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Everything posted by elkaholic

  1. elkaholic


    AZSFW not only wants to sell our wildlife, but it also has hired lobbyists to influence legislators to bypass this tried and true system. If it gets its way, the result will be a Legislature that micro-manages our wildlife with little input from the public and (more importantly) professional wildlife managers. thats sounds like a headliner to me!
  2. elkaholic

    Gateway Outdoors March Meeting

    well how did it go?
  3. please send this information to her and call her !!! as a non resident it may help influence her opinons - call untill you get her hey i can make cool pie charts too - kinda think we gave them that idea! since its a new tactic
  4. Sad day when they believe the B.S.
  5. elkaholic

    2072 moving

    there is no admendments showing on 1300 or 1305 ya got anythingelse for us to look at ?!
  6. elkaholic

    2072 not dead

    i'd be happy if my reps would return a call - left several mesages - the yhave real nice office help to which i have explained things too.
  7. elkaholic

    2072 not dead

    how many of those are on the g&f commissioners review board ?
  8. " let's stay focuss at the same time and don't loose focuss on our hunting heritage." I thought that was exactly what we were / are fighting for - our future hunting heritage - free of more tags for sale!
  9. Thats a great idea - lets all just relax -I'd be happy to join you. BUT thats exactly what they want - for us to give up - forget about it I wish it never started It's not about all the good things - it's changed everything - sad to say It's changed you , it's changed me- everyone! ****THEY WILL NOT STOP **** they have proved that - I can't quit now! One can not quit till its over or you've already lost! This is too important to lose! It's here - It's happening NOW We have to deal with it! one way or another thats my.02
  10. elkaholic

    2072 not dead

    they know the main speakers at the legislature do not like it as worded - we told them that G&F gives them a list of all organizations invited to the Thursday meeting do you think they have sat idle with this list - - guess agin hope you posted on all sites!!
  11. we all lose the perspective of truth and honesty when dealing with some political issues. we can thank AZSFW for this mess - which includes those who support and activily continue to pursue the idea of "MORE" tags for sale . It's not about wildlife - It's not about conservation - It's not about hunting It all boils down to MONEY AZSFW wants an expo to make money - of which they want complete control. That's the PAYDAY the rest is all whitewash. lots of other ways to raise money - so many times the option of a conservation stamp has been stated. $5- stamp - 400,000 fishing/ hunting licenses - a cool 2 million - approx same money these tags would raise - problem solved if it was truly about providing funds for wildlfie and the different programs. The tags are the only way they get an expo!
  12. elkaholic

    Where are the snow pictures?

    heres 6 miles n/w of ashfork this morning in unit 10
  13. Jim -- Thank you for your honest answer. I hate politics too. Ugly business. I'm sure the majority wish this crap had never happened and would go away - but unfortunatly it doesnt look like that will happen! This was the first time i saw you here thats why I asked! Say hello to your Dad for me!
  14. kinda wondering - JIM - was that your first imput on this subject, that has been discussed /argued etc. for weeks ,when you edited a post. A question ! do you support azsfw or bill 2072? i do not recall seeing you ever making a comment.
  15. elkaholic

    coues crazy outfitters

    Finally out hunting agin! stop in and say hey sometime!!
  16. "Yes, maybe They made a mistake in the way they handled and introduced " lets see - they betrayed the trust of every organization by having the attitude -- WE DECIDED they didnt discuss or communicate ,they tried to sneak it thru and make it a law before we could even think about it!! a few decided what was better for everyone. " they apologized for it...Let's move on-- " trust has to be earned - then they insult us - tell us we don't whats good for us. you'll be sorry. they further insult us by the continued push to get the tags,the wording changed to say hey - we'll give you a piece of the pie They still want the cream of the hunting tags. They still want to change the rules. They still want to control the money! We do not need someone who wants to control the G&F department. We do not need someone who says give us the money, just do not ask what we do with it. you'll get some we need someone whom we can trust and will communicate with us and be open and honest - it's not azsfw azsfw 2.bmp
  17. Thanks Amamda - for the reminder. I'm guilty - I will stop making personal attacks and edited/deleted a few post -
  18. were gonna have to expand the list of so called "trouble Makers"
  19. wonder what Lark would have suggested??
  20. you can bet your bottom dollar someone spent all day contacting everyone on the list. wouldn't want them to go to a meeting and not having put your .02 cents in first.! got to have your priorities - right - I like your helper - you got off cheap this time - wait till its a whole pizza and wings - or no work! still hear crying but for the truck keys.
  21. yep-- a 3 finger shot - gives one a different perspective of things! especially if one doesn't indulge much!
  22. ADA - ABA - - ok-- like a who's who ABA is listed as a member of the azsfw!!! this whole stinkin mess is givin me headache it'll be a 3 finger night -tonight !
  23. wow - ADA finally does the right thing as far as saying they are against a bill that is dead! Any new votes for new leadership at the ADA poll HEY WHAT ABOUT SUPPORT for AZSfW !!!!! i thought that was what the vote was about ' thats why i requested someone to post the email / letter WHAT A JOKE!!
  24. - ada leadership is really showing its true colors - why have a letter to ask what the members want when the leaders have already decided. not only are the all for the idea of 2072 they are out actively lobbing for it!! how do they sit and say one thing -- knowing its all B.S. it's all about the money making EXPO!!!! SFW stink all over it !