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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Elk Hunting Seminar

    hello - i had to chance to go to the seminar - I was impressed with the speaker Corky Richardson - we was very thorough and covered all the basic information needed to go on a successful elk hunt ! both early and late - archery or firearm- They also had a person talk about archery-- equipement and archery hunting! I didnt get his name - sorry - Gary
  2. elkaholic

    Outdoor Experience 4 All Banquet July 15

    hello - thanks Amanda - i did get a chance to meet ur husdand - nice guy - we chattted about owls and how someone here won some compition video or something - lol - I'm telln everyone - what other banquet has- basically - all u can eat bbq. + * free drinks = beer wine soda - ALL NIGHT LONG - Support the KIDS sign up for nexy yr.!! see you all there !!! - Gary
  3. elkaholic

    Outdoor Experience 4 All Banquet July 15

    hello - even though I wasnt seated at the CWT table - I thought the banquet was great ! So nice to see dedicated people supporting a great organization like OE4A whichs IS about the kids !- I look forward to next yrs. Banquet - Gary
  4. elkaholic

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    nada - zippo --- agin
  5. elkaholic

    **UPDATE!! * i need some prayers please *

    hey BUDDY - prayers are on the way - all things are dependant on your strength - a strength in God is forever - take the time to heal properly! Let us know if ya need anything - even if its a visit, at the va or at home or mabe a little shoppin - Gary
  6. elkaholic

    e-scouting for......

    hello - chatted with a lady at chino's hardware store - her whole fence line accross the side is all blk berries - ripe for the pickin - i offered to help!- lol - Gary
  7. elkaholic

    CWT Bass Tourney

    hello - goonfish - normally means any thing other than a largemouth bass!
  8. elkaholic

    Big bull contests?

    hello - i guess with an elk tag - I'd be silly not to join in on the contest - so add 1 more to rifle - Gary
  9. elkaholic

    NM Walleye

    hello - AMANDA- AMANDA white-eyes are among the best tastin fish around- some say the best - we have them in several lakes here in az - theres even a walleye club here in az-- www.walleyecentral.com/southwest.shtml awesume to catch - just gotta watch out for the teeth - like a barracuda - poked many a hole in my thumbs -by accident- night fishin and thought i had a bass cingrats Bill - perfect eatin size !! gary
  10. elkaholic

    CWT Bass Tourney

    Don't take this the wrong way but lots of Turkey hunters who were lucky enough to draw a tag - would be hunting the 3rd week of april - plus a few make regular trips out of state -- maybe last wek of march in the spring - night tourneys are cool - Gary
  11. elkaholic

    So whos getting Buck fever?

    hello -- i think it s a illness- commonly refered to as buckitous-tagcilliousus - happens every yr and highly contagious for a few weeks - looks like you caught it !
  12. hello ------ SAD but true - and this is only the smallest tip of a huge iceberg !!- gary
  13. elkaholic

    Digiscope pics

    gotta go with 12
  14. elkaholic

    Coues Gender Identification

    hello - easy to know why he BLUED it all out - just in case any of those 6 other trail cams that are set-up in that creek bottom - they wouldn't rsay hey I know that spot!!- Gary
  15. heres we go - things aren't getting anybetter with this BUMMA had to pas this on ! Subject: Word of the Day: Dhimmitude Need something to get your blood boiling???? Has anyone heard of this new word? Dhimmitude? Amish and other religious groups may be exempt from forced purchase of healthcare policies under Obama care. You know what other groups this could include ???Muslims and Christian Scientists may be exempt from having to have government healthcare. Word of the Day: Dhimmitude Unbelievable I had my doubts so I checked with Snopes. There is an exemption for "certain religious groups" in the Health Care Bill. Obama supporters check it out yourself. Had never heard the word until now---Type it into Google and start reading Pretty interesting. Note that Muslims and certain other religions are exempt from the Obamacare penalties and it is supported by law. We are surrendering from within! The prez is leading us right down the path to total Muslim control and you don't care! Maybe you voted for him but now the truth comes out. Maybe you should rethink what you have done. Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to islam. The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia muslim diktat in the United States . Muslims may be specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking" and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims may be specifically granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I John Smith, as a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, cars and etc. and even accounts receivables, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health needs paid for by the de facto government insurance at our expence. Non-muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize muslims. Period. This is Dhimmitude. Dhimmitude serves two purposes: it enriches the muslim masters AND serves to drive conversions to islam. In this case, the incentive to convert to islam will be taken up by those in the inner-cities as well as the godless Generation X, Y and Z types who have no moral anchor or belief in God! If you don't believe in Christ to begin with, it is no problem whatsoever to sell Him for 30 pieces of silver. "Sure, I'll be a muslim if it means free health insurance and no taxes. Where do I sign, brother?" Now all you Obama voters get in line for your free stuff!...However, I suggest you don't hold your breath!... I recommend sending this email to all your contacts. This is desperately important and people need to know about it and what the past election has done to all of us! PS Have you heard about the summit Obama is holding this month in DC for thefuture Muslim business leaders in the US ? He wants to increase their ability to begin business opportunities in the US for the Muslim community! Better start looking for a country that doesn't cater to the Muslims ~ Austrailia doesn't because this country will be overrun by Muslims like Europe is currently experiencing. And you thought our problem was the Mexicans!......
  16. elkaholic

    New Broadhead , Inverter

    hello - not to be a stickler- but I'd still like to see a steel barrel test - humor me - lol - gary
  17. elkaholic

    Unit 8 Archery

    Hello - Are you saying you had an elk tag last yr also - Sorry no help to people who are that lucky - just kiddin - shouldnt be as bad - but there is alwys competion at waterholes - hunt the travel routes - get'm before and after water !- gary
  18. I'm kinda speakin from experience as - I've been clearing dead juniper trees off my property - no splittin or stackin - $50 gets a truckload . can fit almost a 1/2 cord in the bed of a truck - very few full size beds anymore (lol)- splitting and stackin is what usually makes the cost go up ! guy buyin all will split and get a better price for the wood come fall - probably still cheaper than what it would cost him to go out a cut it !! - pecan is really good burnin wood - Gary
  19. hello - desert bull has it pretty close - if they were smart - forget the cord crap and -since it is in big chunks and charge $50 a truck load - - simple - no measuring or bickering about sizes -measurements - all you can load in the bed of your truck - Gary
  20. elkaholic

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    hello - Now i'd like to get a picture of the ice chests- several from what I hear - loaded with meat thats been taken care of - plus from what i also heard they had bags of meat hangin all over the place- guess it was a little warm - Glad the game bag rolls worked out for you - Special thanks to Derek - guy always seem to come thru - when ya need help - he made sure they had the bags available - Gary
  21. elkaholic

    Help a young hunter get a liver!

    hello - thanks Debbie - hope Sadie has a little luck this trip and takes down a buffalo - we all wish her a safe trip and a tag filled. Gary
  22. elkaholic

    ADA Banquet...

    hello - great time - lots of friendly people - sorry I didnt spend more time trying to get to know some of you - look forward to changing that in the future - A BIG - THANKS to AMANDA - Gary
  23. just what we need - more billboards i-10 north of tucson
  24. hello ----- MARSHALL who ? - JUST KIDDIN - We should all be so lucky as to express ones thoughts and beliefs so easily and to the point!- well written - AGIN!- Gary
  25. elkaholic

    Want to buy -- Evaporative Cooler

    hello - hopefully a member can help you out - did you give craigslist a look - type in mastercool - that time of year - gary