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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. Memo ARIZONA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1700 West Washington l Phoenix , Arizona l 85007-2844 PHONE: (602) 926-3233 l FAX: (602) 417-3043 Rep. Jerry Weiers (R-Dist. 12) hb 2072 SALE OF BIG GAME TAGS STATE CAPITOL, PHOENIX (January 17, 2012) – In a well intentioned effort to preserve the future of big game sport hunting in the state of Arizona, I worked with my colleagues and constituents and Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife by sponsoring HB 2072. I did so not only out of a sense of duty to promote the natural health of our state’s wildlife but also to guarantee the future of big game hunting for generations of hunters to come whom, like myself, want nothing more than to responsibly join in this rich and deeply rooted tradition. The conservationists and hunting/angling sportsmen and sportswomen whom were supporting this bill met with me last week. After meeting with them I decided that this legislation would not be received favorably by the hunting sportsmen and sportswomen of our state. And for this reason I ultimately decided that the bill in its present form will not move forward. It is most unfortunate that Arizona’s sportsmen, including members of some of Arizona’s foremost wildlife conservation groups, have no concept as to how HB 2072 would benefit the state of Arizona, the Arizona Game and Fish Department, wildlife and wildlife habitat, Arizona’s youth, landowners and sportsmen. The State would benefit by increasing tourism and providing a $25.4 Million annual boost in economic activity for the state - $4 Million of which would benefit our rural counties; raise an additional $2.2 Million in new tax collections for state and local governments; and $10.2 million additional income for Arizona households. The Arizona Game and Fish Department would benefit by increasing hunting and fishing license revenues to the state by approximately $900,000 and providing additional sources of revenue to augment three critical problem areas identified in the Department’s Five-Year Strategic Plan. From 1996 to 2006 (according to a U. S. Fish and Wildlife Report) the number of hunting and fishing licenses sold by the Department decreased by 98,000 combined despite the fact that Arizona ’s population grew substantially. Arizona’s wildlife would benefit by providing approximately $1 Million for wildlife habitat enhancement and increasing big game wildlife populations. The Department has insufficient revenues to fund the many habitat enhancement projects currently on the list and Arizona ’s big game wildlife herds, except for elk, are either decreasing in size or are staying relatively flat despite the annual infusion of $90 to $100 Million annually in Department spending. For example total deer permits issued have dropped from a high of 92,545 permits in 1984 to a low of 36,665 permits in 2004. In 2010 43,993 total deer permits were issued. Mule deer herd sizes have suffered the most as demonstrated in the Department’s harvest report which shows that harvested mule deer numbers decreased from a high of 19,454 in 1986 to a low of 3,753 in 2003. A total of 4,818 mule deer were harvested in 2010. Arizona’s youth would benefit by providing approximately $750,000 to introduce the youth to replace hunters and anglers leaving the sport. As of the most recent U. S. Fish and Wildlife published in 2006 68% of the hunters and anglers are 35 years of age and older while 32% are 35 years of age and under. Arizona Landowners and Sportsmen would benefit by providing approximately $750,000 to $1 Million in new revenue to augment the Department’s landowner access program. Landowners are closing access, in large part because of the cost incurred to accommodate public access and damage done to private lands by irresponsible sportsmen, access across private land to public lands is continuing to diminish, thus leaving hundreds of thousands of acres unavailable to the sportsmen to hunt and fish. The situation that helped me decide to not move forward with the legislation is one in which I found myself determined to avoid the breakdown of a currently unified front of hunting constituents and enthusiasts though holding the bill may not accomplish that objective. I know that we cannot afford to divide this extremely important union of conservationists that have been, for the most part, our most staunch allies in the face of threats against the rights of Arizona’s hunters and anglers starting with the initiative that ended the ability to trap on public lands. I feel we, the sportsmen and women of Arizona , have a mutual admiration for the wildlife of our state and the rights of Arizona ’s hunters and anglers to join in its bounty. I can only hope that conservation organizations and the average sportsmen will try to understand the bigger picture and the benefits of HB 2072, support this or a similar concept and not allow those who would oppose us to divide and conquer and further destroy our right to hunt and fish. I will continue to work in earnest to make sure that the sport of big game hunting and angling will be available for many generations to come. I encourage those of you who were concerned only about getting a tag to rethink your position. HB 2072 offered a unique and innovative way to help offset the current trend of problems that, if allowed to continue, will only continue to deplete our big game herds and limit fishing opportunities, thus reducing our hunting and fishing opportunities in the future.
  2. elkaholic

    My VERY COOL buck from Mexico

    AWEsume buck- Mexico always seems to have monster coues bucks- that is a great trophy - way to go
  3. elkaholic

    Where do we go from here?

    - please read ! sfw influence on hunting http://www.hcn.org/blogs/range/alaska-wildlife-woes-raise-red-flags-outside
  4. Hello Doug- just a question - We all know how keeping the lens clean is a big issue and I see you do carry cleaners and lens cloths etc . this is what i ususally use to clean my personell glass and other optics - will they be ok for these new swarovski's http://www.amazon.com/Zeiss-Pre-Moistened-Cloths-Wipes-Count/dp/B003O5FCZ6 i like the little pre moistureized wipes as they fit in pocket and can always have in pack - etc.
  5. Our latest Prize Winners are as follows: The Runner Up Winner of a #58130 Swarovski CL Companion 8x30 Black Binocular is Deborah H of CWT Congratulations to our latest winners. Hello Doug - WOW is all I can say Deborah H is my wife guys - We've been putting in for this contest - probably over a year now - She is AWE struck right now - I had to call Doug an actually confirm this morning - just to be sure - lol Like he stated - Maybe if I ask real nice I'll be able to use them. We are hopin she'll draw an elk tag this yr. Hoping this is a start to some really good luck.? Maybe if I'm really lucky I can "ASK" use them on my piggy hunt but i know she'll want to go out on a scouting trip first. WOW --- we all know who owns the best pair of bino's in the Hanson house now - DO not forget -- lets support Doug and Cameralandny - here and on the other sites . We all know they have the best deals on optics and camera's. Anytime someone asks about optics I always refer them to Doug!
  6. elkaholic

    Where do we go from here?

    what's wrong? - takin from another site - The Mohave Sportsman Club Board, which knew nothing of the proposal like many groups, is going to take a wait and see attitude and see what rises from the ashes of this mess. no big deal for me as as far as I am concerned with the bill being dead, and those involved are not planning any kind of "resurrection" time to move on and keep working for wildlife and sportsmen in AZ. Don Martin Exactlly what azsfw wants and expects !!
  7. elkaholic

    Where do we go from here?

    we need to know who stands where - do each of these organizations know what happened with 2072 and where they now stand .are they with us or are they with them - have they paid theeir dues and still support he very people who pulled this crap. we know AES AND YVRGC WITHDREW BUT DID THEY ALREADY DONATE MONEY FOR 2012 here a list of groups who openly joined Arizona Deer Association (Platinum) -- on the fence Arizona Big Horn Sheep Society (Platinum) - ? Arizona Antelope Foundation (Silver)--? Phoenix Chapter, Safari Club International (Silver)__? Arizona Chapter, Safari Club International (Silver)__? Tucson Chapter, Safari Club Inbternational (Silver)--? Arizona Bowhunter's Association (Bronze)-- ? Southern Arizona Wildlife Callers, Inc. (Bronze)__? Arizona Predator Callers (Bronze)--? Arizona Trapper's Association (Bronze)--? Grand Canyon Hounds (Bronze)--? Mogollon Sporting Association (Bronze)--? ----------------------------------------------------------- Arizona ELk Society - B.S. NO MORE Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club-- B.S. NO MORE i guess we can call it the first step. i guess we need all the members of each group to decide - no standing on the fence - do they agrree with 2072 and what azsfw tried to do or are the insulted and upset it happened, and refuse to have them represent them anymore. you either say - it ok - i still trust them with my money and the choices they make for me! or BS i want to think / speak for myself agin I don't want to trust someone who just tried to backstab me and hasn't comforward to say anything - to explain or ??? guess they figure - if i dont reply it will all just go away and i can go back to business as usual. the silence on these issues is up to each group and to us . pretty simple - sit and let it go - but ya better watch your back- or change it! I vote we change it before its to late - its already gone way past forget, We need to stop it now or welcome the sfw to Arizona If you are in any of these organizations - please bring it to their attention and a vote and inform us here !! somebody who knows how get LARK'S name put on the open seat for the commisssion reveiw board !
  8. elkaholic

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    I think you was wrong to remove it! you coulda removed the bad post - give folks a warning about keeping things under control ran its course ??
  9. elkaholic

    Bobcat Mount

    good luck -
  10. elkaholic

    A bunch of bad news

    just another thought - most home owners have a $500 or $1000 deductable now days - plus more than 1-2 claims they will probably drop you - so unless its a major issue home owners may not a real good choice luckily our freezer is in pantry/washroom inside the house. I heard of so many in hotter garages and such gong bad - wonder if the heat/temps in closed garage causes some ofthe problems. bummer on lossin hides and meat in freezer . hope things turn for the best - nothing like a new member of the family to change things around.
  11. elkaholic

    Weiers memo

    "The AZSFW apologized for their actions and pointed out that the two groups are a distinct and separate entity." well i see the top 3 people of azsfw alan-floyd-art-all on the board of azsfwc plus add susan gilstrap how can you have distinct and seperate entity with these same people representing both groups - And if in fact the president of azsfwc -states he doesn't know who represents his organization in legislative action/ consulting management -that is a joke in itself!!
  12. elkaholic

    Weiers memo

    heres the original MUO- i think thats what the topic they were discussing- page 7 atricle 9A http://www.azgfd.gov/inside_azgfd/documents/20091204CommMtgMinutes.pdf working together to fund projects period!! not to steal our tags or rewrite articles for hunting limits or magizine capacities . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- does anyone still not see the sfw / azsfw controlling influence on the commission reveiw board ?
  13. elkaholic

    Weiers memo

    2. One member designated by the board of directors of an organization that is qualified pursuant to section 501©(3) or 501©(4) of the internal revenue code whose articles of incorporation or bylaws stipulate that the mission or purpose of the organization is to increase, sustain or otherwise conserve wild turkey, deer, elk, pronghorn (antelope), bighorn sheep, ducks, quail or fish and that has been in existence for at least five years. i think they really didnt like this idea so they just changed it to H2360: GAME & FISH APPOINTMENT BOARD Modifies the qualifications for the member of the Game and Fish Appointment Recommendation Board that formerly was required to be designated by an organization whose mission is the conservation of a long list of wildlife and fish to someone designated by an organization whose mission is to conserve only one of the named species of wildlife or fish. First sponsor: Rep. Jerry Weiers
  14. elkaholic

    Weiers memo

    wonder how this will affect anything/ copied from another site :: Leonard Gary Stinson was referred to the full senate by a 3-2 vote of the Senate Natural Resources and Transportation Committee for a confirmation vote to the Game & Fish Appointment Recommendation Board. His role on this board would be to select future candidates for consideration to appointment to the Game & Fish Commission. In his testimony before the committee, Mr. Stinson expressed his pride in working with and lobbying for Defenders of Wildlife, working with the Sierra Club and Sportsmen For Wildlife (yes that SFW). He stated his position in assuring "diversity" in the make up of the commission so all interests can be represented. He is the only candidate that applied for the position. I know nothing of Mr. Stinson but I can draw some conclusions based on his affiliations as to what direction he would like to see in the actions of the Game & Fish Commission. I'm not interested in the introduction of wolves as planned in the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project or the allocation of tags to SFW for any purpose. It is my opinion his appointment to the Board will be to the detriment of wildlife and the hunting heritage in the state of Arizona:: nice to know a little about the people who get to recommend the members of our commission named on the board of azsfwc
  15. elkaholic

    coues crazy outfitters

    "Saw a truck with coues crazy outfitter sticker in Cananea just woundering if the had a good hunt also a jeep with licence plate from Wisconsin any luck???" It doesn't surprise me that cousecrazy outfitters is presently hunting in Mexico - If they live up to past hunts - they tagged a few bucks - Hey - Derek can you post up a few pics?
  16. elkaholic

    Weiers memo

    thank you for the ADA update-- the question about the review board - it has a chairman for 5 yrs (3 more) who is at the heart of azsfw - that is what is disturbing - this person and his wife are undoubtably the same people who are reponsable for - helped weiers to sponsor and lobbyed for bill 2072 - its hard not to think they are on this commission board for a reason - we've just seen the way they want to represent the wildlife organizations and sportsman of Arizona - to futher themselves $$$$$$ why do we want to trust anything associated with these same individuals? like they say there are many ways to skin a cat - some of us seem to feel this is a way of eventually controlling the game and fish commission .
  17. elkaholic


    well i got on the site and tried my best to give an accountable protest to a few items = one car length - what happened to the heritage of camping out in the NF-- i really want to camp a car length from a dusty driven road - what can we do to change the wording - this is plane crazy!
  18. elkaholic

    Hunting and Angling Heritage Work Group

    Thank you Amanda- For bringing this group HAHWAG to the attention of the members here on cwt. hopefully it will make its way accross all the sites! It's what we need more of here in Arizona to continue a hunting/ fishing heritage. Hats off to all those traveled near and far, to braved the elements for a great cause .
  19. elkaholic

    Weiers memo

    i would also like to find out where the ADA stands on the issues dealing with their support - platnium status of funding for the AZSFW- because of the 2072 bill- do not forget talk about the bill for no limit on the capacity of magazines - as to how and why it was proposed and sponsored by weiers and most like ly came from the azsfw group - were in the loop on that one ?
  20. elkaholic

    Weiers memo

    JOHN when is the ADA gonna tell us where they stand on whats been happening here - guess the meeting was canceled when the bill was dropped - the issue still remains with support of azsfw- since they are a platnium contributor
  21. elkaholic


    THANK YOU - this is what we need - orginizations coming forward and stating an issue of importance - to US. then we can not wonder later when something is passed and we ask- why didn't I know about this. MY thanks to the AES for bringing this to my attention
  22. elkaholic

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    wouldnt a member or supportor azsfw fill or be eligible for the first 3 postions as written ?
  23. elkaholic

    Weiers memo

    BPJ we know your perspective - pull the cart while the rest must be cheering you on - you still seem to be standing alone well JOHN - how does the ADA stand on any of these issues- since you are the president - we need to start knowing which views are yours and which are that of the ADA - so we dont get confused .
  24. elkaholic

    Weiers memo

    yep we are just seeing what yrs of work the sfw influence has really done - 2072 is a prime example of what they wanted to accomplish - it's easy to see this commission review board as a way of - eventually controling the G&F commisssion - at least we see these orgs comin at us - not sneaking in behind us while they know we've finally been lulled into a state of trust .
  25. elkaholic

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    well how can we make the voice we've show this past week, be heard even louder and see what we can do to reverse this unneeded board before they set up exactly whom they-(azsfw ) want in control of the g&f commission. Here agin we all need to see this-commission reveiw board - is as bad as 2072 and what we can do to put it to an end to something azsfw has forced thru .