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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    7-18- 10:15 now i got to check to see if anyone else picked it - lol
  2. elkaholic

    Santana Outdoors $200 "Winners Posted!"

    Ok - ya got one but second was takin to long to open -lol- will try later - Thanks for this great thread -
  3. elkaholic

    Flatline Maps 1/2 Price!!

    ok - i needed a new unit 8 map - THANKS - glad i could help! Gary
  4. elkaholic

    20x80 steiners

    i got a pair of 30x80 - i was told they were the company cabelas uses- forget name anyway i use them all the time - viewing 3-4 miles away doesnt show alot of detail but sure easy to pick up the game animals --anything within a mile is very clear
  5. elkaholic

    Az Taxidermy Show this weekend....

    who won peoples choice - best of show ?
  6. elkaholic

    Az Taxidermy Show this weekend....

    hopefully somebody will post a few pics. my camera had dead batteries. I took time to stop in and check out all the mounts. Very Impressive! QUite a few looked like twins -so too speak - same forms - styles etc. I know experience really showed on the few which stoood out - to me anyway. You could tell they put a lot of effert into little details! Chris's bobcat was unique ! Dale's cats were - SUPER-AWESUME !! Rick's mounts all looked great! To me cats are one of the hardest and Dale did an exceptional job! BUT his little yote was something special to look at! Our hockey teams ought to look into using/ buying it - would make the perfect promotional item! Experience really shined at the show- but there are a lot of up and comin young guys who do great work - the older guys are getting a run for there money. hope to be at the one next yr. Gary it was nice to meet Dale and his wife- I missed Chris and always cool to chat with Rick and his wife and family --- great show!
  7. elkaholic

    My bobcat/snake mount - More Pix Added

    yep i made time to stop in - A very impressive showing from all age groups and experience of taxidermists! very original/lifelike mount Tony! Great job Chris.
  8. elkaholic

    Az Taxidermy Show this weekend....

    well since its right down the rd. if I got nothin goin - I'll stop in - fer sure !- gary
  9. elkaholic

    couse hunting in unit 21

    thats what i call a text book - reading of unit 21 whitetail - I usually just give them the link to G$F instead of copying and pasting the whole wording- Yes - its good accurate info! especialy for a first timer , wanting general info! -
  10. elkaholic


    take a trip up mt.ord- or if ya like a little adventure try 4 peaks and the ever lovin mazatzals
  11. elkaholic

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    gee Thanks TJ - ya could have edited that pic and tried agin!- Great time - AWSUME FOOD if word get out ADA is gonna have to look for a bigger place to hold the banquet!- It was full of people excited about the great auctions- raffles and items available- they raised some good money to help the antelope and deer for Arizona! i heard they had lots of people who wanted to attend but SORRY sold out! Sorry if I didnt get around to meet everyone but then agin you could have visited our table too! Congrates to all the winners! I want to Thank AMANDA for her generousity and all she does for this event! And also to those who helped make it the success it was!- I shoulda swapped tickets with Mark like he asked - cool $1000- oh well! Gary added note - SURE hope U R feelin better Tony!!
  12. elkaholic

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    i'd wear a prototype in 3x - lol -
  13. elkaholic

    Not today!

    you have to take into account - a lot of us members -myself included - do not list our birthdays - therefore today may be a members birthday but you'll never know!! go fishing or scouting or camping - time to get away from the computer!- lol
  14. It's sad to see a losing team act/play the way the Lakers did in the final humiliating defeat. - They intentionally tried to injury other players with elbows and blocks ! Ejection from the game is not enough for these kind of players - showing poor sportsmanship! Sad to see this at the professional level. i say they need to sit out a season with no pay!! we all know Coby is a cry baby when lossing and i'n the greatest when winning- The coach should have been more upset with the blatent fouls than he showed - lost respect for him ! he never batted an eye = just a smirk when his players were ejected!!
  15. elkaholic

    Fire Near Superior AZ

    a fire started by illegals - over 2000 + forest burned - homes and lives endangered - people evacuated - nothing on the news - what does it take ! Ok news channel 13 in NEW MEXICO is all over this news - lol
  16. elkaholic

    Wild Fire Information websites

    THANKS your info is great why cant the news channels give and use these http://inciweb.org/incident/2225/ updated - well almost- 9 hrs ago horseshoe fire this picture was taken yesterday afternoon from new mexico lookin towards sulfur springs at the base of the picture heres another incedent report about fires accross the U.S. http://activefiremaps.fs.fed.us/current.php?op=table&sensor=modis
  17. elkaholic

    180+ Coues Sheds --- You better sit down before you look!

    then with any luck we should see some postings of the sheds from this yr. it's that time --the coues are defintaly droppin -- NOW!!
  18. elkaholic

    Fire Near Superior AZ

    100% postive that the portal/horseshoe fire was caused by illegals - BP had chased/followed several into the area of horse shoe late yesterday - they found several tracks at the starting point of this blaze - some locals that live along the NF border are being asked to evacuate- lots of huge tracts of old white oaks are fire fuel right now! it=s moved past horseshoe over the MTNS and is now moving into the sulfur springs area high winds have not helped firefighters accross the state today! illegals have been responsable for millions of $$$$ of damage accross our state and all the government officials can say is that they cant prove it!
  19. elkaholic

    Az Deer Assoc Banquet...

    I'd like to be able to attend as a veteran if possable - i'll donate one of my last available roll of gamebags for the raffle - Gary
  20. elkaholic

    binladin is dead.

  21. elkaholic

    Lifesize mountain lion

    always nice to see a happy ending- Marc is the guy to go to with big cats - its his specialty!
  22. elkaholic

    Camp Navajo Antelope?

    chatted with Yote last night- inside limited area has a whole set of different rules - no scouting- no helpers- etc. i can guarantee you will see antelope - they should be accustomed to vechiles driving around and stopping - thats the big plus!
  23. elkaholic

    Camp Navajo Antelope?

    my bad- i didnt know he was NG- then my comment wasnt appropriate. - last yr -- INSIDE-- it was said to have several large groups of antelope - i was thinking/ referring to outside the fence. yes- you should have no problem finding them inside!hunting them can be a challenge no matter where you are! they visit the outside rarely but I have seen them in different locations outside! yes if you do have access to the limited area - and spend the time scouting - you should and could score on a nice buck! anthony--no disrespect to your comment-
  24. elkaholic

    Camp Navajo Antelope?

    funny - thats like saying i've got a tag for unit 10 but see them everyday south of I-40 east of seligman sent u a pm yote