to stick your arrow as close to the top of the tree as possible. The tree is about as full as it can be. It's one of the more interesting things along the road, north of the biggest hole in the ground at Morenci. my mistake on the 191 - coronado trail 666 same thing - oh we i google earthed. it actually has a square and the approx location of the tree- you can google directions heres coord- 33*32'21.39N 109*20'08.70W
  9. hello - Now how is that gonna benafit me as a guy who needs to plan his hunts and time off work and scouting trips etc. For a guide service its candy !
  10. hello - I'm not real clear on the purpose of changing it like the bear hunts - Are you saying that after a certain number of animals are takin to end the season?
  11. elkaholic


    hello - you know it might have been quicker to just post gamehaulers business # . that's what i do - i just give him a call! Gary
  12. elkaholic


    hello - this was n/w ashfork
  13. elkaholic

    Looking For22 Hornet

    hello - good ole ebay - got all kinds of dies etc-Gary
  14. elkaholic

    proposed ban on salt and feed

    hello - we may have achance -- heres some good news --- Quote: Governor Brewer’s Management Directive In compliance with Governor Brewer’s agency directive issued January 22, 2009, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission has placed all rulemaking activities, both formal and informal, on hold until May 1, 2009. Oral Proceedings pertaining to Natural Resources Chapter 4 Game and Fish Commission’s rulemakings for Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 are cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date. Any comments received in regards to Game and Fish Commission rules will be retained by the Department to be considered once rulemaking activities are resumed. For more information on our rules or to submit a comment on a rulemaking, contact our Rules and Risk Department: Rules and Risk Department Office: (623) 236-7390 E-mail: Rulemaking@azgfd.gov
  15. I ran accross this and was surprised as how well it fit our presidential election ; Ice Cream & The Election Excellent analogy! From a teacher in the Nashville area. Who worries about "the cow" when it is all about the "Ice Cream? The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year. The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest. I decided we would have an election for a class president. We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote. To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members. We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have. We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot. The class had done a great job in their selections. Both candidates were good kids. I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support. I had never seen Olivia's mother. The day arrived when they were to make their speeches Jamie went first. He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place. He ended by promising to do his very best. Everyone applauded. He sat down and Olivia came to the podium. Her speech was concise. She said, "If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream." She sat down. The class went wild. "Yes! Yes! We want ice cream." She surely could say more. She did not have to. A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn't sure. Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it? She didn't know. The class really didn't care. All they were thinking about was ice cream. Jamie was forgotten. Olivia won by a landslide. Every time Barack Obama opened his mouth he offered ice cream and fifty-two percent of the people reacted like nine year olds. They want ice cream. The other forty-eight percent of us know we're going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess.
  16. elkaholic

    Disabled Hunter needs assistance

    hello - is it 20 A or 20 B or 20 c - from the area your descibing from ur scouting it s 20a - KInda makes a big difference - - go to G$F and get a book of water catchments -trick tanks - they have detailed instructions on how to locate these spots - great for all hunting! -- the piggys need water and regularly come to these - i know of 2 with fairly easy access - just north of lake pleasant - by truck or quad - you'd have to look for sign to see if javys around - a place to start - Gary
  17. elkaholic

    Time for a new bow

    I'm sure that people who own and shoot the x-force may be able to prove this quote wrong - heres one 1 pin zeroed at 30 is good from point blank range out to 40 yards without hold adjustments. I have 5 pins sighted in on my xforce from 20-100 yards. See my sig for my bows specs. __________________ Muskegon Bowman inc.<----Join the club! 07' X-Force-70#DW-29"Dl 380 Grain CF Radial X-Weave Pro 300's/381 Grain CE Maxima 350 3D select......347fps=102 ft/lbs KE here's another comment of a x force owner; When they talk about 1 pin to 40 yards it is keeping the impact inside the vitals of deer which is about 9 inches. With my X6 (60# 28" DL 382g arrow)my only pin is 30 yards, at point blank I hit right at 1 1/2" high at 40 I am 3" low. What it does with sighting in like this it takes some of the yardage out of play and keeps the archer/hunter from taking a marginal shot at longer distances. End result is if it is under 40 yards I hold dead on and deer is down. I can probably post lots more but what i stated about 1 pin out to 40 yards is the norm from the information i get !! Gary
  18. elkaholic

    Butcher shops

    hello -- heres a vidieo i thought was informative - after the guy shows how to shoot a deer ? http://www.newjerseyhunter.com/video/deerfield.wmv Gary
  19. elkaholic

    Time for a new bow

    hello - hangs down if i could afford one would be the new pse x-force - even though they have a 2009 omen , cam is way to outragess - with the x-force a single pin is good out to 40 yards. and easily handle a 100 yrd pin - just my opinion but WOW - Gary
  20. elkaholic

    Butcher shops

    hello Carcass weight = Field-dressed weight divided by 1.331 Ideal boneless venison weight = Carcass weight multiplied by .67 Realistic venison yield = Ideal boneless weight multiplied by .70 Let's say a hunter kills a mature buck, and it weighs 165 pounds field-dressed. Using the above equation, we estimate its carcass will weigh 124 pounds, and it will ideally yield 83.08 pounds of boneless meat. The deer's realistic meat yield is about 58.15 pounds. Because waste can vary between deer, we suggest using the "realistic" figure as a gauge. In the above example, the buck's realistic meat yield would range form 58 to 68 pounds. A 10-pound difference doesn't seem like much when dealing with a large deer , but it's noticeable when the deer is a fawn or yearling so you say he weighed 98 lbs x.67=65.66x.70=45.96 so give or take a few ribs - it's about right - - what do you guess the weight of the spike - 35lbs figures out to be 16.41 next yr. butcher your own and see. I agree most butchers don't waste a bunch of time -doing so called -extreme trimmings and tend to throw away pieces you might keep - Rarely does a butcher have time to waste , worring about saving a few lbs. I'll pretty much guarentee most trim and cut like they are going to eat it - knowing you as a customer don't want anythingless ! Gary who did you take it too?
  21. elkaholic

    Jay's Mexico Hunt

    hello - super nice buck -another Mexico wall hanger! Gary
  22. How many of us read all the magizines and watch the dvd's and tv shows telling us that we need to buy this or that to make our hunting easier or better! There's got to be hunreds of little inventions that flopped big time !Or maybe its a particular item that you thought really was a waste of time and money! One of my earliest was the game tracker string - attachs to broadhead and you just follow the string to find your game - Basically it was more hassle than what it was worth - -the heated scent dripper -the trail timer - clock w/ piece of thread attached across a trail to record time
  23. elkaholic

    What type of drop away rest!

    hello - i picked up a new drop away rest - or should i say fall away - Shur Drop - $49 fairly easy to set-up no strings/ cords or inertia - simply holds arrow for draw and drops forward in the first few inches of arrow travel - - minor things to get accustomed - you must manally set holder /arrow for draw and let down needs improvement - i just mounted one of the cushion arrow holders in the front - works flawless so far ! - can be seen at -- www.deltaarcherycompany.com Gary
  24. elkaholic

    What gimmic did you fall for ?

    hello -- ok Mike - ouch - but i honestly wish i could get it advertized on tv,dvd,s and in the magazines !!
  25. elkaholic

    Advice on Unit 23 South Elk

    hello - If you are talking about the posted - draw/harvest no.s , put in the G$F regulations about last yrs. elk numbers-- don't believe everyhting you read -- Please ! It's far from accurate! Pick an area that your familiar with - you'll probably have a better time hunting than trying to locate a few elk in an area with limited opurtunities! But hey - this is just my opinion! I wouldn't waste 11 points on an area i know nothing about !! Gary