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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Up for A trade Hunt?

    hello - gregg - lol -- you shouldn't have to worry about horse /saddle time - the type of pack trips coues hunters talk about is backpackin - make sure you get a quality pack big enough for a 3-4 days outing with all the lite weight items needed to be comfortable -! invest some time in the gym on the stair climber - lol - Gary
  2. elkaholic

    Up for A trade Hunt?

    hello - I'm with you on this one Amanda - Gregg shows a deep desire to harvest a coues buck- the hunts hes offering in return are some great hunts/fishing trips and from a licensed guide ! If someone has the desires to hunt/fish in New York - then this is a perfect opportunity to do so ! You can't blame a guy for trying. He's not asking for a licensed guide to hunt with - just the chance to hunt with someone knowledgable about coues hunting - what better place to ask than here !!! AC - anyone willing to sit in a ice hut and ice fish - - would probably love the idea to pack into a remote area to hunt- Gregg welcome to the site and I hope someone accepts your offer - Gary
  3. elkaholic

    Guess the Score Contest - Nov 09

    HELLO - I figured right at 125 1/8 - a great buck - Gary
  4. elkaholic

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    hello - Truly a gaint buck - congradulations -- gary
  5. elkaholic

    recovery mission

    hello - you did the right thing under the circumstances - rugged mtns. is no place to get lost especially at night - sorry to hear you lost his trail - unless you found lots of blood in different spots - the shot may not have been as good as you thought - a few drops here and there doesn't make for a good blood trail - sorry - gary
  6. elkaholic

    recovery mission

    hello - can only hope the coyotes dont get to him! you made the choice not to track tonight so guess you'll have a sleepless evening - no guns tomorrow _ good luck - we've tracked a lot of game after dark using the good old lanterns - I always like a fresh blood trail ! gary
  7. elkaholic

    First Coues Buck For Tanner!

    hello - nice job - you should age that buck - looks like an ole timer - got the hump on the nose - long faced - etc. Gary
  8. elkaholic


    hello - scouting/glassin the night before is great idea - you blazed a trail - even a first timer to an area is going to follow the easiest way in and out - making it easier for your self - allows others to follow !- Great spotting hills are like a good waterhole - everyone wants to be in the best place- Sometimes you win the race to be first - other times you don't. try to get up a few hrs earlier and beat them in. Most of us have had hunters arrive at our secret /best spots over the yrs. you can be polite and ask them to vacate or you can share your spot. a few yrs back - we always get in way before light - traveling in the dark is no problem if you know the trails - my son and i were the first to get to the top of the hill opening day - now I've never seen others there the last couple yrs. but have found items to tell me I'm not the only one who's been here. After afew hrs. we heard something coming - another dad and his son - I'm like ok - this was a spot they liked when they drew a tag - their first time in 3 yrs. We shared the hill and I actually pointed out a couple of little bucks way off to the left side of the basin - we had seen earlier - non -shooters in my book - even my son passsed on them - these guys were interested so i suggested they pack around and down so not disturb the rest of the basin. After a while we noticed other deer being pushed accross the bowl - mostly does but one nice buck - a shooter - although to far to get a good shot - those guys had actually birddogged for us and we now knew a nice buck was around! we did hear shots about an hr. later - good for them - You could park a truck in front of the trail - but i doubt that will change anything - hopefully they didnt spot your buck and will not show opening morning - Get in a few hrs early - if he's there it will be worth it! gary
  9. hello - guess what - if you didnt get drawn and want to go - heres the list Hunt No. 1098 - unit 30a - has 44 tags left for antlered whitetail Hunt No. 1102 - unit 30b - has 8 tags left for antlered white-tail both hunts run from 6th Nov to the 12th Nov Last chance at some rifle deer hunting - gary
  10. elkaholic

    Feeders in AZ

    hello - all i can think to say is -those who use the "modern methods" of hunting - take full advantage of all the modern technoligy has to offer - mostly it's $$$$ -each to his own - - those that want to hunt" traditional methods" - i hope to see you using a flintlock rifle and have a knife at your side because thats about as primitive as a hunting trip can be - our forefathers did it for over 100 yrs. Nothing anybody says or thinks is gonna change a persons mind on how they hunt! that being said If you look at history our wildlife and it's habitat , most would not be here period! let alone in the numbers or in the states that had to reintroduce erradicated species. if it were not for dedicated outdoorsmen - to take action to help make sure wildlife has a chance to survive it's never ending battle against man and how we've changed the face of the world we all live in - the animals need all the help they can get !!! Introducing water- food in areas where animals might not survive is a must! - putting out salt- bait- feeders to attract wildlife for hunting purpose, will always be considered a crutch by some and a neccessity by others . and bs to the rest ---- gary
  11. elkaholic

    Free gsp------ he's gone

    gone to a good home- thanks guys
  12. elkaholic

    Life and Death struggles

    hello - thought I'd share these - pictures say it all -some a little graphic -
  13. elkaholic

    Salt licks

    hello - somebody is posting this question on a lot o the websites. the only real problem I see - salt is just the tip of the iceberg - totally leagal by definitions in the regulations - we never did hear anything from the big g&f discussion - guess we'll see come next set of regulations - if we havent heard any thing positive by now - bet a nickle to a dollar its gonna be bad news for all !- Gary
  14. elkaholic

    Unit 8 Mule deer hunt

    i'd go down to jd tank - park at the cattle guard above the lake and walk the fence line north ! Gary
  15. elkaholic

    Coues skull!

    hello - always nice finding skulls - now is a great time to be in the woods - thanks for sharing - gary
  16. elkaholic

    Attention all Packers fans!

    hello - the PACKERS need to sack - smack and squash farve more times tonight than in is whole career i hope he's pickin grass out of his face shield all night!!!! go PACKERS and I'm not a big fan!!! Gary
  17. elkaholic

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    110 too low anyway - lol - Gary
  18. elkaholic

    Camp Navjo Access

    hello - NO ACCESS THRU CAMP NAVAJO !!! like jesse stated -they have strict rules -you check-in and out each day - they want to know where you'll be hunting - you sign out - to go hunting in the morning and you sign in each evening - so they don't have to go looking for you - if they do, they know which way you went - they even have -kinda -evening hr. limit- i guess they have made some changes and allow cell phone check in in the evenings -- you have an east side hunt and a west side hunt - for civilians - you are not allowed to hunt on the base itself- only guard or retired military have that priveledge and they have almost the same rules - roads can be rough but not impossible -!- Gary -
  19. elkaholic


    hello - i like to look at the barrel tests for broadheads - some surprising results! gary
  20. elkaholic

    7 West Bull Elk hunt

    hey bobbyo- he did not say he missed - i see a picture of a bloody arrow - no broadhead attached thus one can conclude he has a wounded animal - the Question is did it live or die? Most elk are gonna have a good chance to recover if the hit did not hit any internal organs!! exactly where the arrow hit can make a difference here too! how deep did it penatrate (how much blood on the recovered arrow )? lots of questions to answer.! a lot of times - the elk will survive - if in fact the arrow didnt do any real damage he is still chacing the ladies ! sorry to hear you weren't able to make a clean kill shot! you say you saw him agin chasin the ladies a few days later - hopefully that was the same bull ! Gary
  21. elkaholic

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    125 7/8
  22. elkaholic

    Elk late rut

    hello - ok now what year did they start the early rifle hunts ? - the whole idea -In my opinion was back then archers were enjoying the best hunting during the rut!! And takin monster bulls - most of the big wigs at g$f weren't into archery - thus they implamented these trophy hunts - I may be wrong but thats how I remember it goin!! Gary
  23. hello - nice bull - i 'll guess 365 --- Gary
  24. elkaholic

    Some Guns for sale.

    hello - shippping in a usps flat rate box is less than $10.00 -no weight limit - anywhere in the U.S. those 5 boxs should fit easily - Gary