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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Stolen Bow

    hello - check some of the local pawn shops- worth a try - suprised you had anything left- Gary
  2. elkaholic

    My December Buck

    helo - super nice buck - one more reason we all want a coues white-tail tag - Gary
  3. elkaholic

    Who would want to eat a javi?

    hello - proper meat care - lol- I've never had a bad tasting javelina - the backstraps get wrapped in smoked bacon and crock potted -SLOW_ with any kind of cream soup - i prefer mushroom - slice up on a bed of rice - hmmmmmmmmm- the rest goes to - Denmark meats in west glendale - for beer brats - simple easy and tastie - put me in line for anyone who's skinned and cooled the meat and transported properly - +1-2-3-4 skin them ASAP- gettem in a good gamebag (wink)and never transport with hide on!!! As an added note = something most people never really think out - but especially with piggys- the musk scent is everywhere on a pig - even after the hide is off- keep your hands clean when handling the meat -even just tossing the hide off - clean your hands often - I always have package of hand wipes in my pack - grabbing the legs and the touching the meat spreads the odor -all over agin - and over the meat - Can't stress it enough - keep it clean - Gary
  4. elkaholic

    Unit 10 elk

    hello - have you been off the Welch rd exit - try up and down the ole pipe line area - even up towards juan canyon -rogers canyon - Good luck - Gary
  5. elkaholic

    missing hunters

    hello - hope they all are- ok - and found safe Its all about making the right decisions - bad weather is very unpredictable - especially snow storms in the high country - the ole " better to be safe than sorry " .Not even the experts knew this storm was gonna drop several ft of snow over night ! They need to be really glad the second storm didnt hit yet - so rescue crews have a chance at getting them out - Looks like more bad weather is expected overnight tonight - lets hope those sticking it out are prepared and that the rescue teams find everyone safe - -- Gary
  6. elkaholic


    heres an awesume link - when you click on the little cameras is shows a picture allong the highway + - usually takin with in the last 30 minute -shows problem areas for travelers - Gary http://www.az511.com/hcrsweb/hcrsweb.jsp
  7. elkaholic


    hello - my neighbor who lives n/w of ashfork - about 4 miles off crocton highway sent me these pic - I have property on the hill up behind her place - heres a winter wonder land - this elevation 5500- (edit) the top of the hill is 5400 so this is like 5300-***update** the snow was measured at 13 in. the most ever recorded at this location -lol -- Gary
  8. elkaholic

    New Hunters?????

    hello --- you never know what the paper is gonna print - - - the one that got me in this morning paper - guy shot killedhis freind - in argument about football game - then give the final score for the game !? I'm sure revenue is down -I'm sure game and fish wants and needs more money - we'll be at the cap limit for license- didnt you read it in the paper - tags by next yr. - just my opinion - but it is true we need more hunters to pass on this legacy - the more we can introduce family and freinds .the better off we'll be as a whole . especiallly the young ones - We got way to many tree huggers invadeing our ranks - and get into positions to make the changes we never thought would happen - look what we have leading our nation - Gary
  9. elkaholic


    hello - And we expect some winter wonderland photo's being posted from the photo guy - red something - lol - Gary I'm sured Doug will be takin pics- any you guys want to come up and give him a ride around !
  10. elkaholic

    CHRISTmas Came Early

    looks like a -- Ginger ---to me
  11. elkaholic

    My buds buck

    hello - anyday is a good day to harvest a nice buck - but especially the last day !- nice job- gary
  12. elkaholic

    Les's Oct buck

    hello - these guys gotta quite hunting in their backyards-lol- super nice arizona coues - really like the second -third beam- looks like awesume mass all thru the rack - Gary
  13. elkaholic

    elk antler over my fireplace

    hello - looks great - GAry
  14. elkaholic

    Take care of the meat guys!

    hello - I've been preachin meat care for a few yrs. now - Believe me when I say - everyone is different on how and even when -where they start takin care of the meat ! Times have changed - some things for the better - like deboning- no gut method - Nothin turns my stomach as easy as seeing game being transported with the hides on! At all the seminars it is the #1 piece of information handed out - It doesnt really have to be hot -warm weather either - why do you think animals - like elk- have such thick hides - to insulate them from the cold !! As far as leaving the big leg bones in - you can still keep the bones for your dog - Do yourself a favor and let the biggest chunk of meat -on most animals - a chance to chill properly - bone soured meat can be a problem! take it out before transporting in the icechest - Not everyone can just drop everything and run an animal to a processing center - be prepared and take enough items along to do a mini processing at camp - large ice chest - extra bags of ice - old sleeping bags . enough gamebags to keep it clean ! knifes - sharpeners etc. As far as hanging - animals should only be hanged at night - then wrapped and stored out of the sun and rehung each night. they can go this way for several days if taken care of- if you want it to stay hanging at least hang it where direct sunlight cant get to it and wrapit up in ole sheets - or sleeping bag to keep the cold in and the heat out - wind can really dry out a hanging animal - think of it as making jerky the ole fashion way - lol Hopefully - MEAT CARE - is one of the best hunting information you can pass on to all future hunters . It's sad to say some have to learn the hard way - meat spoils at a very fast rate - the higher the temps the faster the spoilage. Take the time to do it right! it'll taste much better later! Gary
  15. elkaholic


    hello - such high fence areas/ranchs - have imported eastern/texas whitetails for yrs. note the center picture of th e thick racked buck - - the huge white neck patch - this patch is NEVER seen on real coues deer !!! Gary
  16. elkaholic


    hello Just how much noise and distraction are these cameras - I don't own one , probably never will! - If I'm archery elk hunting a tank -and its the last few moments of legal hunting hrs. If I got a bull coming into a tank - the last thing I want is somebodies camera flashing and takin pics! Any little noise will stop a bull and turn him around ! Archery elk hunting is up close and personal ! He's didn't damage it - he didn't steal it -he wanted privacy during his hunt! We as hunters will never all follow the same rules of etiquette! How nice of you and your brother to check these cameras everyday or so for pictures -DURING an archery elk hunt. Like you really think you are the only ones who knew where this awesume trick tank was !? You may have already messed up their hunt , just by being in the woods so much - sorry but Get over it! Gary (
  17. elkaholic


    hello - I agree with keep the fresh elk meat and use up some of the stuff in the freezer - how about having an ole fashion BBQ and invite some of your freinds over - You supply the steaks and they bring the beer and the rest - -Always fun ! - gary - seems he's already tagged his elk - good luck on his hunt I've taken left over-OLD- freezer meat to Adobe Mtn. wildlife center before - they really put it to good use - helping injured wildlife ,that are in their care !! ****- this ones for you -- Mike - here's my try - ----- hey man I'll take the meat - just contact me asap after its down - I'll even go along and pack it out - Been so long since I had elk meat as and - elkaholic - I'm going thru wildrawls - I get the shakes real bad - besides my freezer empty too! -****
  18. elkaholic

    Lion Kill

    hello - yes lion meat is good to eat - think of it as the third white meat - lol - most guys would not hestitae for a moment to drop a lion while on any hunt - the sightings can be few and far in between - if not at all - get the tag - shoot the lion - think of it as helping your future deer hunts - a lion will kill a deer a week - think about that next time you don't find any deer around - that lion you let go ate'm ! - Gary
  19. elkaholic

    What will score higher?

    hello - you always measure circumference in the narrowest spot between each point !! you cannot measure between the last point and the end of the beam ! if you print out the score sheet it is really easy to follow ! gary
  20. elkaholic

    Will I ever get a bigger buck?

    hello - WHATEVER - to even have the luxury to be able to hunt in mexico would be enough for most of us. how many endless nights are you going to stay awake , worring that you may never shoot a bigger buck than you already have - worring about the one that got away WHATEVER - nice buck - Gary
  21. hello - good ness - OPEN THE ROADS -- whinnin about needing a map - take the time to know the area you want to go when you have a weekend outin in - don't go and then grip - all the roads are closed - They can't be in all places at one time - most these rds have been on the closed list since the fire - especially in unit 21 -- i've seen countless times where PEOPLE have removed the rd closed signs and or went anyway - ignorance is no excuse - Just like checking to see if its no fires - its not a big deal - just make it part of your preporations - really easy - the attitide i got the rgiht to do anything i want and go any place i want it HISTORY !! I like having a map to know what rds are open and closed - i can show it to prove that i can have access - especially if it was just printed off the officail tonto national forest website - which means they have to keep it up to date - makes it easier for me to argue if there is a disagreement - i got something to fight back with !!! Gary "But now the forest service seems to be implying that they were never official open roads, and that they can close them to the public without including them in the list of newly "closed roads"." this does have me a little confused i must say - kinda hard to close a rd and then not list it - kinda defeats the purpose of having a map!!??
  22. Hello - I got an 10 ft. ladder stand - just what you need to pack into your secret spot - easy to set-up - its complete and in geat shape - straps and T screws to tree to secure - weighs 28 lbs . -- asking $75- gary 602-993-2657 didnt set up the whole 10 ft but you get the idea- base is 23x18-square aluminum tubing - super strong
  23. elkaholic

    API Ladder Stand---------------SOLD

    hello - TTT - this is the perfect stand for those little juniper trees that surround all those water holes - that are in the boonies - fast easy to set-up - Gary
  24. elkaholic

    Up for A trade Hunt?

    hello - if you look at some of the pictures of the nice bucks - ignore the racks for a moment - check out the back ground - lots of hillsides-canyons etc. packing into the remote places , generally means a chance at a better /bigger buck - the same with a lot of the stories - climbed this mountain - shot accross that canyon - etc. etc . You were pretty lucky to get a picture of a decent buck by just stepping out of a jeep- - hope fully you'll be able to hook-up with some guy here - I'm sure hunting and fishing in NY is basically the same ! Gary
  25. hello - nice write up - with ammo as costly as it is I hope you are areloader ! -lol - You missed one -what I think - very important topic on this long range shooting --- OPTICS - example - I just got a real nice beeman pellet gun - r1 sportsman - it came with 3x9 beeman scope - I spent a day dinkin with it and thought it wass sighted in - next time out i could not hit a pop can at 20 yrds - time to resight - it was way off - i dinked with it agin - same thing - like no way this thing can be that far off during the time it sat against the wall - I just put a quality nikon scope on it an I'm shooting 1/2 in groups at 20 yrds. needless to say some critters will be in real danger next time out Moral - Quality optics are what really count on any type of shooting - yes ,your skill and practice -windage and elevation etc . are also important - You need the best optics available - especically when trying to take one shot kills at extended ranges - just my opinion - 308- 7mm -300-all ultra and short mags are all capable of one shot kills at extended ranges - but quality optics are what really count ! Gary