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About elkaholic

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  1. elkaholic

    Bushnell Forge 8x42 binoculars(final price drop)

    Bump for final markdown! 1/2 the cost of what Scheels list's.
  2. elkaholic

    Win A Kowa TSN-55S Spotting Scope

    AWESOME!! THANKS so much for all you do and the great job Cameraland NY does for us hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. By offering such great optics and equipment. Always top of the line products with great deals! Nobody else in the world offers the fantastic give away products as Cameraland NY. When freinds and relatives talk about purchasing any kind of optics, I always recommend your great deals. I tell them to ask for Doug , as he'll have just what you need! I'll be happy to leave a review later. Thanks agin Doug , I'll be using it on my up coming Turkey hunt. A monocular will make a great carry along in my truck while driving. Quick and easy to use. Hawke have a great lineup of optics, that anyone would be glad to have and use.. Good job Hawke!
  3. elkaholic

    Swamp cooler service

    Pull pad, let pan dry .spray with a liquid rubber sealer. Or a tar seal. Should easily last the summer.
  4. elkaholic

    Landowner Tags

    Funny landowners true story. New boss from out-of-state bought a lot near Munds Park. He bought and parked a new rv on his lot. He knows I'm an avid hunter. He calls me over and asks who he has to talk too, about getting his landowners elk tag.. I laughed so hard , it hurt my sides! Needles to say. I just gave him the Game and Fish phone number. Figured they needed a good laugh too! Guess who was the first one laid-off!
  5. Lightly used condition , Clear glass! Comes with kuiu ultralight hunting harness. One hand flip-top. Real nice setup ready to take hunting Reduced to 250. Or I'll just keep it as a spare pair. Great optics, awesome chest harness Shipping 20 Gary 602 762 6695 *local Chino Valley pickup
  6. elkaholic

    Crossbow permit repeal

    These management hunts are for the whole year long season7 by
  7. elkaholic

    Crossbow permit repeal

    Who here really thinks hunting with a crossbow gives a hunter an unfair advantage over a compound bow.? They are way more cumbersome to load an arrow, especially in a hunting scenario. Get out cocking rope. Makes a nice loud click. Put rope away. Get a bolt out etc. All while trying to see the animals location. . Hope that bucks not laughing to hard. Now I'm walking around with a cocked, loaded crossbow for rest of day. Not to mention hazards of getting in ,out of a the truck. Take one out while walking thru the woods for a few miles, they get heavy and awkward . Let alone problems dealing with the rugged terrains. Kinda heard the ridiculous theory that crossbow hunters are killing more deer, than other hunters. All archery hunters just love the new quota system. Its ok to limit number of deer harvested during the otc archery season. They even added extra days to hunt . They still give out thousands of rifle permits. Why not give a quota system for crossbows. Unfortunately I can no longer use my compound bow. Due to arthritis in my left thumb., hand. Its very painful just to hold a bow , let alone draw. To be honest I'm having problems just gripping a crossbow or a rifle to get a steady shot. Practicing with shooting sticks helps. Did you see the list of tags for the hunter pool. Giving out thousands of tags for numerous species. Why not make some of those tags, available for a season for crossbows.
  8. elkaholic

    New OHV Safety Course

    Read the fine print, when you see a bold highlighted statement. I fell for it. The 35 DOLLAR course is over 4 hrs long. 50 question certification test. Once you start your screwed. Mvd FREE COURSE is 20 min video and 20 questions to get certified. I feel like I got scamed by the AZGFD . Extra 15 for a certification card. The only possible upside. Possible cheaper insurance if I ever want to make my quad Street legal or if I go to another state where a certified safety course is required
  9. elkaholic

    New OHV Safety Course

    The four little words not highlighted before free ohv course (they are not the)
  10. elkaholic

    New OHV Safety Course

  11. elkaholic

    New OHV Safety Course

    Do not take test above. Go to mvd for free test . Otherwise 35 fee if you use one of these, and takes 3 hours.
  12. elkaholic

    New OHV Safety Course

  13. elkaholic

    New OHV Safety Course

    Anyone take the new mandatory test? New 2025 law effective Jan 1. Take course / test or no OHV decal.