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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic

    Thanks ALOT! You JACKWAGONS!

    +1000 ever notice when the paved roads end - i usually see a big sign that states - drive at own risk - this road is not maintained ! my definition of a rd hunter is someone who does not or will not leave the vechile unless something is spotted next to the road within shooting distance of the truck! Fine line in the determinating if it is rd hunting as far as speed! even though i may have a destination in mind - I'm always looking for game animals out the window - .I'll drive slow ,sometimes stop and even get out and glass - - this is not road hunting - so i stop and spot/glass and animal 1/2 mile up a hill and go after it - was I rd hunting ? my hunting does not start till i stop and get out of the vechile to pursue the game animal- which we all do anytime we enter the field to go hunting .
  2. elkaholic

    Thanks ALOT! You JACKWAGONS!

    a "2 track" in the bottom of a canyon is not a maintained rd. you say they stopped got out and shot at buck where's the illegal no one wants to be in the position of danger because of some idiots usin scope to glass -
  3. elkaholic

    Outdoor Writer of the Year

    WHO ? Tony Who?? way to go - ! the price of autographs just went up! dang shoulda got mine at the ADA banquet! Congratulations !
  4. here's view from our trailer deck in 10- rds do get bad and the clay mud is slick as **** - in the third we can see the tank - i like to use my 30x80's - I usually see elk and antelope but not a whole lot of deer - though i know they are around - hope to make a trip in Jan if weather clears/warms up!
  5. elkaholic

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    I'm sure that they are probably not able to keep them contained with in a fenced area - hunting around the ranch might prove to be a great area !
  6. elkaholic

    Monster glass

    heres info from the owner The "big eyes" that I have are by Zeiss. I got 'em, as far as I know, long before that other outfit started importing replicas. I can't tell you more than what you could see.
  7. elkaholic

    Need a new career

    just when i need a plumber - dang - good luck on finding something -
  8. elkaholic

    Monster glass

    they are in transit - but asked guy who spent the most time looking thru them - will get id info soon and heres wa his reply "From what I remember, these are the real deal, East German Zeiss binos. The case had East German markings. These are not finished anything like the Oberwerks."
  9. elkaholic

    Monster glass

    I'll try to get all the info asap- thanks for the reply - guess i shoulda wrote some of the info down -oops they may be ober- most of his optics were zeiss- had a very interesting collection !
  10. elkaholic

    Monster glass

    was kinda hard to really tell- as the clouds hung a little low accross the mtns. but the glass itself was in pristine condition. - I'm guessing this is where the concept of duel spotting scopes originated - kinda hard to even find anything written up about these - please if anyone knows - post it up!
  11. elkaholic

    another late Nov. buck

    nice buck - 110
  12. elkaholic


    not sure where to go withthis one mat a zels seems to be the way i sound it out - when referring to that mtn range -
  13. elkaholic

    Draw reaults

    21 ham always lookin for new herds - slim pickins last yr.
  14. elkaholic

    Recent history of Spring draw results

    did the place that printed tags get illeagal immigration bust - they may be loookin for new printer also
  15. elkaholic

    Very Nice non typical Coues

    super nice buck - - i see eye guards !
  16. elkaholic

    3x9x40 scope range

    bottom line it depends on the scope - bushnell to leupold big difference in quality of lense even bushnel sportview to elite series a lot depends on the scope itself - as far as quality!
  17. elkaholic


    all kinds of cushions / foam seat etc theres several good one that wont break the bank at cabelas - i like on that has seat and back and i can fold back down to make extra thick seat - both laid flat is even a comfortable pad the catch a few zzz's if needed and stay off the cold groaund or rock stuff .
  18. elkaholic

    Recent history of Spring draw results

    lotsa hits on credit cards - easy to check if ya used online apps
  19. elkaholic

    whats the deal with locating elk in unit 6a

    - just my .02 you may never agin see the populations of elk that we use to have ! most of our state is being over hunted - the g$f has systematically been killing off -way too many of - the cows , for several yrs now you take 3-5 hundred cow elk out of the herd - that could add up to -mature cow 1-2 calves a yr. - 700 to 1000 elk for that yr- in 3 yrs you are talking 5000 or more easily I'm not a numbers guy but i'd guess in 5 yrs those cows may have increased the herd by 7-10,000 elk
  20. elkaholic

    Hippies are taking over

    too late for entre in the funniest trail camera photo
  21. elkaholic

    t/c venture recall

    iknow a few rifles were donated and won at the ADA banquet last yr. http://www.smith-wesson.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Category4_750001_750051_777653_-1_757978_757978_image
  22. elkaholic

    Ground blind

    MY ATTITUDE I've never touch a camera- blind etc.- never will- just we've seen so many post on stuff stolen blinds/camers etc. - my pop-up comment meant if its yours -you can just as easy to take with you when you leave we all know anything you leave has a good chance to be stolen - we all know "sometimes" items are left kinda reserve a spot. we also know a lot of property has been confiscated by fs personell no -leaving it over night is not a big deal - justsaying the way things are - if you leave it -you kinda gota expect someone to take it - my comments weren't meant to be personel- so easy to take things out of context- but whatever agin like i stated sorry your stuff was taken!
  23. elkaholic

    Ground blind

    how long was it left there - no reserve parking allowed -? thats why they are pop-up - easy to take with you sorry stuff stolen but why leave it? nothing new - a chance ya take -just like the cameras here today - gone tomorrow
  24. elkaholic

    AG&F Youth Field Course Complaint

    I can see his point - they preach its for the kids - get our young hunters in the field - and when its time for them to step up and help "FINISH" the class - like sorry class is full? we dont do it here- only thing available is tucson if its not full already - - the online class makes it easier to pass the exam but without the field day to complete it - - its got to be frustrating - locals shouldnt have to drive to tucson for this - why isnt there something at ben every every month - there has got to be local guy who "could do this" at least once a month! how many are in a class to make it full??
  25. elkaholic

    Looking for compound bow

    probably can go witha 30 in draw and shoot with a loop on the string - should take up 1/2 inch anyway