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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. STALL - STALL -STALL I hear it now - they will thank me later when we have all these new tags for our next banquet! ADA needs to decide more than just 2072 and azsfw
  2. the way it was explained - the 25 mill isnt expo revenue . only a portion- that was money people would spend - traveling - eating - accomidations etc getting to and from the expos/ banquets where the tags would be the drawing attraction. the tags would probably generate less than 3 million - even if G&F got 30% 900,000. how much of that would be alloted for the programs , that need so much help finacially! Like stated before these bums were just winging / fabricating sums to impress the govenor and legislators, how can they say this county or that county would get 350,000 etc - there is no way to figure what people would be willing to spend .
  3. elkaholic

    I wana learn taxidermy

    Start reading and watching videos - I know quite a few people just doing their own - most look great for first timers -- lots of mounts /kits available some with eyes already mounted - Check out VAN DYKES taxidermist supplies -
  4. please forward to all representatives and the govenor!! great info . on where the money is! It really isn't much for the state!
  5. elkaholic


    well i finallly got a call back - We need to quit referring to bill 2072 they look it up see weiers dropped it - its no longer on any agenda - we need to focus on the Wildlife Tags for Sale /auction I had to explain in detail about the tags - we know the original bill 2072 is dead but we are worried a strikerbill will show-up with wildlfie tags for sale! the wording may be different but it still getting tags from G&F to be sold/ to raise money for different programs to benifit wildlfie ,youth programs -with a private organization in full control of the money please state G&F is 100% against it ! then what ever you might add!
  6. elkaholic

    Guess the Date and Time Contest

  7. elkaholic

    ADA and 2072?

    boy that is fast action seeing how the bill will either go thru in the next 2 days or be done for the yr. tell BPJ - well you know !
  8. elkaholic

    Where Does ADBSS Stand on HB 2072

    In response to questions regarding the position of ADBSS on HB 2072: HB2072 was discussed at the February 8th Board Meeting. At that time, the ADBSS Board of Directors understood that the bill had been removed from the legislative process. Therefore, no action was taken. Now that the bill has resurfaced and could potentially be reintroduced, the ADBSS Board of Directors will be discussing this is...sue at the March 14th Board Meeting. While the ADBSS has been a supporting member of the AZSFW in the past, the ADBSS terminated financial support for AZSFW during the October 2011 Board Meeting. HB 2072 is an issue with multiple underlying ideals that has the potential to affect the future of wildlife conservation in Arizona. Therefore, it must be considered carefully and discussed in a public forum in conformance with Arizona State Open Meeting Laws and ADBSS Bylaws With the new information that has been received during the past few weeks, the ADBSS Board of Directors owes the ADBSS members, and all sportsmen of Arizona, an official position on HB 2072. While the ADBSS Board of Directors can individually discuss the merits of the bill prior to the Board Meeting, an official group statement should not be issued until then. An official position statement by the ADBSS Board of Directors will be forthcoming.
  9. elkaholic

    Where Does ADBSS Stand on HB 2072

    just in :: In response to questions regarding the position of ADBSS on HB 2072: HB2072 was discussed at the February 8th Board Meeting. At that time, the ADBSS Board of Directors understood that the bill had been removed from the legislative process. Therefore, no action was taken. Now that the bill has resurfaced and could potentially be reintroduced, the ADBSS Board of Directors will be discussing this is...sue at the March 14th Board Meeting. While the ADBSS has been a supporting member of the AZSFW in the past, the ADBSS terminated financial support for AZSFW during the October 2011 Board Meeting. HB 2072 is an issue with multiple underlying ideals that has the potential to affect the future of wildlife conservation in Arizona. Therefore, it must be considered carefully and discussed in a public forum in conformance with Arizona State Open Meeting Laws and ADBSS Bylaws With the new information that has been received during the past few weeks, the ADBSS Board of Directors owes the ADBSS members, and all sportsmen of Arizona, an official position on HB 2072. While the ADBSS Board of Directors can individually discuss the merits of the bill prior to the Board Meeting, an official group statement should not be issued until then. An official position statement by the ADBSS Board of Directors will be forthcoming.
  10. elkaholic

    green outfitters

    hopefully someone smarter tham myself will think of something - thanks Steph for making a public video - we need all the help we can get and any new ideas are worth trying.! THANKS to one and ALL! we need more of this - time to go public http://www.yumasun.com/sports/fish-77418-call-range.html.
  11. elkaholic

    green outfitters

    One can hope that both Steve and Duwane have taken the time to contact the Govenor and their represntatives- the more outfitters the better! THANKS to both of you
  12. We need to be very alert this next week - bills like 2072 only have 1 more week to be able to make it to the floor this session . Most likly a striker bill. Seeing as they have pushed this hard,We have to expect this will happen. Probably why ADA and the other organizations are not saying anything against azsfw. I'm sure they have been informaed by azsfw if they hop the fence now and this does go thru - they will be excluded from particpation. kinda like the bribe they made g&f -- your support for a piece of the pie . ADA probably knows all this - most likely BPJ is fully aware and if it goes away before they make any decission they can say agin its dead !! we were assured of that! Well if you ask me ADA haas pie on their face already! ADA still needs to let everyone know how they stand on supporting azsfw. BE VIGILANT this week ! EVERYONE!! We are spending too much time talking to each other about this. We need to start talking to new people. If everyone currently talking to people who are already opposed to it, started talking to people who don't know about it, and got those people to talk to more people, we could get thousands involved very quickly, those people need to email and call their representatives and the Governors office. If one person reached out to 4 new people, and those four each reach out to four more. Now is the time guys fourth quarter ! If you have been sitting on the sidelines - get into the game NOW!!
  13. elkaholic

    ADA and 2072?

    can we see a copy of the letter - email being sent to members ?/ or if bpj is against it - could someone getting the letter/email/ survey post it. be nice to know what they are being asked to vote on and how is 2072 being explained so they can understand it.also we need to know where they stand in support of azsfw!
  14. elkaholic

    brewers endorsement

    +1 on primary election but we all need to agree to have one canditate to get all our votes or we will lose and have to suffer thru 4 more yrs of our next dictator we can not divide the votes- they all need to be unanimous or we all lose!!
  15. elkaholic

    They are still at it

    Anyone watching the legistors agenda tomorrow - striker bill ? always suspect the unexpected - watch me I'm over here doing this !
  16. elkaholic

    More emails I received

    if you paste and copy above names ur are includung susanne and hamberlin - ok
  17. elkaholic

    Jr Turkey OTC

    PM sent give mme a call
  18. elkaholic

    WTB reloading press

    blake i got a rcbs jr 3 its the big old press in good shape - got scale powder measure and some dies and extra i'm looking to sell give me a call Gary 602-993-2657
  19. elkaholic

    Locked gate on state trust land

    how about to get out thru the gate ?
  20. i'm hearing they sent letter with poll- i would not use or trust anything from azsfw!!
  21. what ever happened to the ADA sending out immediate emails to members to find out how they vote on supporting azsfw - Have any member even gotten an email - they do not want to withdraw! stall stall stall - They are delighted we get distracted !
  22. sorry - but to post "Without going into a 400-page novel here because now it’s all a moot point" it's not mute ! it's not dead! "Many of the people opposed to auction tags are either philosophically opposed and/or just not willing to forego one tag if it means their odds of drawing a tag are affected in any way." one tag ??? I like the "we made the decision " --without asking or informing the people/organizations whom they were suppose to represent To be silent all this time and post this on another site for another state instead of here??!! i do not see outdoors adventures listed as partnered with elk hunter mag. B.S.
  23. elkaholic

    Happy Bday Mrs125coues, bowhuntaz1 and dustyb0!

    hope you did something special today - enjoy the day
  24. elkaholic

    Jon Voight...

    gotta like the guy! totally believe what is said